Chapter 29

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Flash back.

"I'm with child." Dawn SinClair told the dark lord. He need a heir to secure his bloodline. "Good you will raise that child and when the time is right you'll tell him or her true heritage." He told her. "Yes my lord." Dawn said looking down.

"Go and rest I need this heir." He told her dismissing her as she walked off quickly to a room. She sat on the bed placing a hand over her stomach. "Don't worry my dear child he won't get you ever." She said in a hushed voice.

Hayley is around five years old here...

Hayley ran around the SinClair manor. "Mommy mommy look what I found." Hayley said running in with a flower in her hand. Dawn looked at the flower and looked away. "Throw that away your gonna get dirty." She told her as Hayley looked down and walked away.

"Charlie will like it." She muttered to herself. "Daddy." She said seeing him walking out of his office. "What do you want child." He said not even looking at her. "Never mind." She said turning back around and going back outside.

"Master Hayley I'd like to see it." A house elf told her sitting down next to her. "Look Rosy it's a flower." She told her showing her a flower. "Yes it is its beautiful." The house elf told her making her smile. "I love you Rosy." Hayley said kissing her head before skipping along to pick more flowers.

Hayley was now 15 now....

She had not been listening to her parent's. Not like how they want her to be and how they want her to be she doesn't want to be like that.

It all started when she got sorted into Gryffindor then when she started to date Sirius Black. He was considered a traitor and a disgrace and they didn't like that at all. "You will listen to us we are your parents and you do as we say." Dawn told her as she kept arguing with her.

"Why just because I don't want to get married Lucien Malfoy he's an annoying twat." Hayley said to her as Dawn slapped her across the face. "Do not raise your voice or ever talk back do you hear me." Dawn told her as Hayley held her cheek never been hit before. "Yes Mother." She said looking down as she walked out.

Hayley was now 18 here....

She heard whispers from her parents office. She had been trying to listen in but really couldn't make out what their saying. "She must know now." She heard her mother say.

"No it's to dangerous she must meet him first." Her father said as her eyes widened knowing who they want her to meet. She quickly ran to her room and packed her things and ran back downstairs. She was already pregnant and she didn't want her child near any danger.

Flashback over.

Mattheo and Tom have been getting more information about Katherine since they found out about her.

They've been going through their father's stuff to find out more about the SinClair family. "Tom you might want to look at this." Mattheo told him handing him a letter.

"My lord you have a daughter she goes by Hayley. We're teaching her the proper ways and by the time she's with you she'll be amazing.

Sincerely Dawn SinClair."

Tom looked Mattheo. "We have a sister." He said looking at Tom. "And it's Kat's mom." Tom said trying to wrap his head around it. "She has Riddle blood running through her veins." Mattheo said.

"She's our niece." Tom said touching his face. "I'm to young to be an uncle." He said touching his hair. "Shut up that's not important right now we must tell her." Mattheo said grabbing him and dragging him out their dorm.

They shortly found Katherine walking down the hall in a quidditch uniform. "Kat their you are." Mattheo said as the stood in-front of her. "Hello boys what do you need." She said as she was all sweaty. "Where did you come from." Tom asked noticing the sweat.

"Quidditch practice obviously." She said as he relaxed a little. "Um we need to speak." Mattheo said to her as she stared at him. "We'll then speak." She told him moving her baby hairs out the way. "We we're doing some um digging and we kinda found out that your mom." He said pausing.

"What about my mom. What did you boys do." She said reading to hurt them. "Nothing we did nothing to your mom." Mattheo said instantly. "We'll then what about my mom she ok." Katherine asked. "Yeah she's fine." Tom said as she visibly relaxed. "We're related to your mom." Tom said blurting it out.

"How?" Katherine said confused. "We'll our um dad needed to secure his plans so got your grandmother pregnant and um boom." Mattheo said as she made a disgusted face. "So your two." She said pointing to them two. "Are my uncles." She said.

"Yeah we are." Tom told her and she started to laugh. "Oh nice prank Dray Blaise Theo you can come out now." She said looking around. Once she realized they weren't laughing she stopped laughing. "Oh you aren't playing." She said as they shook their heads no.

"Does my mom um know." She said. "No we just found out as well." Tom told her. She stepped back away from them. "I-I need space." She told them. "Kat-just give me space." She told them running off. "Should we go meet big sis then." Mattheo said sighing.

"Yeah let's go." Tom said as they left and went to find Hayley. After a while they finally found where Hayley lived and knocked on the door. "Hello." She said opening the door with a smile. "Hi are you Hayley SinClair." Tom said as Hayley nodded her head.

"Yes I am why." She said holding her wand from the other side of the door. "Your our sister." Tom said just blurting it out. "Nice joke boys Ace come out." She said looking around. "We're not kidding." Mattheo said staring at her. "Oh um come in." She said opening it more and placing her wand down.

Soon as they walked in she closed the door and led them to the living room. "Sit." She told them. "So please endure me on I'm your sister." She said staring at the two. "We we're going through our fathers stuff and we saw a letter from your mother." Mattheo said as she sat down.

"Dawn right." Tom said to make sure it was her name. "Yeah that's my mothers name haven't spoken to her since I had my daughter." Hayley said. "What are your boys name." Hayley asked. "I'm Tom and that's Mattheo Riddle." He said as her eyes widen.

"Our father needed a heir to secure his plans for the future and so he and your mother creates you." Tom said as Hayley made a disgusting face. "So what your trying to say I'm Voldemort's daughter." She said. "Exactly yes you are but you somehow left before he met you." Mattheo said. "Oh wow." She said looking down.

"How do you know all this." Hayley asked. "We'll um we go to Hogwarts and um we're doing some research on the SinClair family your daughter mentioned your maiden name is SinClair it's just we haven't heard SinClair in a while and started to dig around and then boom we found out about you."

Mattheo said. "We'll that's interesting so I'm assuming you know my daughter Katherine then." She said to them as they slowly nodded their heads. "She's just like you." Tom said making her smile. "I know she is." Hayley said.

"We just thought you should know." Mattheo told her. "We'll thank you boys for letting me know." She said and a awkward silence filled the room. "We must head back." Tom said as they immediately stood up. "Wait do you boys have anywhere to stay for the summer." Hayley asked.

"Um-stay with me I mean you can Kat and my husband really won't mind and I'd like to get to know you two." She told them as they looked at each other. "Sure." Tom said as she smiled at them. "Perfect I'll pick you three up at the train station." She told them smiling at them. "Well Ms.Sin-Call me Hayley." She told them as they smiled at her.

"Will do. Well Hayley we must head back now see you later." They told her giving her a hug shocking her a little as she quickly hugged back. "Yes see you later and if you happen to see Kat tell her she better be wearing her glasses." Hayley told them. "Will do." Tom said to her smiling. "Bye Haley." They said once more before leaving.

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