Chapter 15

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Katherine is now 9 James and the others would come and leave every now and then just to come and visit making Katherine sad every time he left. "Mom." Katherine said getting Hayley's attention.

"Yes Luv." Hayley said turning and looking at her. "Does dad not love me." Katherine asked. "Why do you ask that." She told her. "Because he always comes but never stays always staying with Harry but not with me mom he never stays does he not love me."

Katherine asked making Hayleys heart break hearing that. "Oh Luv your dad loves your so much-then why don't he stay." Katherine said cutting her off. "Kat." Harry said running and hugging her before anyone could say anything. "Harry." Katherine said hugging him.

"Look dads here." Harry told her pointing to James who was standing their waiting for her to run into her arms only for her to run off to her room and James looked at Hayley who was mad at him.

"What's wrong with her." James asked Hayley who ignored him and went after Katherine. She walked in her room and saw her wiping her tears away as soon as she saw her enter. "Hi baby." Hayley said walking over to her. "Hi mommy." She said as Hayley sat down next to her.

"Luv what's wrong." Hayley told her. "Why's he here mom why now." Katherine told her. "I don't know but I'm sure he's wondering why you ran off and he does love you very much." Hayley told her. "It doesn't feel like it he's always gone never here he even missed my birthday." Katherine told her.

Hayley sighed knowing she had a point. "Luv he loves you i can promise you that." Hayley told her hugging her. "But why does he leave." She asked her. "He had work Luv." "But he always has time for Harry what about me mom." She told her sniffling.

James overheard Katherine saying that right before he walked in. "Princess." James called her but she didn't look at him. Hayley only glared at him. "Princess look at me." James told her but she didn't. "Hayley can you give us a minute." He told her. "Go ahead mom."

Katherine told Hayley as she kissed her head before walking out. James sat down next to her but she still didn't look at him. "I do love you Katherine." "Do you do really cause your always with Harry." She told him sassing him.

"Katherine i do love you-no you don't your always with your other family." She said cutting him off. "Their your family too Kat." "No their not mommy always says family sticks together and you guys are always gone."

Katherine told him. "Katherine their your family and we love you." James told her and she stood up and looked at him. "No you don't you love Harry more." She yelled at him. "Hey don't yell at me young lady." He told her.

"No." She yelled at him. "Katherine don't act like that young lady." He told her. "You don't love me." She told him. Sirius walked in hearing the yelling from the room. "Hey don't speak to him like that." Sirius told her.

"Your not my dad." She yelled at him. "Katherine that's your uncle your don't yell at him." James told her. "I hate you." Katherine yelled running off. "Katherine." James yelled after her. She ran downstairs and out of the house everyone heard the door and looked at each other before James and Sirius ran down.

"Where's Kat." Sirius said. "Isn't she with you." Hayley told them. "She ran off." James said and instantly Hayley ran outside. They followed after her. "Where you going." James yelled at her. "To get my daughter James." She told him running off.

She used the tracker that was in her necklace. She was in town near by so she couldn't be far. Hayley thought to herself. She already lost the others when she ran off.

She looked at the tracker again and saw she was in a alley way. She looked around before she finally found her sitting down on the ground throwing rocks at the wall crying. "Kat." She said getting her attention.

"Mommy." Katherine said running into Hayley's arms making her sigh in relief. "Baby you can't run off like that." Hayley told her wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was mad." Katherine told her.

"Come on let's go somewhere else." Hayley said picking her up and walking off into a ice cream shop. They got some ice cream and sat down in a booth in the back where you can burly hear and see them. "Luv that's not how you handle your emotions you need to use your voice and speak up instead of running off."

Hayley told her. "I know but he-he got me mad and kept saying-" She started to ramble on when Hayley cut her off. "Hey it's ok I understand my luv things are gonna get tough and your gonna want to run away from your problems but the best thing to do is face it before they get to big."

Hayley told her as Katherine played with her ice cream. "Why doesn't he love me mommy." Katherine said as she started to cry and scooted closer to Hayley crying on her stomach. Hayley didn't know how to answer that for her. "Let it out luv." Hayley said rubbing her back.

After a little while Katherine fell asleep as they walked around town. Hayley noticed her asleep and went back to the house and heard them talking. As she entered the house she passed them. "Hayley-She walked off ignoring James and went to Katherine's room laying her down.

"Night my Luv." Hayley said kissing her head. "Night mommy." Katherine whispered making Hayley smile. She walked out turning the light off but leaving a night light on for her and closed the door going back downstairs. "Where's the kids." She asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Sleeping." Alice said. "Hayley you found her where." James asked and she ignored him grabbing some wine. "Anyone." She offered and the girls wanted some so she served them some and herself.

"Answer me Hayley." James told her. "What do you want me to tell you James huh tell me cause when I found her she was crying so tell me what do you want." She told him taking a sip after her last sentence. He stayed quiet. "This coming and going ain't working anymore your either in her life or not James it's messing with her head."

Hayley told him. "Well-theirs no well James it's either you stay or leave because I won't sit back and watch you tear her down each time you leave she's 9 years old and asking me why you keep leaving her or why you don't love her. She should be asking me to dress her up or to do her hair not that James."

Hayley told him finishing her drink. "You think I want to leave her." James told her. "Well it's kinda obvious isn't it you come one day leave the next only show up for her birthday but even then sometimes-One time Hayley I missed it one time."

He said cutting her off. "Yeah and that one time she was devastated you missed her third birthday as well and her fifth oh and her seventh should i keep going because it wasn't just once." Hayley told him and everyone stayed quiet deciding not to intervene between them two.

"Ok maybe it wasn't once but I was busy." "It was your daughters birthday James next thing you know your going to be missing more of her life then missing the huge steps in her life."  Hayley told him. "I've tried." He told her. "Not hard enough cause you've always thrown Harry big birthday parties but you barely show up to Katherine's James." She told him.

"He's my son." He told her. "And she's your daughter James my god this unbelievable." She said shaking her head. "Me unbelievable-Yes you unbelievable and I'm done having this you make up your mind by tonight cause I'm done with your shit James your either in her life or not your choice either way we don't need you." Hayley said finishing her drink.

"Mommy I had a nightmare." Katherine said standing in the doorway. She placed her cup in the sink. "Come on luv you can sleep with me." Hayley said picking her up and walking off. James sighed. Katherine always went to him if she had a nightmare.

He ran his fingers through his hair frustrated. "So what you gonna pick." Marlene said sipping her wine and Mary smacked her head. "Not the time." Mary whispered to her.

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