Chapter 66

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Time Skip

Overall all of Katherine's years in Hogwarts she has experienced many emotions some she never planned on experiencing but things happen and she wish she could turn back time and stop it all from happening.

From first year she met her best friends Draco Theo and Blaise the ones who always stayed with her through it all and never left her side when her brother did. They went on many adventures together getting in trouble make Snape mad for the fun of it. She had her best friends with her for it all.

The Second Year they started a tradition on all of their birthdays they would get cake mashed into their face and sneak up to the Astronomy Tower to watch stars and eat cake all night long and talk about their past memories of them.

Then Third Year her and Harry had dueled each other in the Great Hall. Instead of telling her to stop they encouraged her to keep on going. But that same year she had found out she had two uncles she didn't know about. Refused to believe it but then she did.

She made three more friends that year Tom Matteo and Enzo. She had never expected her life to turn out like that but it still happened. Then she had to go live with James for a while until he finally let her go back. She spent every second with her parents and uncles and friends.

She also did lose her mother that same very year. It caused her to be a little depressed for a while until her friends helped her out of it and showed her everything will be alright. She also started to date her best friend the one who has been head over heels for her.

Fourth Year she was expecting it to be hell but in reality it was actually amazing. She didn't have a worry at all. She used her time wisely and spent as much time she could with all her friends and boyfriend.

Fifth Year she was stressed out for the exams that were going to be happening soon. Due to her stress it caused arguments with her and Theo. Their arguments never turned into physical ones he always kept his cool but always did leave so he didn't say anything he would regret.

But at the end of the day they never went to bed mad at each other they always worked it out their was one thing that stuck with her. Theo had shouted it out in a middle of an argument he said. "You need to control your anger because if not we'll break up and I want you to be the mother of my children and I don't want our kids to see us fighting." After that very moment she forgot what they we're even arguing about.

Sixth Year is the year they are graduating. After every quidditch game they won they would host a party so they can remember all their years here in Hogwarts. They made all their memories they could while they could. They knew at any moment anything could happen so they made all kinds of memories with each other.

Today is their graduation day their all getting ready in their rooms. Theo and Katherine are getting ready together. They had transformed the Great Hall into a bigger area so everyone can sit down Ace Leah Sage and Lorenzo and Alex and Damon all went not everyone could go because the others are throwing the kids a surprise graduation party.

Theo and Kat have been together for three years now. Nothing has separate those two apart. He make Katherine happy and she makes him happy which makes Ace happy that she's happy.

"Babe are you ready have you even gotten dressed." Katherine said as she was doing her make up. "Yes I am I have to go get something from your uncles be back." He said kissing her head. "Alright I'll probably be done when you come back." She told him smiling as he shook his head before walking out the room.

He wasn't going to see Tom and Matteo just yet he was going to see Ace first. He walked over to where he was as parents we're staring at him. "Ace can I speak to you." He said as they all stared at him.

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