Chapter 16

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As the next day came Hayley got Katherine ready. "Where we going mommy." Katherine asked her playing with her hair. "To visit mommy's friend." She told her picking her up and walked downstairs.

She expected James to make the right choice and see him in the kitchen waiting but she didn't. "Where's daddy." Katherine asked her. "Busy my Luv but that's ok because we we're leaving right now anyways."

Hayley said putting their jackets on before they left. She appeared to Andromeda's house and knocked on the door and it was open up by Ted. "My goodness Andy come quick." Ted yelled smiling and she rushed over.

"Hey." Hayley said before getting pulled into a hug. "My god I thought something happened didn't hear from you all these years your ok." Andromeda said. "Come in Hayley." Ted said as the two made their way in.

"Is this the baby." Andromeda said pointing to Katherine. "Yup i had a girl meet Katherine." Hayley said to them while she hid behind her legs. She knelt down to her height. "Luv this is Auntie Andy and Uncle Ted remember I told you about them."

Hayley told her. "Hi." She said to them waving at them. "You've gotten so big." Andromeda told her smiling at her. "Mommy have you seen my shoes." They heard someone say coming downstairs.

"Auntie Hayley." Nyphadora said running into her arms. "Oh my goodness your so big now." Hayley told her placing her back on the ground. "Dora remember when I was pregnant-yup with my cousin." Nyphadora said cutting her off.

"Yes we'll she's standing next to you." Hayley told her and they both stared at each other. "Wanna go play in my room I have this set we can use." She said to Katherine. "Can I." Katherine said looking at Hayley. "Go ahead." She told her and the two of them both ran off upstairs.

"Now tell us everything that has happened these past nine years." Ted told her while they walked to the living room. "We'll after we sent Kat away for her safety everything went downhill till I got her back of course then once I did not even two months in James and Lily went into hiding-we know that they ok."

Ted said cutting her off. "Their fine they were didn't come back till Katherine's second birthday left the next day didn't see them for almost an a year they came and went as they please and then I finally had enough of it." "Hayley what happened." Andromeda asked her.

"I told him he's either in Kats life or not because he just randomly shows up and it's messes with her head she kept asking me why doesn't he love her and your stupid cousin broke up me and my boyfriend." Hayley told them.

"Didn't you two get back together." Ted asked her. "Yeah until he left again and after that I-I wasn't gonna sit and wait for him to come back." She told them. "How have you been Hayley." Andromeda asked her. "I've been good just been raising Kat." She told them.


After some time at Andromedas and Ted house Hayley and Katherine left. "Mommy can we go get chocolate." Katherine asked her. "Yes baby we can." Hayley told her and as they we're walking to the store they ran into Ace.

"You ok." He told her looking at her. "Acey." Katherine said jumping out of Hayley's arms into his and he caught her so she didn't fall. "Hey munchkin how you doing." He told her. "I've been good we're going to get chocolate cone with us." She told him.

"Yeah you should come with us." Hayley told him. "Yeah sure I'll go with." Ace told them as he held Katherine and they went to the chocolate shop. They walked in the shop together and Katherine jumped down and ran around grabbing chocolate.

"So how have you been." Ace asked her. "Um good how have you've been." She asked him. "Alright how's Kat dealing with this." He asked her. "She dealt with a little hard but lately right now she's not been so good." "How come."

He asked. "Told James to either stay out of her life or stay in it and he choose to leave so I've been distracting her all day." She told him staring at Katherine who had a handful of chocolate. "We'll your not alone I'll be here." He told her making her smile. "Thank you."

She told him. "Luv that's to much." Hayley told her as some chocolate fell out of her hands. "Here come on munchkin let's go pay for this." Ace said picking the ones off the floor and taking her to the register.

"Awe your daughter is so cute." The lady told him while Katherine was opening the chocolate bar.

James overheard and looked to see who it was. He saw Ace with Katherine  who he was holding while she ate her chocolate. He walked over to them and grabbed Katherine. "Hi princess." James said and she stared at him.

"Mommy said you were busy." Katherine said. "Not anymore." He told her. "Look at all the chocolate I got daddy." She said showing him the ones she had put in her pocket and jacket pocket. "Oh yeah that's a lot where's your mommy." He asked her.

"Over their." She said pointing to Hayley who was walking over to them. "Mommy look it's daddy." Katherine said smiling and Hayley forced a smile at him. "Oh yeah Luv buts it's time to go home now." Hayley said taking her out of his arms. 

"Bye daddy." Katherine told him. "Bye princess." When he wasn't looking the lady took a picture. "Ready." Ace said holding the bag and they walked out. "What type of chocolate did she get." He asked the lady. "Um she got a whole bunch of the milk chocolate and apparently all of them." "When your next shipment comes in I want them all send them to this address." He said paying before walking out.

"Their out of Milk Chocolate Remus." "What how their was just some." He said staring at him in disbelief. "Yeah their ain't anymore." James told him and he groaned. "Was that Hayley we saw walking out." Alia asked. "Yeah she was with some guy he was holding Kat." Marlene said and James rolled his eyes.

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