Chapter 13

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It's been almost a year and still nothing from James and the other's. Her feelings for Sirius was slowly going away for him. "Mommy." Katherine yelled throwing a fit. Hayley ignored her as she threw a fit on the floor.

"Katherine that's enough." Hayley told her as she already has a headache. "No." Katherine yelled throwing more of a bigger fit. "Why is my daughter throwing a fit." James said as he entered the living room. "Daddy."

Katherine yelled and ran into his arm's. "Why was she throwing a fit." James asked Hayley who was rubbing her head. "She's mad James." Hayley told him. "We'll why was she mad." "Because I told her no more ice cream" "A little won't hurt her." James told her.

"James shut up." Hayley told him getting up and going to the kitchen grabbing some ibuprofen and a glass of water and swallowed the pill and getting some water. "What's got your wand in a knot." Sirius said and she only glared at him shutting him up.

"Why are you even here James." Hayley asked him. "We'll to see you and Kat of course." He said. "Really cause you had all these months and not once did your own dad came and visit every month at least but not you." Hayley told him.

"I know but I've been busy Hayley but I'm here now." He told her as someone knocked. Hayley's eyes widen. "I'll get it." Hayley said quickly and went to open the door. "Hi Luv:" The guy said kissing her cheek. She smiled at him. "Where's Kat." He said.

"Acey." Katherine yelled running into his arm's. "Your here." She said hugging his leg. "Yes I am." He said picking her up and walking in as Hayley closed the door. "So you ready." He asked her. "I'm so sorry I forgot Ace I forgot Kat was throwing a fit and i-It's ok I'll watch her while you get ready." He told her kissing her head.

"Thank you-Hayley's who here." James asked as they all walked into the living room and saw Ace holding Katherine and Hayley leaning on him. "Babe who are they." Ace asked. "Katherine dad and his family i didn't know they we're gonna be here otherwise I would've rescheduled."

She told him. "Oh um nice to meet you I'm Ace." He told them. "Right we'll then we can reschedule if you want." He told her. "No we've been planning this a while now we're gonna do it." Hayley told him. "Amore it's fine-no we're doing it let me get dressed."

Hayley said cutting him off and running upstairs. "Are you and mommy going out." Katherine asked. "Yes we are munchkin." He told her still holding her. Hayley rushed downstairs putting her shoe on. "Their I'm ready." She said fixing her shirts making Katherine and Ace laugh a little.

"You look pretty mommy." Katherine told her as Hayley walked over to her. "Thank you baby." "I'm I going with again." Katherine asked. "No baby your gonna stay with daddy ok." Hayley told her taking her out of Aces arms.

She walked over to James and passed her to him. "Bedtime is at 8 make sure she brushes her teeth and takes a bath and ice cream today." She told James. "But mommy." Katherine whined. "No ma'am don't start that I'll see you later Luv ok." Hayley told her.

"Bye mommy bye Acey." Katherine said hugging her and giving Ace a hug too. "Bye munchkin see you in the morning." He told her kissing her head. "Bye James see you later." Hayley said walking out the house with Ace.

"We'll bye." He said as she closed the door. "Monkey who was that." Marlene asked her. "Mommy's boyfriend." Katherine said oblivious to her uncles face. "Does he come over often." James asked. "Yeah him and mommy been on lots of dates." She told them.

"Really." Mary said. "Yeah he even brought his doggy it's was so fluffy daddy can we get one." Katherine asked him. "Yes princess we can." He told her jealous of Ace. "Yay mommy's gonna be so happy." Katherine said clapping her hands.

"Princess go play with your brother and cousin." James said putting her down as she ran over to where Harry and Neville were at. "Sirius you ok." James asked him. "Yeah I'm ok." He said walking off. "Did she not think of his feelings." Lily said. "Lily we can ask her later." Alice said not wanting anything to happen.


Hayley walked through the door around 9:30. "Bye amore." Ace said kissing. "Bye darling see you tomorrow." Hayley said giving him one more kiss before closing the door.

She turned around and walked past the living room and saw everyone. "Thank you James for watching her I usually get Charlie to but he got sick so he couldn't come." Hayley said taking off her heel boots. "Where'd you guys go."

Alia asked. "We went out for dinner then went for a walk then came home." Hayley told her. "Hayley can we talk." Sirius asked her. "Yeah sure." She said walking into the kitchen so they can talk. He walked in and sat down in the chair.

"Want some." Hayley said pouring herself some wine. "No thank you." He told her. "So what's up." She said. "So you and Ace." He said. "Yeah figured I move on so I did." "What about us." He said pointing to her and him.

"Sirius us ended the day you walked out that door the first time after Katherine's birthday." She told him. "No it didn't." He told her. "Yes it did Sirius I told you I'm not doing the back and forth anymore I told you to pick you could either stay with me and Kat or we're done and your choose the other option because you obviously didn't stay."

She said finishing her drink. "I was busy-Really Sirius we're you busy because you act like I haven't seen the newspaper famous Sirius black with another lady." She told him. "That didn't mean anything Hayley." He told her. "If it didn't you wouldn't have done it Sirius." She told him refilling her drink. 

He got up and walked over to her. "Tell me you still don't love me." He told her placing his hand on her cheek. She stayed quiet as he started to kiss her neck. "Tell me Hayley tell me you don't have feelings for me anymore and that your completely over me." He told her.

"I don't." She said closing her eyes shut biting her lip. "Look me in my eyes and tell me." He said as he looked at her but she didn't say anything. "Tell me." He said cupping her face. "Hayley." Ace said as Hayley pulled away and he stood their for a moment before walking off.

He walked out the door and Hayley ran after him. "Ace wait." She yelled. "Is that the ex you we're talking about Hayley was it the one who left you repeatedly." He told her stopping her causing her to stumble into his back and stumble back a little. He caught her before she fell to the ground and looked at her.

"Answer me." He told her. "Yes but nothing happened." She told him. "So you two weren't about to kiss." He told her as it started to rain. "No we weren't." She told him. "Hayley I know when your lying." He told her. "Ok maybe we weren't but I don't love him anymore." She told him.

"Really cause it sure as hell didn't look like it." "Ace just let me explain." She told him but he shook his head. "Go back inside your gonna get sick." He told her. "I don't care if I get sick Ace." "Well I do now go back inside and just drop this." He told her. "No cause I'm not giving up on us." She told him.

"Hayley it's obvious that if you had to pick you'd pick him and don't even try to lie to me we both know you will." He told her. "Ace." She said as tears started to roll down her face. He walked closer to her and cupped her face. "Don't make a scene just go back inside I'll come by tomorrow we can talk more about it."

He told her kissing her head and wiped her tears away. "See you in the morning now go back inside." He told her and she did after he left. "Hayley-She walked right past him go straight upstairs. She took off her wet clothes and went and laid next to Katherine.

"Mommy." She said stirring awake. "Shh baby mommy's here go back to sleep." Hayley said kissing her head as she laid on her chest and went back to sleep.

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