Chapter 70

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Disclaimer I'm not making fun of anyone so please don't come at me.

Katherine and Theo were in the room asleep when Ace barged into the room grabbing Theo immediately waking them both up. "What the hell did you do to my daughter." "Dad let him go." She said sitting up covering herself with a blanket.

As she didn't have a shirt on. "Leah just blurted out that he made you cry and you guys we're arguing so what the hell happened." He said as Theo tossed her his shirt. She quickly put it on and stared at Ace. "Can you get out so I can get dressed." She said as he let him go.

"I want you both downstairs." He said walking out closing the door as Theo sighed in relief. "Your dad scares me sometimes." Theo said as she stood up from the bed putting on Theo's sweats on.

"Why would your aunt tell him." "No clue I told them not to tell him for this exact reason." She said as he put on some sweats and a shirt. "How's the baby." He asked her walked over to her. "Fine." She said as they walked into the bathroom to brush their teeth.

They walked downstairs and into the living room as everyone stared at them two. "So you gonna tell me what happened or not." He said staring at Theo. "It was just an argument-Really because from what she told me Kat screamed fuck you Theo and slammed the door as you left the house so what happened."

Ace said cutting him off. "It was just an argument." Theo said. "So why did you leave." "So I didn't say anything I'd regret look we're good now." He said lifting up their hands as she was holding his hand. "That don't prove anything you could be faking."

"Dad he's not lying it's all behind us now can you drop it." Katherine said rubbing her head. "I'm only doing what's best for you-No dad your not. It's my relationship not yours and if me and my fiancé gets into an argument you can't get mad at that."

"Your my daughter-Ok but you can't get mad at him for it. It's not your relationship with him if I'm mad at him you can't go and get mad it I yell or cuss at him you can't get mad either." She said. "You literally barged into our room because of it you can't do that."

"I'm only looking out for you." He told her more like yelling at her. "Well stop I'm not five anymore dad I'm eighteen I don't need you as much as I did dad I'm grown up now so you can stop babying me." She said as he stared at her. "Is that what you want." He said. "Yes it is what I want." She told him.

"Then I won't baby you anymore since you don't need me." He said as she rolled her eyes walking off with Theo following behind her.

"Ace I don't think she meant it like that." Leah said. "No leave her she made it clear." Ace said walking off as they all sighed. "It's going to be hell until they make up." Draco said leaning back.


It's been at least a week and Katherine and Ace hadn't talked since their argument. It's been stressing Katherine out since she wants to talk to him but at the same time she doesn't she's mad at him.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Ace. "Hey dad-Never mind." She said turning around walking out the kitchen back up to her room. "You two need to sort this out it's stressing her out." Theo said trying not to announce the pregnancy.

"She can't deal with stress right now so you two work it out." Theo said putting his cup in the sink. "Why ain't stress good for her." Ace said staring at him. "Can't say but it just ain't." He said before anyone could speak Katherine yelled for him and he speed walked over to her without making it obvious.

"What's wrong." He said as he ran into the room. She had blood in her hands and blood down dripping down her leg. "Theirs something wrong I just know it my stomach hurts as well." She said as he froze for a second. "Let's get you to the hospital." He said grabbing the keys helping her downstairs.

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