Chapter 14

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Hayley woke up and didn't feel Katherine so assumed she was downstairs with James. So she went to her room and got dressed and wiped her make up off. She walked downstairs and heard voices coming from the kitchen.

She walked in and saw James holding Katherine. "Mommy." Katherine said and went into her arms. "Hi baby where'd you go this morning." Hayley asked her. "With daddy you we're still sleeping so daddy said not to wake you." She told her and Hayley kissed her head.

"You mad mommy." Katherine asked her. "No Luv I'm not mad at you." Hayley told her. "Hayley." She heard Ace as she turned around. "Luv go with your dad." She said handing Katherine over to him. "Hi Acey." Katherine said smiling at him. "Hi munchkin me and mommy are gonna go talk see you in a bit." He told her as the two of the walked off together into another room.

"Monkey does your mommy love him." "Who Acey." Katherine asked her. "Yes him." Marlene told her. "Very much." Katherine said putting some food into her mouth while sitting next to Harry. Nobody dared to say anything.

The two didn't dare to say anything. They stayed quiet and stared at each other. "Hayley." "Ace." She said. "We both knew it wasn't meant for us." He told her. "I loved you Hayley and I still do but we can't work." He told her as she tried not to cry.

"Ace we can work through this." She told him. "No we can't because he's always gonna be around he's Kats uncle for god sakes Hayley he'll always be around." Ace told her. "Don't do this." Hayley said. "Please stay." She told him.

"I can't love you if he's gonna be around and he's always gonna be around." Ace told her trying not to cry as well. "Please don't leave me Ace." She told him grabbing his hand. "Stop asking me to stay Hayley." He told her as they both we're trying not to cry but they couldn't stop themselves.

"It's better if we split up." He told her. "Ace I love you not him." Hayley told him. "Hayley feelings like the ones you have for him doesn't just go away I know you love me but not like you love him." He told her. "Thank you for filling the void in my heart." He told her as a sob left her.

"The months we spent together was amazing and maybe in a another life or time we could be together but now is not the time." He told her. "I'm trying to be brave-don't you don't need to be brave." He told her. "I must leave now it's was nice knowing you Hayley SinClair." He said kissing her head as he walked out the room wiping his face.

"Acey." Katherine yelled running over to him. James went after her as Ace kneeled down in front of her. "Where you going." She asked him. "I'm leaving munchkins ok." He told her. "You ok your crying." She asked him wiping his face. "I'm ok go finish your food." He told her as she gave him a hug. "Bye Acey Bear." She whispered to him when she was hugging him.

"Bye munchkin." He told her. "Princess go finish your food." James told her as she ran back into the kitchen. "Where is she." James asked her. "The office take care of her." Ace said before leaving. "Lia watch Kat for me." He told her walking into the office and saw Hayley crying.

She held her hand over her mouth so nobody can hear her. "Hayley." James said and she looked at him. "He's gone and it's all my fault." She told him as James walked over to her. "It's all my fault." She told him as he pulled her into a hug while she cried.

"It's not your fault Hayley." He told her. "I-I-Shh it's ok let it out." He told her cutting her off. He let her cry on him.

A few minutes went by and Hayley pulled herself together. She wiped her face and looked at James. "Where's Kat." She asked him. "Kitchen." He told her and she walked off before he can say anything.

"Mommy where'd Acey go." Katherine asked running over to her. "Come here Luv." Hayley said picking her up and walking into the living room speak to her. "Mommy what's wrong." Katherine asked her. "Ace won't be coming anymore." Hayley told her. "Why not."

"Luv we're not together anymore and he decided it's best to stay away." She told her and Katherine stared at her. "But why'd he leave is he coming back." Katherine asked. "I'm sorry my Luv but he's not." Hayley told her.

"What why." "It's an adult thing Luv that I will explain to you when your older but he won't be coming back." She said to her but Katherine wasn't having it. "It's all your fault mommy that he's not coming back your a bad mommy I hate you." Katherine said running out the living room.

"Katherine." James yelled after her as he wen after her. Hayley didn't say anything and just leaned back pulling her knees into her chest and laying her head down on her arms. She felt someone sit down next to her. "She's right I am a bad mother." Hayley told whoever she was sitting next to.

"No your not Hayley." Marlene told her. "But I am." Hayley said. "I sent her off as a baby-for her safety and once you got her back you've been the best mother to her." Marlene told her. "Go get some rest Hayley we'll watch Katherine for you. You need rest." Marlene told her pushing her up off the couch and she walked to her room and laid down in bed.

Trying not to cry but it didn't help and she did end up crying again but she cried herself to sleep this time.

James sat outside in the porch swing with Katherine. "What you said to mommy was a bad thing." He told her. "But she made Acey go away." Katherine told him. "No she didn't he decided it was best if he left your mom didn't. But what you said to your mom was really mean Katherine."

He told her. "But-no buts young lady that was unacceptable your gonna go inside and apologized to your mom understood." He told her. "Got it." She said getting off the swing and walking inside looking for Hayley. "Mommy." She yelled only to be shushed. "Mommy's sleeping darling what's up." Mary told her.

"I want my mommy." Katherine said gonna throw a fit. "Your moms sleeping Kat." Marlene told her. "But I want mommy." She whined. "She's sleeping you must wait then." Marlene told her and Katherine tried to glare at her but failed.

"I want my mommy." She said throwing a tantrum. "We told you she's sleeping you must wait." Marlene told her not having it. "No I want my mommy." Katherine yelled as thing's started to shake. "Katherine's that's enough." Marlene told her but she didn't listen and kept throwing a tantrum.

"Katherine I'm warning you, you better listen to me right now." Marlene said as Katherine got on her nerves. "No I want my mommy." She yelled at her and Hayley ran in feeling the shaking. "Hey hey it's ok what's the matter." Hayley said looking if she's ok. "I'm sorry mommy I didn't mean it."

She said hugging Hayley. "It's fine Luv but why we're you throwing a tantrum." Hayley told her. "Auntie Mar said I couldn't see you cause you were sleeping." Katherine told her snitching Marlene out.

"It's fine Luv but you don't throw tantrums understood." Hayley told her and she nodded her head. "Come on you need a nap." Hayley said picking her up and walking upstairs with her. "I don't know how you guys can handle kids." Marlene said making them all laugh at her. "Marlene you can't say that." Dorcas told her.

"We'll it's true their whiny little shits." Marlene said grabbing some fire whiskey and taking a shot. "That was we'll needed after Kat." She said placing the fire whiskey away and sitting back down.

Hayley laid Katherine on her bed next to her. "Mommy you mad at me." Katherine asked her. "Never baby." "You forgive me." She asked. "Always I'll always forgive you your my baby." Hayley said kissing her head as she started to fall asleep on her chest. "Night Kat." Hayley whispered. "Night mommy." Katherine told her snuggling up more in on Hayley.

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