Chapter 4

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It's been two months and her stomach is showing more now. Sirius and Hayley have started to be move flirty with each other and everyone has noticed it. Hayley often sneaks into Sirius room to sleep next to him.

"Hayley get down here." Marlene yelled. "No I look like a tomato." Hayley shouted and Marlene placed a hand over her mouth. Lily walked next to Marlene. "You still trying." Lily asked her and she nodded her head.

Sirius went upstairs and brought Hayley down. "Sirius put me down." Hayley told him and he did but now she was downstairs with everyone. "See you look pretty." Lily told her. "I look fat and like a tomato." Hayley told her trying to take the sweater off but Sirius grabbed her hands stopping her.

"Leave it on we are leaving in a little bit and it's cold out." Sirius told her. "I look fat." "Your pregnant." Sirius told her. "Oh so your calling me fat." Hayley told him. "Nice going Sirius." Marlene muttered but he still heard her. Hayley has been very hormonal lately and with that being it she's emotional.

"No no no I'd never call you fat here take my sweater instead I'll go get a different one." Sirius said taking his sweater off and handing it to her before running off. Hayley waited for him to run off before laughing. "Your evil." Marlene said laughing at her.

"How are my kids." James asked walking next to them. "We'll the milkshake is fine." Hayley said and he looked at her. "Milkshake?" James said. "Yes milkshake since she doesn't know the gender yet she's calling it a milkshake." Sirius told him coming back down.

"Weird but ok Lily how's the baby." "The baby is fine." Lily told him and he nodded his head. Hayley walked off and everyone looked at each other. "Weird." Mary said. "I'll go check on her." James told them and went after her.

He looked around for her and saw her sitting in the office with her hand on her stomach with a book in her hand she was reading. "What's wrong." James asked her. "Nothing's wrong." She said placing the book down.

He sighed and went over to the book shelf to put the book back. "I think I'm having a girl." She told him and he turned around and looked at her. "What makes you say that." James asked with a small smile.

"We'll with my genes were bond to have a girl." She told him. "And what about mine." James asked her. "We'll she'll probably take after your stupidity but with most of all she take after me." Hayley told her and he rolled his eyes.

"Nope she'll take after me my genes are stronger." James told her. "We'll see where's Sirius." She asked him. "Waiting where we are suppose to be at." James told her and she got up off the chair and walked out the office with James behind her.

"Their you are you done now." Sirius asked her. "Yeah but I don't feel like going anymore." Hayley told him and he stared at her. "Oh no woman we're going even if I have to drag you out of this house." Sirius said grabbing her hand and taking her out of the house.

The others walked out behind them. "It's cold." Hayley told him. He took his scarf off and placed it around her. "Their now no more complaining." Sirius told her as they kept walking them all of sudden Hayley gasped and they all looked at her.

"What what's wrong the baby ok." James asked panicking. "I haven't spoken to Andy or Ted in two months." Hayley said and they all stared at her. "Seriously woman I thought something happened." Sirius told her and she smiled at him.

"I have to write Andy." Hayley said. "You can do that later for now let's go eat." James told her. She sighed and they went out to eat. They got back to the house and she went straight to her room and started to write Andromeda. She sent the letter off and waited for a response back.

She finally got one and sighed in relief hearing their ok. "You ok." James asked standing in her doorway. "Yeah I'm ok Andy and Ted and baby Nyphadora are ok." She told him laying down on the bed.

"Hayley." James said walking more in the room. "Yeah." "If you still have feelings for Sirius I think you should tell him." James told her and she sat up. "I don't." She said rolling her eyes. "Hayley we can all see it." James told her. "See what exactly James."

"Hayley you two constantly flirt with each other you always sneak into his room at night what else is their to prove." James told her. "James get out I have a headache and don't have time for this."

She told him ignoring the question he told her. He sighed and walked out the room and she laid back down and went to sleep.

Hey lovelies I'm not gonna do the whole everyday of the pregnancy just gonna go by the months so it get to the main part of the book thank you.

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