Chapter 11

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Katherine and Harry and Neville are all playing in the living room together when  Katherine goes into the kitchen. Hayley picked her up. "What's the matter baby." Hayley asked—1a\ her. She pointed to her hand which was red.

"Did you hurt." She nodded her head. "Oh you poor baby." James walked in and saw her crying and grabbed her from Hayley. "Why she crying." He asked kissing her head. "She hurt her hand James." "We'll why did she." He said getting overprotective of her.

"I don't know she was playing with the boys." Hayley told him and he walked into the living room. "James leave the kids alone." Hayley said walking into the living room. He has Katherine on his lap and was staring at the boys. "Leave them alone their just kids."

Hayley told him. "And one of them hurt Kat." James said and Hayley rolled her eyes. "Give me my daughter." Hayley said. "Ours-She cute him off by taking her out of his hands and walking to her room. "Mommy's baby is getting big your gonna be one tomorrow baby." Hayley said kissing her head. "Don't worry Uncle Charlie will be coming."


Its Katherine's birthday and everyone is downstairs waiting for Hayley to bring her down. Hayley walked downstairs and immediately James took her from Hayley.

"My princess is two years old." James said kissing her cheek making her smile. "Daddy." Katherine said making him smile even more. "My princess is big now next thing you know she's-gonna be dating boys." Alia said cutting him off.

"What no no boys she ain't aloud to date. Princess promise me no boys." He said looked at her. "I promise." She told him kissing his cheek. "Told you-she can always break her promise." Alia told him teasing him.

"Lia leave your brother alone and stop stressing him and James leave Kat alone." Euphemia told them. Hayley grabbed Katherine from him. "Come on let's go get you changed." Hayley told her and walked upstairs with her.

She placed her down on her bed and grabbed an outfit for her. "My baby is so big." Hayley said taking her clothes off to dress her. She put on her outfit and put a cute jacket on her. "You look so beautiful." Hayley said picking her back up.

She walked down with her and immediately James took her out her grip. "My princess looking beautiful as always." James said kissing her face making her laugh. "No bad daddy." She told him moving his face away. "What why in I'm i bad." He asked her.

"You ruin my hair." She said in her baby voice. "Oh my bad princess." He told her fixing it for her. "Aw better." She said kissing his cheek. "Go play with your brother princess." He said placing her down and she walked over to Harry.

"Ah she's getting big so is Harry next thing you know their gonna put us in a nursing home." He said and they all looked at him. "James your stupid." Alia told her brother and then they heard a cry and saw Katherine hit Harry. Both James Lily and Hayley rushed over to the two picking them both up.

"Katherine you don't hit." Hayley told her and they made sure Harry was ok. "That's your brother you don't hit him." Hayley told her and she put her finger in her mouth. "Say sorry young lady." Hayley told her and she stayed quiet.

"Say sorry Katherine or time out." She didn't do anything. "Alright then time out-no no me sorwy." Katherine said interrupting Hayley. "Tell you brother not me." "Hayley that's enough." James told her. "James she's not gonna be hitting people say sorry Katherine." "I'm sowy." She told Harry.

"He ok." Hayley asked Lily. "Yeah he's fine you didn't have to do that." Lily told her. "Yeah well my daughter is gonna have manners and be nice I will not tolerate her hitting people especially her brother."

Hayley told Lily. "You don't think we aren't gonna do the same." Lily asked her. "I never said that I was just saying my daughter will have manner and be nice to people." "Well it sounds like your trying to say we aren't gonna do the same for Harry."

Lily said and Hayley rolled her eyes. "Lily I never said that so get that out of your head." Hayley told her. Hayley took off before she said anything with Katherine in her arms. She walked outside and sat on the swing with Katherine in her arms.

"Baby promise mommy you'll always be innocent forever." Hayley said looking down at her. "I promise mommy." Katherine said clearly making Hayley smile. "Good girl now mommy got you something I was gonna wait but now is the time." She said pulling out a small little box.

"For me." Katherine said staring at it. "Yes baby for you." Hayley said passing it to her. "Open it." So she did it was a necklace with a paw print on it. "It's like mine baby but if your ever in danger just press it and it'll alert me."

She told her putting it on her. "Thank you." Katherine said. "Your welcome luv." Hayley told her kissing her head.

James watched Hayley and Katherine sit on the swing hanging off of the tree.

"I'm mama's baby." Katherine told her playing with her bracelet. "Yes you are." Hayley said smiling. "And I'm fucking cute." "Katherine." Hayley said trying not to laugh. "Who taught you that." Hayley said flipping her around so she's facing her.

"Uncle Paddy." She said smiling and clearly. Hayley picked her up and walked inside. "Sirius." She said and he looked at her. "Yes my Luv." He said looking at her. "Did you teach my daughter to cuss." She asked and he smirked.

"Did baby Potter snitch me out." Sirius said walking over and grabbing her. "Sirius I told you not to." "Oh come on I didn't think she actually say it." He told her. "Sirius stop teaching her that." Hayley told him.

"Fine I will." He told her holding Katherine. "This is new." He said lifting up the necklace. "Yeah I got it for her." Hayley said taking Katherine back. "You did?" Marlene asked her. "Yeah family heirloom." Hayley said not fully saying the truth.

"Where's my favorite niece." They heard someone yell. Hayley placed Katherine on the floor and she ran to Charlie. "Uncle Char your here." She said excited. "Of course I couldn't miss your birthday and guess what I got you." He told her and she smiled brightly at him. "Ask your mom first." He told her and she looked at Hayley with puppy eyes.

"Of course go ahead." She said with a smile. Charlie pulled out a small box. "Open it up munchkin." He told her and so she did it was a bracelet with a paw print. "Another one." Sirius said and Charlie looked at him then at Hayley. "The necklace." She mouthed to him and he nodded his head.

"What do you say Kat." Hayley told her. "Thank youuu." Katherine said hugging the box making them all laugh a little. "Your welcome why don't you go ask your mommy to put it on for you." He said putting it down as she ran over to her. She just handed Hayley the box and put her wrist out.

"What do you say munchkin." Charlie told her. "Pleasee." Katherine said and Hayley kneeled down and put it on for her. "Thank you mommy." Katherine said playing with it. "Your welcome baby." Hayley told her. "Go play in your room munchkin me and mommy are gonna talk." Charlie told her and she ran upstairs giggling.

Hayley walked out of the living room and to the kitchen and Charlie followed behind her. "You gave it to her." Charlie asked. "Of course you'd never know when something bad will happen." She told him. "Hayley-Charlie mom tried to kill her as a baby what makes you think she still ain't."

Hayley said putting dishes away. "Ok you made your point." He told her. "Thank you and you gave her one too." Hayley said raising a brow. "Of course gotta keep my niece safe besides she'll never know." Charlie told her making her laugh.

"I see lover boy is back." Charlie said and Hayley's smile drop. "Yeah he is and so are the others pretty sure they'll leave soon." Hayley said making him confused. "How come?" He asked her. "We'll the first time they left they had to go into hiding which I get but what I don't get is that once they we're ok they never came back it took them a whole year to come

Back Charlie so I'm trying to keep Kat busy so she doesn't get to attached and they up and leaving I don't like to see her sad." Hayley told him in a low voice. "I understand Hayley but you can't protect her forever eventually she'll-have to figure things out on her own but for now I'm gonna do everything I can so she doesn't get hurt."

Hayley told him sitting down next to him. "We'll let's forget about this and let's celebrate my nieces birthday. Kitty come here." Charlie yelled the last part and you can hear giggling in the house.

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