Chapter 71

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Katherine is five months now. She even has a baby bump. Her and Theo have been cautious about everything since what happened at the hospital.

They've decided to push the wedding back until the baby is born so it can be apart of the wedding and so she can drink but more so the baby is apart of it. Katherine and Theo were laying on the couch his hands placed on her stomach when everyone walked in.

"How's the little bean." Blaise said sitting down as she rolled her eyes. "We're not calling the baby a bean." She told them. "Why not besides Theo told us too." Blaise said as she turned around and looked at him.

"Come on its cute." "Really little bean? Yeah no we ain't calling our child a bean." She told him. "Ok what about little peanut." He said as she stared at him. "Why food names." She asked him. "I don't know it's the first thing that came to mind." "Moving on what we're you guys doing."

She said looking at them leaning back on Theo's chest. "Talking about our years back at school." Draco said. "Remember when Blaise had a crush on Snape." Katherine said as they all laughed. "Shut up." He said as they laughed harder.

"Really two can play that game then. Remember when Ace had to go down their because you told Snape you wanted to be a stripper?" He said as she shook her head. "Remember when we ease dropped on their conversation it's was so funny." Draco said laughing at the memory.

"Yup she ran out the office after Ace said are you ashamed of this ass whooping never seen her run a day in her life that fast." Blaise said. "Yup i even kept the sickle they threw at her." Theo said pulling it out his pocket as they all started to laugh.

"Ahh sixth year was amazing." Tom said leaning back on the couch. "Kat have you even told your aunts about being pregnant." Enzo said as she thought about it. "That's what I forgot to do I was gonna tell them but then I forgot." She said standing up.

"Where you going." Matteo asked her. "To talk to my dad." She said as he nodded his head. Ever since what happened at the hospital the boys have been extra cautious with wanting to know and how she's doing every minute of the day.

She walked over to his office and all her uncles were in their. "Hey dad." She said walking over to him. "Yeah what's up." He said as they all looked at her. "Well Enzo just reminded me I never told Aunt Andy or Aunt Marlene I'm pregnant so I'm gonna go over and tell them." "You taking one of the boys?" Ares asked her.

"No I'm not besides it's only my aunts house besides they have kids and know what to do if anything happens I'll be fine." She said. "I don't know Kat-Dad I won't be gone longer then an hour I'll be ok." She told him as he sighed.

"Fine but be careful your carrying my grandchild and you be careful as well." He told her as she nodded her head and walked out back to the living room. "Babe can you give me a ride." She said as he turned around. "You gotta learn how to drive Kat your eighteenth already." Blaise said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah where." "To my aunts house." She told him as he stood up grabbed the keys and walked over to her. "See you boys later." He said as they walked out the house and to the car. He drove her to Andromeda's house first. He helped her out and they walked to the door knocking on it.

Ted opened up the door and smiled at her. "Kat haven't seen you in a long time how you been." Ted said giving her a hug. "I've been good how have you guys been." She asked as he let them in. "We've been good. Honey look who's here." He shouted a little as Nyphadora and Andromeda both walked in and smiled.

"My goodness Katherine your alive and here." Andromeda said giving her hug but quickly pulled away feeling the bump. "Your pregnant?" "Yeah came here to tell you guys." She said as she smiled. "Your just like your mother." She whispered to her. "How far are you." Nyphadora asked her.

"Five months." "Oh wow only four more to go." She said as she smiled. "Yeah only four more to go then the baby comes." She said.

After some time as Andromeda's house they left to Marlene's. Katherine didn't bother knocking she just walked in as Theo stared at her. "Aunty Mar where are you." She said walking around. "In the kitchen dear." She heard and walked into the kitchen not seeing everyone.

"Hey monkey what you doing." She said not noticing her stomach. "Can't come see my favorite aunt." She said. "What did you do." Marlene told her. "Nothing it's more like what he did." She said making her confused as she pointed to her stomach making her gasp.

"My goodness no your not." She said in shock. "Yes I am." "Your lying." "Nope lying is a sin but so is having-We get it Katherine no need to finish that sentence." She said pulling her into hug. "Oh how I missed you how have you've been." Marlene told her.

"Been good haven't seen you since the party." "Yeah I've been busy lately." Marlene said as she nodded her head. "Do you want a glass of water or something." Marlene said as she shook her head no. Theo then got a call as Kat looked at him. "Be back." He said kissing her head before walking off.

"How's to wedding coming along." "It's going alright we pushed it back we're gonna wait for the baby to come so that good at least and my grandma offered to watch the baby during the reception." She said. "Grandma?" "Yeah grandma Sage remember you we're their." "Oh yeah must've just slipped my mind."

Marlene said as she nodded her head. It was quiet awkward between them two and Marlene was making it more awkward. "So who else knows." She asked. "Well everyone now my dad and aunts and uncles found out maybe five days after we did then now you and Aunt Andy and Uncle Ted." She said as she nodded her head.

Their was an awkward silence between them two. They weren't close like they use to be. Theo then walked in and over to Katherine. "Who was it." She asked him. "Your dad he has called a family meeting." He said as she stared at him.

"Ok then we better get going bye Marlene." She said giving her a hug. "Bye Kat." She said before they walked out. "Thank you for saving me in their it was so awkward." Katherine said. "Why did my dad call the meeting." "Oh he didn't I could sense the awkwardness and the call was from Blaise asking for ice cream."

He told her as she laughed and shook her head. "Well thank you for saving me my luv." "I'd do anything for you." He said helping her in the car. "Well good because our child is hungry." She said as he laughed and shut the door and got in. "And what does our child want to eat." "It's thinking Mexican food." She said as he laughed and grabbed her hand holding it.

Soon as they heard the car drive off the all looked at Marlene who was sitting down. "Well you could sense the awkwardness their." Sirius said as James smacked his head. "What happened between you two you guys we're never awkward with each other." Mary said.

"I don't know she burly comes around anyways she always with Theo or her dad or with her aunts." She said. "Well she's pregnant and that's new." Sirius said. "She looks like Hayley remember when she was pregnant with Kat." Alice said as they agreed with her.

"Yeah she does from the attitude and all that's all Hayley." Marlene said remembering all the memories. "I'm sure she was just nervous to tell you that's probably all." Lily told her. "Yeah probably." She mumbled.

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