Chapter 35

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It's been two days since James took Katherine away from Hayley. She has not step foot out of the room. She has locked the door so nobody could enter. She also placed a silencing spell so nobody could hear her.

She can't even write because she doesn't have her stuff their. Today was the day her and Hayley we're suppose to go dress shopping.

Hayley has been down and crying since Katherine left. Ace has been their comforting her. Tom and Matteo don't know what to do so they stay in her room.

"Luv your dressed where you going." Ace asked her. "The wedding must go on and I'd be dammed if my daughter ain't their. So I going to talk to James alone." She told him kissing his cheek and leaving.

She appeared at the Potter Manor. She walked out the fireplace right as James walked in. "Hayley your here." James said. "We need to speak." She said as he lead her to his office. "What's going on." He asked.

"I want Katherine back." Hayley said. "Hayley I have full custody of her-Yeah and the only reason is because your a hero to them. James it's not fair I didn't even get a say in it." She told him. "Hayley-At least let me take her out today it's the least you can do." She said cutting him off.

He sighed. "Fine she's in her room to the left." He said as she walked out immediately to the room. She tried to open it but it shocked her. "Katherine." She called out but still nothing. "Katherine baby it's me mom." Hayley said and the doors swung open.

Katherine ran into her arms wrapping her legs around her afraid to let go. Hayley held onto her. "Your here." Katherine whispered. "Yes I am." She said putting her down and pulling her into a hug. "Oh my sweet child I'm doing everything I can to get you back." "I know." Katherine said.

"Come on we're going out." Hayley said dragging her down. "Mom I don't even have clothes here." Katherine said as they walked downstairs. "I know that's why we're going to get you some just till you get back home." Hayley said to her holding her hand tight.

They walked past everyone and they have to double check to see if they we're seeing that right. They hadn't seen Katherine out of the room since the night she came back in. "My goodness your ok." Marlene said running over pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah I am." She said smiling. "Where are you going." Marlene asked. "With mom." She said with a bright smile. "Ok have fun." Marlene said letting them leave. "That's the first time we seen her smile since she's got here." Frank said. "We'll Hayley always knows how to put a smile on her face." Marlene said.

"Right where are we heading to mom." Katherine said. "We'll I was thinking to get you some clothes first." Hayley told her as she nodded her head. "Yes I need to get out of these clothes."

They first arrived at a small store. "Go pick out whatever you want because when you go home we're going shopping again." Hayley told her as she walked around the store.

Katherine grabbed a few dresses some shorts a couple pair of pants and some nice shirts and a sweater. "Their all done now." She said placing the stuff down. "Is this all." The lady asked. "Yes this is all." Katherine said smiling.

Hayley paid for the stuff and they went to another store filled with dresses. "Mom what are we doing here." Katherine asked her looking around the store. "The wedding is still on and my daughter is gonna be their so she needs a dress." Hayley said as Katherine turned around with a smile.

"Now let's get to picking them out." Hayley said as the two of them went around the store pulling some dresses so she can try on. "What about this one." Katherine said trying it on as she walked out. Hayley stared at her in the dress. "Ok maybe-It's perfect." Hayley said as Katherine smiled.

"Really." "Yes it is it was made just for you." Hayley said kissing her cheek. "Thanks mom now let me take it off so we can leave." Katherine said. She quickly took it off and Hayley paid for it.

They went and grabbed some food and just walked around for a bit. "Mom." Katherine said getting her attention. "Yeah." "I'm I ever gonna go home. Tom and Matteo probably hate me right now." She said. "They don't hate you if anything they miss you they've been in your room since they found out."

Hayley told her as they walked back to the house. "I don't like it their mom." "I know Luv but me and your dad are trying real hard to get you back." Hayley told her rubbing her back. "I know." Katherine said as they entered the house. "How was it." James asked walking over to them. Katherine ignored him and went upstairs.

"She hates me." James said. "Of course she does James geez I hate you too." Hayley told him. "What can I do to make it up to her." James asked. "Nothing James she already hates you for leaving and by doing this their ain't no forgiveness from her." Hayley said before she walked upstairs with the bags in hand.

She entered the room and saw her sitting on the bed. She closed the door and put the bags on the floor. "This room could use some taste." Hayley said looking around. "It could if he was gonna do this he should've at least had a room ready for me instead he gave me a guest room." Katherine said making Hayley laugh.

"Come on let's do some work in here." Hayley said. They linked hands and started to chant. Her room started to look much better. "Mom thanks for today." Katherine said hugging her. "We both needed this." Hayley told her kissing the side of her head. "I'm assuming you have to go already seeing as it's dark out now." Katherine told her.

"Sadly yes but we'll see each other again don't know when but we will." Hayley told her as Katherine started to tear up. "Mom I don't want you to leave." Katherine said hugging her tight. "I don't either but I have to."

"Goodbye Baby I love you." Hayley said kissing her head. "Bye mom. I love you too." Katherine said hugging her once more before she left. Hayley left downstairs trying not to cry. "Woah Hayley you ok." Sirius said stopping her.

"Sirius leave me alone." She told him. "Your crying." He said. "No shit Sirius I have to leave my daughter here in a place we all know she hates and I can't do anything about it." Hayley yelled at him. "Hayley I'm sorry-Go to hell James." She said cutting off James. She left the house.

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