Chapter 28

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Today the kids go back to school. Word around they are suppose to be expecting two new kids. Which has Katherine thinking why and who are they. "Mom let's go we're gonna be late." Katherine yelled from downstairs waiting for her mother.

"Dad tell mom let's go." She told him holding her stuff. "I'm coming I'm coming." Hayley said as she ran downstairs. "Finally let's go." Katherine said making her shake her head.

They all left to the train station and Katherine was looking around for the new kids. "Kat when you come back from the end of the school year we'll have the wedding got it." Hayley told her. "Got it mom." She told her pulling her into a hug.

"I love you and be careful ok." Hayley told her. "I will mom and love you too bye mom bye dad gotta go." She said kissing their cheeks and running off only to bump into someone. "Damn it." She muttered to herself. They helped her up off the ground and she looked at who it was.

"Already falling for me." Nick said as she took her hands out of his grip. "Ewe no." She said with a disgusted face. "Come on I'm not that bad." He told her as she picked her things up. "I'd rather die before dating you Lupin." She said standing back up.

"Rude but just one date." He told her. "Yeah no I don't talk to Gryffindors." She told him. "Aren't you one yourself I mean your dad was one." He told her. She looked up at him with a smirk. "Nope Slytherin all the way." "Theirs no bloody way your a Slytherin I mean your dad is James Potter he's a Gryffindor and your mom is a Gryffindor as well." He told her.

"We'll since you obviously don't have all your facts straight you'd know I come from a long line of Slytherins in my family does SinClair ring a bell." She told him and he didn't say anything making her smirk. "Goodbye." She said grabbing her stuff and walking off.

She shortly found the boys in a compartment. "Their you are El we've been waiting for you." Blaise said as she sat down. "Sorry ran i. With some annoying Gryffindor thinking he knows all about me." She told them fixing her hair. "Which one." Theo asked. "Nick Lupin Harry told him and his stupid friends who my dad was and now they think they know all about me."

She told them rolling her eyes. "Anyways did you hear about the new kids coming." She asked them. "Yeah we did." Draco said to her. "Wonder what house they'll be in probably Gryffindor." She told them making Blaise chuckle a little. "Doubt it." He said. "Probably Slytherin." Draco said and she shrugged her shoulders.


Everyone was in the great hall except for Blaise Draco Theodore and Katherine they were setting up a prank on the Gryffindors.

"Mattheo Riddle." Mcgonggal said as he walked up to the stool with a smirk. "Slytherin." The hat yelled before it even touched his head. "Tom Riddle." She said wanting this to be over.

As he sat down it also immediately say Slytherin. The Slytherin table all clapped and cheered for them. As soon as they sat down they looked around for Draco and Blaise. The great hall doors slammed opened and the four of them walked in going to their table with a smirk. "Who are they." Tom asked.

"That is Draco Malfoy son of Lucien and Narcissa Malfoy next to him is Theodore Nott he never mentions his parents and behind him is Blaise Zabine." Adrian Puccey told them. "Who's the girl." Mattheo asked. "That is Katherine Potter." Astoria Green-grass told them.

"She's basically the leader hurt her and all three of them hurt you ask Hendrix he cheated on her and got put into the hospital wing before break." Adrian told them. "Potter you say." Tom said looking at Mattheo. "Yeah she's James Potter daughter but she doesn't talk to them." Pansy told them.

The four of them sat down in their spots with all matching smirks. "What did you four do." Lorenzo Berikshier asked them. "Lorenzo right." Katherine told him. "Yeah." He said. "I'm gonna call you Enzo and just watch the Gryffindor table." She told them as they all turned around and saw all of Gryffindors clothing getting turned into Slytherins robes

And their hair all turning a bright yellow and red dots all over them. "That's bloody genius." He told her as she was laughing. "Thank you I know it is." She told him. "How'd you do that." Adrian asked. "A witch never reveals her secrets." She told him.

"Oh yeah Katherine meet the two new students Mattheo and Tom Riddle." Adrian told her as she turned and looked at them. "Katherine SinClair nice to meet you boys." She told them putting her hand out as Tom shook it. "SinClair?" Mattheo asked her. "Yup one and only." She told them. "But as I'm assuming Astoria  already told you seeing as she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut."

Katherine told them. "But yes I'm a Potter." She told them as she turned back to the boys going over their next prank.

Tom and Mattheo boy shared a look with each other. "So Kat." Mattheo said getting her attention as she turned back around. "I'm assuming you talk to your father." Tom said finishing the sentence. "No I don't speak to him if anything I'd rather have him as far away from me as possible." "But he's your dad." Tom said.

"Who plays favorites so no he's not my dad nor do I want to be related to him." She told them turning back around as they stared at each other. "You intrigue us Kat." Mattheo told her as she ignored them. "Come on speak to us." Tom said knowing she's getting annoyed.

"Come Miss.Potter." Mattheo told her as she turned around and looked at them. "Listen you idiots." "She doesn't know who they are does she." Astoria said. "Shut up Astoria I know who they are their the Riddle brothers but does it look like I care if their a Riddle no I don't now shut up and you twats leave me alone." She told them as they say their trying not to smile.

"Yes ma'am." They both said as she turned back around.

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