Chapter 22

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It's been a few days since Katherine got home. She's been begging Hayley to let her go out by herself. "Mom please." Katherine asked her. "I'm sorry but no Luv." Hayley told her. "But mommy-nope don't use the mommy card on me." Hayley said cutting her off making her groan.

She then got an idea. She walked over to Ace and sat down next to him. "Hi very best daddy in the world would you please let me go out by myself." She told him and him and Hayley both froze hearing her say the d word never expecting her to ever say it to him.

"So can I." She said giving him puppy eyes. "Ace don't you dare fall for it." Hayley told him turning around putting the dishes away. He sighed. "Yes." He said and Hayley quickly turned around and stared at him. "But I'm going with you." He told her.

"Deal." She said running off to her room. Hayley stared at Ace. "What did I tell you." Hayley told him as he walked over to her. "To say no." He said placing his hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"So she finally said the d word." Hayley told him. "Never did I expect to hear that from her." He told Hayley honestly. "How does it feel to be a dad." Hayley told him. "Like i waited my whole life for it." He told her kissing her. "Ewe I'm in the room." Katherine said turning around and fake gagging.

Making Hayley and Ace laugh. "I'm ready." Katherine said. "You want to go right now." Ace said. "We'll duh it won't be as busy as it will be later." Katherine said putting her jacket on. "Come on." Katherine told him.

"I'll see you later then." Ace said giving Hayley one last kiss before they left.

They arrived at digion alley we're it wasn't busy. "Told you it wouldn't be busy." She told him holding onto his arm. "Stay close Kat." He told her as she started to walk off. "Got it dad." She said not walking as fast. He soon got a call and answered it keeping his eyes on Katherine.

"Dad can we go in here." Katherine asked him. "Yeah go ahead." He told her as she walked in the store and he stayed out so he can answer the call. "Boss theirs an attacker in the store where your at." The guy on the line told him and he immediately walked in looking for Katherine.

"Send men but don't make it obvious I'm with my daughter." He said before hanging up. He found Katherine looking at candy. "Kat come on let's go to another store." He told her as she turned around and looked at him. "But-I saw a store full of clothes." He told her and she immediately walked out with him.

"Where did you see it at." She asked him. "Right down their." He said keeping her close to him. "Dad I'm cold." She said shivering a little. He took the scarf he had on and placed it around her. "What have your mother and I told you about wearing one." Ace told her as they continued to walk again.

"To keep one in because I'll get cold." She told him. "Exactly you should've brought yours why didn't you." He asked her. "Because their not in season." She said making him shake his head at her. "Your gonna get some you like understood." He told her.

She smiled at him. "Got it but do I have to." She asked. "Yes otherwise you'll get sick." He told her as they walked into the store. He got another call and she looked at him. "Go I'll catch up with you I'm just gonna answer it real quick then I'll put it away."

He told her and she nodded her head before walking off.

She walked towards a rack of clothes that she thought we're cute. She heard the door open and people coming in but didn't think anything of it. "Kat-Hey dad you think this is in season yet." She said turning around with a shirt in her hand only to be met by James and the others.

"Sorry Luv what we're you saying." Ace said walking over from the other side. She turned and looked at him. "You think these are in season yet." She asked him trying to ignore the people behind her. He stared at the shirt. "We're in winter Kat not summer and you are to young to be wearing these type of shirts." He said placing it back on the rack.

"Hey it's cute and I'm gonna be 14 next year." She told him. "Exactly when I'm dead you'll be able to wear a shirt like that." He told her. "But that's a long time from now." She said. "Exactly and find a shirt more appropriate like a long sleeve or something covers your stomach." He told her and she stared at him.

"But-no buts." He told her and she rolled her eyes. "Your no fun." She muttered but he still heard. "Well you should be playing with Barbie's." He told her and she stared at him. "I'm not 6 anymore and that was one time and I didn't even like them." She said making him laugh.

She peaked back a little and saw James still standing their. "Dad can we go to another store I couldn't find anything here." She told him as he looked at her. "You sure." He asked her. "Yeah I'm sure." She said smiling at him. "We'll come back later to see if you change your mind." He told her as the two of them walked out together.

James watched as she walked out with him. He didn't know weather to feel jealous mad or sad that his daughter is calling someone else dad. "James you ok." Lily asked him. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." He said walking over to them.

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