Chapter 32

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James and the others all went to Hayley's house a hour later. Alia knocked on the door and heard a loud crash inside the house. "Tom Marvolo Riddle Matteo Thomas Riddle and Katherine Eleanor Potter get your asses down here right now." They heard Hayley yell from outside.

They knocked on the door again. "Mom someone's here." Katherine yelled. Hayley walked over to the door and opened it but didn't turn around and motioned for them to come in not realizing it's them expecting it to be someone else.

The three of them all ran downstairs together. "It was all Tom." Matteo said pointing to him. "Yeah mom Tommy did it we tried to talk him out of it." Katherine said. "I caught the three of you now go clean it up." She told them as they walked into the living room.

"Thank god your here Char." She said turning around with a smile that quickly dropped. "Not Charlie." She muttered to herself. "What happened." Marlene said walking over giving her a hug. "They we're messing around in the living room and broke a window." Hayley said sighing.

"You do realize you have a wand right and so do they. They can use it to clean it up." Marlene told her. "We'll I took their wands so they can't they have to clean it up by hand like a normal person." She told her making her laugh. "Your evil." Marlene told her making her laugh.

"Thank you it runs in the genes." She told her as she rolled her eyes. "So more of her friends." Marlene asked. "Something like that." Hayley told her not wanting to say it in-front of everyone. "Your wedding is coming up." Marlene said reminding her.

"I know Kats more excited then I am." Hayley told her. "Anyways why are they here." She asked pointing to James and everyone. "Why is she hanging out with the Riddle brothers." Sirius asked Hayley. "Because she can and why does it matter." Hayley told him. "Their father tried to kill James and Lily who knows what if their trying to bring him back." Sirius said.

"Calm down your being dramatic. Besides their harmless they were literally in dresses early because Kat wanted them in one." Hayley said. "Mom can't they just clean it up." Katherine said walking into the room.

"Nope the three of you broke now the three of you clean it up and fix my window." She told her as she whined. "But mom-no buts get your but back in their and help." Hayley told her as she walked back off into the living room. "Sounds like fun your having here." Marlene said.

"Oh yes fun now what did you guys want if it's here to ask why their here then leave." Hayley said. "We'll it kinda is what we're here for." James said as Hayley shook her head. "Just get our James you know your not welcomed here now leave." Hayley told him. "Why not my daughter is here." James said.

"She's not your daughter James now leave." Hayley said to him pushing him out the door. Soon the other walked out after him before she closed the door. "Right you three better be done by the time I go in." Hayley told them as her and Marlene went to the kitchen.

"Hurry up." Katherine said. "I'm trying." Tom said. "I am too." Matteo said as they all tried to hurry up and clean. "What are you kids doing." Ace said as they turned around and saw him standing their. "Daddy your home great can you clean this up please mom took our wands."

Katherine told him walking over to him. "Your mother is going to make me sleep on the couch for this but it's fine." He said as she kissed his cheek. He got his wand out and fixed the window. "Thanks daddy." Katherine said kissing his cheek once more before running off to the room. Tom and Matteo ran off after her.

"Great now we can't just break anymore things." Tom said as they all laid on her bed. "Kat what was it like growing up." Matteo asked her. "We'll I don't really remember much but it was alright lonely but alright but now I have you guys and Dray, Blaise, Enzo, and Theo." She told them smiling.

"Why was it lonely." Tom asked her. "Well their was a time when I didn't hate Harry. He was my best friend until I got sorted into Slytherin blamed me for dad leaving and so after that I never talked to him again. Harry would always come over for my birthday and we'd hang out but it was only for that day."

She said frowning as she remembers it. "But their was this time where he stayed for a whole week but that was when I seven." She said and nobody said anything. "I'm tired." She said yawning. "Go to sleep then." Matteo said as she just rolled her eyes.

She laid on her stomach and shortly fell asleep. "We can't leave her Matteo." Tom told him. "I know we can't we also promised her." Matteo told him. "She's to innocent for this world and nobody shall ever hurt her." Tom told him. "Nobody will ever hurt her." Matteo said repeating after him.

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