Chapter 61

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Katherine woke up to yelling going on in the house. She and Theo both looked at each other before groaning and laying back down. "Katherine Eleanor Potter get your ass down here." She heard her full name which she was confused on why.

She and Theo both walked into the bathroom to brush their teeth once they finished they both walked downstairs rubbing their eyes. "What the hell Harry we we're sleeping." She said still not opening her eyes yet.

Harry stared at her knowing they're all in trouble. James and them weren't suppose to come home for another two days so why did they come back early. "Open your eyes Katherine." James said as she immediately did and stared at him.

"You guys threw a party after we told you not too." James said pissed off. "Well in my defense I told it was a bad idea and they didn't listen to me." "Really Kat am I really gonna believe that." James said to her. "Why won't you believe." She said.

"Because all you've been doing is lying and just getting in trouble-James that's enough." Lily said to him. "I did tell them it was a bad idea I even went to the room and hid in their while they threw the party." She said throwing her arms at them. "See that's what I mean your doing it right now." James said.

"I'm not lying besides I only lie to you James not to everyone else." She said using him name which she never did she never called him dad either. "Katherine stop lying." "I'm not lying." She yelled at him. "Katherine." "I'm not ask Harry." "Harry is she." James asked him as he stayed quiet.

"See you are." James said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I'm not lying." "Katherine enough." She stared at him knowing he's never gonna believe her. "I can't believe you'd do this I brought you home so we could be a family and here you go and and not even listen to me."

"You forced me to come here I have a family right where I was at. You threaten to call the police if I didn't go with. I was ok their I was happy and you came and ruined it all. Why did I think you'd change your still the same dead beat asshole you were when I was nine." "You can't speak to me like that under my roof."

He told her as she wiped away the tear. "Well don't worry you won't have to I'm done trying to please you I'm going home and don't come for me." She said running up to her room and started to pack as Theo went after her he started to help her pack.

"James what have you've done." Lily said. "Are you serious James she repeatedly told you she wasn't lying and still didn't listen to her. I know Kat she wouldn't lie about something she didn't do." Marlene said before walking off.

Katherine came down with her stuff in hand. "Your mother would be disappointed in you Katherine." James said causing her to stop. She swallowed the lump she had in her throat and turned around with tears streaming down her face. "You might be just right James." She said looking down as she was fiddling with a bracelet.

She took it off and looked up at him. "This is the bracelet you gave to me when I was two vowed to never take it off because it was from you. Remember the promise you gave me." She told him as he got a flashback of it.

James was sitting on the porch swing with Katherine next to him as they rocked a little. "Here princess I got you something." He said giving her the present. "Open it." He told her as she immediately did. It was a cub and a stag on it. "Put it on please."

She said passing it to him as he helped her out it on. "Daddy I love it." She told him hugging him. "It represents me protecting you from the world nobody will ever hurt you I'll never hurt you I promise you." He said kissing the top of her head.

Flashback over.

"Kat-Have it I want nothing to do with you or Harry or Sirius anymore. I never want to see you guys again." She said putting it in the palm of his hand and started to walk off a little. "Katherine you can't leave here." He said softly. "Why you made it clear you'll never trust me. You only care about your reputation and image but I don't care about that.

Funny thing you should know I was told that my first heartbreak would hurt but you broke my heart before any boy could. I thought maybe I could forgive you but you seemed to prove me wrong you too Harry." She said wiping her face again facing them.

"So consider this a parting gift stay the hell out of my life and I will do the same don't come to the house don't come near it and stay the hell away from me at the castle or I will make your life hell." She said grabbing her stuff and quickly leaving.

"Harry was she lying." James asked turning to him. "No she wasn't." "Are you serious Harry we could've all avoided all of this." James yelled. "Well-No wells Harry go to your room your grounded." Lily told him as he walked to his room and James walked off to his office. He sat down on his couch in the office staring at the bracelet.

Lily sat down next to him looking at the bracelet. "She kept it on all this time I thought she threw it out by now. I messed up big time Lily and I don't think I can fix it this time." "James it's time you let her be happy it's time for you to let her go." "She's my little girl I can't all I wanted was for her not to hate me everything I did had a reason on why I wasn't their for her.

She wouldn't understand even if I told her." "So you just let her hate you." "If I told her she would break Lily I can't do that to her. She may hate me now but I never planned on hurting her I didn't mean to I was just protecting her." He said as tears started to roll down her face.

The others walked in the office. "Didn't you put a memory tracker in that." Sirius said pointing to it. "Yeah I did." "Let's see her memories." Sirius said.

Katherine walked into the house with tears streaming down her face.

Everyone heard the door open and looked at each other. "You guys expecting anyone." Sage asked. "Dad." Katherine yelled as you could tell she's been crying. Ace immediately got up and rushed over to her as the others did the same. "Princess what happened." He said lifting her face up so she's looking at him.

"I did it mission accomplished." She said laughing through her pain as she sniffled. "Kat-I want my mom dad I want mom." She said through her tears. He pulled her into a hug as she cried. "I want my mom dad I need my mom." She said hugging him tighter.

He knelt down in-front of her wiping away her tears. "What happened." He asked her. "They won't bother us anymore." She told him sniffling. "What does that mean." "We won't have to see him again he's going to leave us alone for good." She said looking down to her wrist which usually had her bracelet but it wasn't their no more.

Ace looked to see what she was looking at and saw her bracelet wasn't their anymore. He knew what that meant she was done with them for good. "Go lay down I'll get you some chocolate and we can watch movies in my room." He told her as she nodded her head yes. He kissed the top of her head as she ran up to his room.

"Ace what happened." Sage asked almost crying seeing her granddaughter crying made her heart hurt. "She's done with them completely." He said before walking off. He walked in the room with the chocolate and put on her favorite Disney movie.

"Scoot over princess." He said as she wiped away her tears. She scooted over as he got under the comforter as she leaned up against his chest. "I love you Katherine." "I love you too Dad." She said eating a piece of chocolate as she had gotten the hiccups from crying. He kissed the top of her head running his fingers through her hair as she watched the movie.

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