Chapter 6

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Hayley is 8 months pregnant now. Her and James are heading to the doctors office to get the gender of the baby. They we're walking when someone knocked James out and took Hayley.

They we're some witches who took her. They brought her to a church and started to induce her with a spell. "Sorry Hayley but it's for the best your baby must die." One of the witches told her. "You touch my baby you'll die you psychotic bitch."

Hayley told the witches. "We must take her to the land." "The baby is coming we must adjust to the circumstances here." The main witch told them. They placed her on the table and covered her stomach and down.

James barged through the doors and started to cast spells at the witches who we're coming at him. One of the witches threw him against the wall and told Hayley to start pushing and she did. After a few more pushes they a heard a baby cry.

"You have a beautiful daughter." The witch told James and Hayley showing them the baby. "Can I hold her please." Hayley asked and the witch passed her the baby for a second or two before putting her in a sleeping spell but to James he thought they killer her.

They started to walk off with the baby in hand when James started to scream they passed him out and left the church in a hurry.

James woke up on the floor and saw Hayley on the church table. He felt tears go down his face and wiped them away. He walked next to her and kissed her forehead. "I'll get out daughter back Hayley I'm sorry you had to go through this."

He told her and Sirius ran through the church door and saw Hayley's body. "They took her they took the baby and killed Hayley Sirius we have to get my daughter." James told her and he nodded his head and they ran out the church and went to the cemetery and started looking for her.

"We been through three times already James she ain't here." "My daughters here." James told him as he looked around. Sirius stayed quiet trying to process everything still. They heard someone start to walk in and turned around and saw Hayley standing their.

"I thought you died." James said. "I woke up in the church with blood on me." She told them touching her stomach. "She's here I can feel my baby." She said looking around and started to walk out and they followed behind her.

(Klaus=James Elijah=Sirius and pretend their shooting spells.)

James after went the guy who took the baby and Sirius went and helped Hayley. Sirius threw a spell at the witch and knocked her out helping Hayley up and kissed her. "I thought you died-and leave James in charge of my child no way." She told him with a small smile.

"Come on let's go get your daughter." Sirius said and they went after James. They walked into town and saw him holding the baby with the guy next to her. "Told you baby sis I'll be here to help." The guy told her as she ran into his arm's.

"I've missed you Charlie." She said tightening her grip on him. "I've missed you too now go get your daughter." He told her and she walked over to James taking the baby from him. "Told you she'd take after me." James told her holding the baby's hand.

"What's her name." Sirius asked. Hayley looked at James and he nodded his head. "Katherine Eleanor Potter." Hayley said holding the baby tight next to her. "Beautiful name." Charlie told her. "Go home Addy send me a letter as a thank you but for now spend time with your daughter."

Charlie said taking off before she said anything. They all went back to the manor and heard everyone talking and all. "So what you guys having." Marlene asked not noticing the Hayley holding the baby because she was behind the boys.

"A girl she said walking towards the front they all stared at her. "Your not due for another month." Mary said getting up as they all did. "James will fill you in I'm going to my room." Hayley said walking off with the baby as James started to tell them what happen.

Hayley decided to give the baby a bath in the sink and just clean it off. Once she finished she wrapped her up in a towel and laid her down in one of her shirts not having any of baby stuff yet. They we're gonna start to get baby stuff after they found out the gender.

She walked downstairs with the baby in her hand and her James and his father speaking to each other. She didn't see everyone so assumed they have left to get some things. "Dad you were right but it's my daughter we're talking about." James told him.

Hayley walked over to them hearing the full conversation. "I um grew up alone and unloved because my oldest brother left as soon as he turned 18 and didn't get in contact with me until a couple years ago and I made a promise to my baby and myself that she'll grow up loved and happy."

Hayley said getting their attention. "And if it means we have to send her away for her safety we must do it I made a lot of enemies in the last couple of years and their gonna want revenge so we must send her off." Hayley told them. "They won't come after her." James tried to reason with her.

"They will the witch told me and that witch was my mother so that's just great but if the people don't know she's alive they won't come after her but she must leave tonight." Hayley told him. "Hayley this is our daughter we're speaking about." James told her. "It's for her protection James."

That's when everyone walked in and towards the living room. "What's going on." Lily asked them. "Marlene can you do me a huge favor." Hayley asked her as Marlene placed a bag on the floor. "Yeah sure what's up." Marlene told her. "I need you to take the baby far away from here." Hayley said leaving them all shocked.

"Of course but why." "Because if they think she's dead they won't come after her and I made enemies that will come after her so can you do that for me." She asked her. "Of course." Marlene said walking over to her.

"You guys must get going before they notice anything their having a small gathering at the town square and so that's when you guys go everyone will be watching." Hayley told her talking to James and Marlene so he can take them out of town. "Got it." Marlene said and Hayley looked at the baby and the three of them walked out together and to a car.

"I'll be in the car." Marlene said getting in. "Mommy loves you my sweet sweet girl don't forget that." Hayley said kissing her head and placing her in a car seat and James closed the door and they drove off and Sirius pulled her into a hug. The two of the walked to town square and made the people believe her baby was dead.

James took her to a private place where a car was waiting already. The two of them both got out and James took the baby out. "What's her name." Marlene asked. "Katherine Eleanor Potter." "She looks just like her mother."

Marlene told him.

(Klaus=James Rebekah=Alia I forgot to add her in sorry 😂)

James handed Katherine to his sister and her and Marlene went to her car and the two of them drove off. He sighed and got in the car and drove back to the house everything was quiet nobody dared to speak about what just happened.

Alia is role played by the beauty herself Clair Holt

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