Chapter 72

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Katherine is now nine months her due date is in a couple of days. Theo has been by her side every single day. They are having a girl she laughed when Jo told them she was having a girl.

She had her baby shower last month it didn't go very well. James and them showed up which kinda ruined her day but didn't let it fully ruin her day. It was about her and the baby after all so she choose to ignore them the entire time.

They still haven't decided on a baby name yet. They are stuck on a few names but haven't fully decided it yet. Currently right now Theo and Katherine are walking around town before the baby comes. She has been having little contractions here and their but didn't pay no attention to it.

She stopped walking as Theo turned around and looked at her. "Luv what's wrong." Theo said as she held her stomach. "I think the baby is coming." She said looking up at him. "Oh dear lord ok stay calm no need to panic." He said panicking. "Yeah no need to panic."

She said grabbing his arm when some people walked over to them. "You guys might want to come with us." The man said as Theo put a protective grip on her. "And why should we." She said. "If you want to live I suggest you come with us."

The other man said showing them his gun. "Listen I'm about to have a child can we do this later." She said as they stared at her. "Ugh fine." She said as they took them to a church. "So why have you kidnapped us." She asked as they forced her to lay down on the table as some girls walked out.

"Well your the daughter of Ace Hernandez and your carrying his grandchild so revenge." He said as he eyes widened. They pointed the gun at Theo pushing him against the wall. "Come on seriously just let us go." She said as he walked away as the ladies walked over to her pushing her back.

"Well looks like your baby is coming so push." One of the ladies said as she stared at them. "Push." The lady said as she looked at Theo as he nodded his head and she started to push. "Can he at least be by my side." She said. "No just push." "Ahhhh."

She said as the slowly let go of her. "I can see it's head." The lady said already holding a blanket for when the baby comes. "Come on one last push." The lady said as she pushed and she heard a baby cry. "You have a beautiful baby girl." The lady said wrapping her up.

"Can I hold her please let me hold her." Katherine said all sweaty. The lady nodded her head and handed her the baby. She didn't know what to say she had tears rolling down her face it wasn't sad tear they we're happy ones. They covered her bottom half up as she held the baby.

Right as they we're about to kill her Ace and his men bursted through the door as she held the baby. He motioned for Katherine to get away from their so they can shoot them away from the baby and she quickly did and hid under the table with the baby holding her tightly.

She heard gunshots and was worried for Theo but right now she had to protect her daughter that's what matters right now he'll understand. "Kat come out." Ace said as she did holding the baby. Theo rushed to her side covered in blood. "My goodness she looks like you."

"Really she looks like you." She told him a they both stared at her. "Come on let's get you two checked out by a doctor." Ace said as they went to St.Mugos Hospital where everyone will be meeting up at.

After an hour Ace finally walked into the room where they we're keeping Katherine and the baby and where Theo was. He didn't leave their side not once. "Hey daddy meet your granddaughter." Katherine said smiling at him brightly. He walked over to her side kissing the top of her head.

"What's her name." Ace asked. Theo looked at Katherine as she looked at him for a brief second then back to the baby. "Hazel Hayley Marie Nott." She told him as he was shocked for a few seconds. "After your mom?" "Of course after mom she would've loved to meet Hazel."

"She also would've been proud of you as well.  You did a great job princess." He said kissing her head again. "Where's everyone at-Before she could finish her sentence they all ran into the room. "Told Enzo pay up." Blaise said as Katherine and Theo stared at them two.

"So what's her name." Sage said changing the subject. "Hazel Hayley Marie Nott." Katherine told them as they smiled at her. "Hayley after my mom and Marie after Theo's mom." She said to them. "It's beautiful." Sage told her.

"So let me see my great grand baby." Sage said walking over to her as she smiled at her. "My goodness she looks just like the both of you the perfect combination." She told them as she laid her head back. "Yup may have a rocky way of entering the world but she's beautiful." "Just like her mother." Theo told her giving her a smile.

"We'll let you rest sweetheart we'll see you when you get home." Sage said handing her the baby back. "Ok grandma." She said as Sage kissed her forehead before they left.

"Dad." Katherine said before he walked out. "Yeah." "I love you." She told him making him smile. "I love you too now sleep you need it." He told her. "Take care of her and my granddaughter I'm trusting you but I'll be out here if you need anything." He said as they nodded their heads and he walked out closing the door.

"My beautiful girls." Theo said sitting next to Katherine. "And my handsome fiancé or should I say soon to be husband." "I like husband better." He told her as she laughed a little. "My little princess is here now after months of waiting for her she's finally here."

"I know it all still doesn't feel real." She said. "I know but at least she's here and she has both set of her parents that both love her very much." He told her. "Yeah she does." Katherine said. "Babe." "Yeah."

"Promise me something." She told him. "Yeah what is it." He said. "If you ever have to come down to choose between mine and the baby's life-Kat don't talk like that." He warned her. "Listen to me if you ever have to choose between us pick her I couldn't live with myself if I get to grow more but my baby couldn't promise me." She told him.

"Let's hope it never comes down to that." "Promise me." "Ok I promise now let me see my daughter and you get some rest she's gonna spend some time with her daddy." He said as she gently passed her to him. "Careful darling." She told him as he held her close to him.

Ace was sitting down right outside of their room when Mary walked past him. "Ace?" She said as he looked up at her. "Yeah what's up." "What's wrong why you here." She said turning towards him. "Is everything ok with Kat and the baby." "Yeah everything's fine she actually just had the baby." He told her.

"Oh I'm so happy for her." Mary told him. "Yeah we all are." "I must get back to work but tell her I said congratulations." She told him as he nodded his head as she walked off he rolled his eyes at her.

Should I do the next story of their daughter. Yes or no

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