Chapter 46

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It's been two weeks and Katherine still hasn't woken up. Ace hadn't left her side at all Sage had to forced him to leave her side so he can eat and shower after that he was right back to her side. Neither has James or Harry they've been their too regretting everything they have done to her.

Ace is currently showering right now after Sage threaten to beat his ass if he didn't. "I'll be back." She told the guards as she walked out real quick. "Kat wake up please." Harry said to her. "I'm sorry ok I didn't mean everything I did to you I want my big sister back please." He pleaded hoping she would hear.

"Me and dad miss you we're sorry we shouldn't have left your life we should've stayed for you." He told her as Ace walked out the bathroom. "Where's my mom." He asked. "She stepped out for a minute." James told him. They've been getting along for Katherine's sake and if she does hear them Ace don't want her hearing them arguing.

"I'll be back." James and Harry said as they walked out the room. "Princess wake up." He whispered holding her hand kissing it. "Me and your uncles and aunts and grandparents are waiting for you." He told her hoping she could hear him. "Can you step out for a moment." Lily asked him.

"Y-Yeah call me if anything happens." He said kissing her head and walked out as Lily walked over to her checking her vitals when she opened her eyes immediately and felt the tube and started to panic trying to take it out setting off the monitors as a doctor rushed in and saw Lily taking out her tubes.

"What are you doing." The doctor yelled at her as she finished taking the tube out. "She couldn't breath look at her she's panicking she's been on a ventilator for two weeks she can't move she couldn't talk-But I'm her doctor." The doctor said cutting her off. "You can't come in here and just take the tubes out."

"She is my patient I know what I am doing you can put the tube back in if you want but right now she needed some air so I got her some air." Lily yelled at him as Katherine was catching her breath. The doctor shook his head before walking out.

Ace ran in hearing all the commotion. "Princess." He whispered as she gave him a weak smile. "Hi daddy." She said weakly. He rushed to her side pulling her into a hug. "Oh god you have no idea how much I missed you." He told her as everyone ran in the room.

"How long was I um with that thingy." She said pointing to the tube. "Two weeks." He told her as she looked down. "Don't worry not your fault." He told her lifting her head up. "Oh thank goodness your ok." Marlene said pulling her into a hug not giving her time to speak.

"Don't ever scare me like that again I couldn't bare the thought of losing my favorite niece." Marlene told her as tears threaten to spill. "Sorry." She muttered. "Don't be sorry for a thing none of it was your fault." Sage told her. "Sage-call me grandma dear your part of the family remember and my only granddaughter." She told her making her smile.

"Thanks grandma." She told her making her smile brightly. "Oh lord she's replacing us." Emilio said as Damon slapped his chest shutting him up. "What we miss she ok." James and the others yelled running in.

"We'll from the looks of it she looks more then ok." Nick said smiling at her. "Your ok." James said as she nodded her head. "Yeah." She told him not looking at him. "So when can I get out of here." She asked looking at Lily. "Um I can check." She asked before walking out.

"Where's Tom and Matteo and Charlie." She said before anyone answered the four of them ran in. "We're here." Charlie said as they all catch their breaths. "She ok." Matteo said catching his breath. "More then ok." She answered him as they all looked at her and tackled her into a hug pushing Ace and Marlene out the way.

"Don't you ever do that kiddo I thought we lost you for a second." Charlie told her. "Can't get rid of me that fast." She told them. "Well-Shut up don't ruin the moment." She said glaring at Matteo. "Ok off so she can breath." Marlene said hitting their backs as they got off her.

"Your like immortal you can't die." Tom said joking around making her laugh. "Shut up cause you can." She told him as his eyes widen. "She's back." Theo said with a huge grin. "Theo your here." She said as Draco Blaise and Enzo all looked at each other.

"Are we invisible." Blaise asked in disbelief. "No we can see you." Tom told them. "Where are the others." She asked him. "Right their where are your glasses." He asked her. "You do realize I just woken up from a coma I think and I can burly see right?" She asked him.

"Right but your suppose to be wearing them." He told her as she playfully slapped his arm. They walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Thank god your up they wouldn't stop mopping around I've missed you." Blaise said kissing her face all over. "Blaise kiss her once more I won't think twice in hexing you." Theo told him as he stopped and sent him a glare.

"Anyways we missed you now when you get out of here we're never leaving your side we don't need anything else happening to my bestie." He told her as she stared at him. "He's been hanging out with Luna lately." Enzo told as she nodded her head.

Lily walked back into the room. "So." Katherine said. "We'll good news is you can leave-Soon as she heard that she pushed Blaise off the bed and got out of it almost falling but caught her self. "Oww." He said getting up off the floor. "We're going home get up." She told him grabbing her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

They all just looked at each other for a second. "Oh then." Lorenzo said not expecting that reaction. "I'll get a driver." Alexander said walking out. "We'll leave let you guys settle down." Alice said as she pushed the others out the room James and Harry looking back for her but Alice kept pushing them out.

"We're going with you guys." Draco said as Ace nodded his head. Katherine walked back out in some sweats and Ace's shirt. "This is much comfortable why wasn't I in this in the first place." She asked throwing the gown at Blaise's face. "Um rude but they wouldn't let them change you so you we're stuck in that."

He told her as they walked out to the car after checking her out. She stood in front of the car door as the others waited for her to get in. "It's ok I'm with you don't worry." Ace told her helping her in. He watched as she buckled up first before he buckled himself up. He held her hand the entire drive back to the house.

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