Chapter 45

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Ace looked around for Katherine and shortly found her laying on the floor. He unbuckled himself quickly and rushed to her side. She was unconscious and not moving. "Kat wake up." He said shaking her.

Shortly the others started to wake up. They all got out the car and saw Ace holding onto Katherine. "Ace what happened." Sage said rushing over to him. "Mom she's not waking up." Ace said through his tears. "We need to get her to a hospital."

Emilio said as they rushed to the hospital. "Help help my daughter theirs been an accident." He yelled running in the hospital. Lily saw Ace run in and walked over to him. "Ace what happened." She said not noticing Katherine in his arms.

"Lily help her." He said laying her down on the bed. Lily looked at Katherine who was unconscious and covered in blood and cuts over her body. "I can't lose her too you need to save her." Ace told her as the nurses pushed them all out of the room.

He leaned against the wall covering his face and slid down the wall. "She'll be ok." Lucia told him. He didn't say anything but all he could do was cry and hope she is ok.

"Right start cpr." Lily said as the nurse started cpr. "Come on Kat we can't lose you as well." Lily whispered to herself. Lily had gotten called in for an emergency so she had to leave the burial early. They we're staring to shock her and still no heartbeat. "Push 1 of epi." Lily said and still nothing.

About 15 minutes and still no heartbeat. "We have to stop-We're not stopping this is my step-daughter and we're not stopping till I say so." Lily told them. "She's dead Lily." The doctor told her. "She's not dead unless she's cold and dead until then keep going." "One more." The doctor said and they did and they finally got a heartbeat.

"We got a heartbeat." The nurse said as Lily sighed in relief. "Set her up on a ventilator and check her vitals every hour on the dot." The doctor said walking out the room into the waiting area. "For the SinClair family." The doctor said and Ace got off the floor wiping her face and walked over to the doctor.

"How is she." He asked him. "We got a heartbeat but we did have to set her up on a ventilator until she can breath on her own we will be running some test to see if she's brain dead until then she'll stay on the ventilator but your daughter is ok for now." He said as he sighed in relief.

"Um thank you." Ace said as the doctor walked off and they walked into her room. His heart broke seeing her hooked up to tubes that is helping her stay alive. "She's ok Ace." Emilio said. "What if she isn't Milo my daughter's life is on the line and your telling me it's ok-Calm down." Lorenzo told him.

"Sorry." Ace said sitting down grabbing her hand. "Where the hell is she." James yelled running into the room. "What the hell did you do to her." James said looking at Ace. "What I do what did you do." Ace said looking at him.

"She's in here because of you." James said as Ace stood up. "You saying I put her in harms way-That's exactly what I'm saying." James said. "Says the one who went behind mine and Hayley's backs and took her from us and made her life miserable their that entire month she was with you."

Ace told him. "I did what was best for my daughter." James told him making him scoff. "Enough both of you if your gonna argue do it outside not in front of her especially when she's in these conditions. Both of you grow up." Sage yelled at them.

Meanwhile with Katherine she could hear distant yelling but couldn't find out where it was coming from. She woke up in a pitch black room she was guessing. She muttered a spell and created a light in her hand. She looked around and their was nothing their.

"Hello." She said as she heard it echoed. "Hello." She said louder. "Dad." She said looking around. "Hello Katherine I've been expecting you." She heard a voice and turned around but didn't see anyone.

"Who are you." She said. "Don't worry about that child." She heard it sounded like a male voice. "I'm I dead." She asked walking around. "Not yet you can either fight for your life or simply die." The voice told her.

"Your looking for you mother aren't you." He said. "No I'm not." She replied quickly. "Your mother has been watching over." He told her as she fell down some stairs and landed in her knees. "Who are you." Katherine asked once again.

"Just tell me the truth and you can see her again." He told her and she stayed quiet. "Ok fine yes I want to see my mom I need to know if she's ok and not alone nobody should ever be alone." She told her as he hummed in response.

Gas started to fill the room making it hard for her to breath. She soon passed out from the gas.

She soon woke up in the woods on the floor. She got off the ground looking around noticing she wasn't in the dark place anymore but on the floor of the ground.

She heard footsteps and turned around and saw Hayley. "M-Mom." She said. "Katherine." Hayley said as she ran into her arms. "Mommy." Katherine whispered as she hugged her. "Darling it isn't your time yet your not suppose to be here."

Hayley told her. "But I want to stay with you." Katherine said looking up at her. "You need to go back to your dad he needs you." Hayley said. "I'm scared mom." Katherine told her. "I know but you need to get back." "I don't know how." She told her.

Meanwhile Katherine was with Hayley she was flatlining in her bed. The nurses and doctors rushed in a fabulator. They pushed everyone out the room and started to work on Katherine again.

"Come on." Lily said as they shocked her. "Why is she flatlining she's not brain dead so what's going on." The doctor asked and they all shrugged their shoulders.

"I don't want to leave you alone." Katherine told Hayley as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Darling I'm not alone follow me." Hayley told her as they walked up more in the woods. They walked upon a fireplace where people we're sitting around talking and laughing and singing.

"I'm sorry if I didn't rush you to get married known of this would've happened." Katherine told her. "Darling it's not your fault." Hayley told her wiping her tears away. "You probably won't forgive me." Katherine told her as Hayley shook her head. "Your my daughter and I'd forgive you for anything even if it wasn't your fault Kat I love you but you need to wake up." Hayley told her.

They finally got her back stable and kept her on the ventilator. "Keep a close eye on her." The doctor said walking out the room.

"Luv I need you to wake up your to young you need to live your life you have your whole life ahead of you." "Yeah but that means you won't be in it." She told her. "If it happens then so what I'm glad it was me and not you I'd do anything so that you lived instead of me and I'm glad it went through me and not you."

Hayley told her as she tried not to cry. "Wake up darling you dad needs you your uncles and aunts they need you and so do the boys." She told her kissing her head. "I love you Katherine and your the best thing that has ever happened in my life never forget that the very best of me is in you." Hayley told her. "I love you mom." Katherine told her hugging her once more.

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