Chapter 51

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Katherine woke up on the ground with a blanket covering her. She wrapped the blanket around her more and got off the floor. Her body was aching in pain as she has a headache as well.

She walked back to the house and saw Ace asleep on a chair with a bag next to him. She smiled to herself and walked over to him gently tapping his shoulder. "Dad." She whispered but he didn't wake up. "Dad wake up." She whispered in his ear holding the blanket tight seeing as it was cold out even though it was summer.

She gently tapped his shoulder once more but this time waking him up. "Oh my goodness your back you ok your not hurt." He said looking around her face to make sure she wasn't hurt. "I'm fine dad don't worry but it is cold out let's head in my body hurts and I have a headache." She told him.

"Here are some a pair of sweats and a shirt and other things you might need." He told her handing her the bag. "Theirs a bathroom in that door." He told her pointing to the pool bathroom. She walked over and locked the door and changed.

She put the sports bra on and threw the shirt over herself and put on her underwear then the sweats and walked back outside with fuzzy socks on. "You must be tired let's head in so you can rest." He told her grabbing the bag as they walked in. He shut the door quietly so nobody could hear it open and close.

They walked into her room and he set the bag down as she laid down in the bed covering herself in a warm blanket after adding two on top of her. "Get some rest princess call me if you need anything." He told her kissing her forehead. "Thanks dad." She told him.

"For what?" He asked her. "For not leaving-I'd never leave you not even if I could I wouldn't. Your my daughter Kat and I love you I'll always love you." He told her making her smile. "We'll I love you too dad." She told him.

"Get some rest you need it I'll be in my office or in my room if you need anything just give me a shout." "Will do." She said closing her eyes as he walked out the room.


It's been two days since the full moon and the girls are training Katherine in case if anything ever happens she can use self defense instead of her magic even though it would be a lot easier.

"Does my dad know." She said placing the gun down. "No he don't." Sage told her with a smile making her smile.

"How about hand to hand." Lucia asked her raising an eye brow at her. "Sure why not." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Right in the ring." Bella told them as the two of them walked in. The girls walked closer to the ring.

"Right let's see what you got Kit Kat." Lucia told her with a smile as Katherine nodded her head. "Will do." She told her. Lucia threw the first punch and Katherine dodged it by an inch.

Ace and the boys were in the living room talking when Lorenzo and Ace noticed the girls weren't their. "Where are the girls." Lorenzo asked as the others looked around.

The others shrugged their shoulders. "Sir theirs commotion in the training room." One of the guards said walking into the living room as they all looked at each other grabbing their guns and walking to the gym.

They entered and saw Katherine and Lucia fighting in the ring. They put their guns away and walked over to the ring stopping them before Katherine threw Lucia off of her. "Enough what is this." Ace said entering the ring grabbing Katherine as Emilio grabbed Lucia.

"You guys disappear for hours and we find you doing thing I swear to god if Kat is hurt-Don't worth she's fine." Lucia said cutting him off. He looked at Katherine who was smiling at him. "Hi daddy." She said with an innocent smile.

"What we're you guys doing." "What does it look like they we're sparing." Aria said in a duh tone. "Well geez thanks Aunt Aria Kat what have I told you." He told her. "Not to train with the girls or my grandmothers but it looked so fun and I asked to join."

She told him as he sighed. "It's fine just go shower." He told her as she skipped out of the gym. "Ace let her train with us she'll be fine." Lilah told him. "I know she will be I just don't want her getting hurt." He told them.

"Ace she's gonna get hurt if she doesn't know how to defend herself." Sage told him. "Also we need her for a mission." Emilio said as they all turned and looked at him. "What do you mean need her for a mission." Ace said.

"We need someone small and someone to distract them she'll be in and out." He told them. "Nope no way she can train but missions are off limits." He said. "We should ask her about." Emilio said walking out the gym to the living as the other did. "Fine." Ace said.

About fifteen minutes went by and Katherine walked downstairs in a pair of jeans and one of Hayley's shirts she always wore. "Kat come here please." Sage called out and she walked in the living room. "What's up." She said sitting down.

"So we wanted to ask you if you wanted to do a mission." Emilio asked as they all looked at him. "Who's we cause your the one who said it." Leah said to her idiot brother.

(Added Leah in as their sister.)

"But we need someone small to get in and-Sure." She said shrugging her shoulders. "What!" Ace said. "Why not it won't happen next month right cause it's my birthday next month and I plan to-Don't worry it's not next month it's actually tomorrow." Emilio said cutting her off.

"Cool then." "Not cool then what if you get hurt or something bad happens." Ace told her. "Dad I'll be fine you know I can handle myself." "Katherine my office now." He told her making her groan and walk off to his office. "Don't hurt her." Alex warned him and he smacked him. "You guys stay here."

He said getting up and walked to his office. He walked in and closed the door and sat down. "Your not going." He told her as she stared at him. "Why not." "Because Katherine I won't be their in case you get hurt and I'm not allowing you to get hurt." He told her.

"Dad I can handle them myself." "Katherine your in the real world where you can't use magic their Kat cause if they find out you have magic they'll kidnap you and do experiments on you and I'm not letting that happen so your not going." He told her as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm being serious your not going it's what's best for you." "Then if your doing what's best for me let me go." "No Katherine my final answer is no so stop asking." He told her and she stormed out of the office. He sighed and leaned back against the chair.

He looked to the picture of him Hayley and Katherine. He was holding Katherine she was around eight and Hayley decided to take some pictures. "I miss you amour." He said under his breath.

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