Chapter 12

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Just like Hayley predicted James and the bad to leave again. As much as she wished he did t leave Katherine again she understood why he has to. As much as she hates him for it she's not mad at him.

"Where's daddy." Katherine asked getting Hayley's attention. She turned around wiping away the tear she didn't t know she had. "Daddy will be back baby don't worry." Hayley told her picking her up. "I wanted to show him my painting."

Katherine said holding her paper up. "Let me see Luv." Hayley told her and Katherine passed her the paper. "It's beautiful baby let's hang it on the fridge or in your room." "My room." She said jumping off her lap and grabbing the picture and running to her room.

Hayley went after her and grab a portrait and put her paper in it and placed it on her dresser. "Their now you'll see it everyday when you wake up now." Hayley told her kissing her head. "Come on Luv let's head down so you can eat." Hayley said putting her hand out and she took it and they went downstairs.


It's been a few months Katherine's words are becoming a little clearer but not much. It's started to snow and Katherine loves snow. "Mommy mommy wake up it's snowing." Katherine said jumping on her bed.

"Come on we have to go it's snowing." Katherine said running out the room and into the halls. "You need your snow clothes on." Hayley yelled after her so she wouldn't run outside. She got out of bed and into her room and grabbed her warm clothes and a jacket and gloves.

Katherine ran into the room giggling. "Mommy theirs a man downstairs." Katherine said and Hayley quickly dressed her and told her to stay in the room real quick so she can check who it is. 

Hayley walked downstairs and saw a man and raised her wand at him. "Who the hell are you." Hayley said getting his attention.  "Oh we haven't fully met yet I'm Fleurmont Potter James father I've been busy I hadn't had time to come and visit my granddaughter don't you remember me."

He told her as Hayley tried to remember him. "Sorry but no." Hayley told him honestly. "It's fine don't worry where is she." He asked her. "Kat come down." Hayley yelled and you can hear tiny footsteps running down the stairs. "Yes mommy." Katherine told her grabbing her hand.

"Luv this is your grandfather Fleurmont from your dad." Hayley told her as she stared at him. He kneeled in-front of her. "I remember the day your mom brought you home you we're so tiny now look at you so grown up." He told her making her smile.

"Can I go play in the snow now." Katherine told her. "Yeah go ahead but stay where I can see you." Hayley told her as she ran outside. "Beautiful kid you got their." "Thank you." Hayley told him. "Sorry I haven't asked you yet would you like anything to drink."

Hayley said picking up a little. "Sorry for the mess hadn't had time to clean up." Hayley told him. "No thank you and it's fine must be hard being out here alone." Fleumont told her. "It is sometimes but most of the time I manage she's not bad we'll when she wants to be otherwise she's a good kid."

Hayley told him as they both sat down. "So what made you come out here." Hayley asked him. "To check up on you two haven't seen you in a while and I couldn't come for a her birthday so I finally took the time off to come and see you guys of course I see Harry everyday so I might as well come see Katherine you said her name was."

He told her. "Yeah but she usually goes by Kat." She told him deciding not to bring up the fact James is their with them and not working like he said he is. "Mind if I go outside with her." Fleurmont asked her. "Of course not she's your granddaughter it'll also give me a few minutes to dressed."

He walked out and she went upstairs and got dressed into some warm clothes.

She walked outside and saw the both of them playing in the snow. "Careful Luv don't want to hurt yourself." Hayley told her as she was climbing onto a tree. "Grandpa catch me."

Katherine said throwing herself off it and luckily he caught her. "Katherine don't do that you could get hurt." Hayley told her. "But grandpa caught me." Katherine said sassing her. "Watch the sas young lady." Hayley told her shaking her head.

"Let's get inside its getting cold out." Fleumont said as the three of them walked in. Hayley made some hot chocolate for herself and Katherine and some warm coffee for Fleumont. "Thank you." He told her as she passed it to him. "Your welcome."

"Wild one you have on your hands." He told her. "Yeah she is." Hayley told him watching Katherine as started to rub her eyes. It's been a long day for her for the both of them. She also noticed her nose was red not from the coldness either and her shivering a little even if she's by the fireplace and under a blanket.

"I must get going but it was nice seeing you again Miss Katherine." He told her getting up and getting her attention. "Bye grandpa." Katherine said hugging him before laying down on the couch. Hayley got up and walked him to the door. "It was nice seeing you again Fleurmont." She told him.

"Oh please call me Monty we're practically family now and it was nice seeing you again Hayley you got a good kid on your hands." He told her hugging her. "Yeah she is." "Well you two must be tired so I'll let you guys be." He told her. "Not me but Kat is more likely getting sick." She told him and he nodded his head.

"We'll goodbye then until next time." He told her as she smiled at him and he left. Hayley went over to Katherine and felt her forehead and it was starting to burn up. "Come on Luv let's get you to bed." "Ok mommy." She said clinging into her.

Fleumont arrived back to the Potter Manor where everyone was at apparently. "Dad where have you been." James asked as he walked into the living room. "And why are you wearing snow clothes it's not even snowing." Alia said pointing it out.

"I stopped by to see Katherine check up on Hayley." He said hanging his jacket as everyone looked at him. "And how is she." James asked. "We'll Hayley said something her her being sick but she's ok small for her age but good."

He said walking into the kitchen and everyone looked at each other. "Mom did you know." James asked. "No I didn't if I did I would've went with." She told them. "Dad why didn't you tell us." Alia told him as he walked back in. All James could think about is if Katherine is ok.

"We'll it was last minute and I wasn't their for her birthday and decided to go see her." He said like it was nothing. "Could've told us we would've went with." James told him placing Harry down. "We'll I figured you wouldn't want to do I went by myself." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Anyways how was Katherine and Hayley." James asked not wanting to start an argument with his dad. "It was snowing." "So that explains the snow clothes." Sirius said. "Katherine wanted to go play in the snow so I played with her she jumped off the tree."

He said laughing at the memory and seeing Hayley's face when she threw herself off it. "Scared Hayley when she did then it got late and went inside talked for a bit then left." He told them sipping his drink. "But you said she was sick." Alia said.

"Oh no she said she might be getting sick." He told them and they stared at him. "Is she it is she not." James asked frustrated. "I have no clue." He said making him more frustrated. "Right why don't we go see tomorrow." Alia said noticing her brother's frustration. "Yeah." He said sighing.

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