Chapter 1

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"This is the auditorium," Lisa was showing Suzy around the school who was a new girl.

"Woah, it's so big," she said, looking around.

Lisa chuckled, "yes it is, it should hold all the students and in some events the other guests too, so now let's move on to the garden," she said.

"Garden?" Suzy asked, "Yes, we have a garden here so that students could relax. It's a better place to study than the library, to be honest," Lisa said, as she led her to the entrance of the building.

Just then Suzy and Lisa heard some commotion in the hallway, "what's happening?" Suzy asked, walking towards the hallway.

"Oh, I think 2013 is here," Lisa said as Suzy saw a group of 2 girls and 3 boys entering the hallway. The 3 boys were incredibly handsome, and the 2 girls were also pretty. Just by seeing them, she understood they were from rich families.

"2013?" Suzy raised an eyebrow at Lisa.

"Yeah, come with me, being in this school you should definitely know about them," Lisa giggled, her voice laced with enthusiasm.

Lisa took Suzy to the room where all the trophies won by the school were kept, "why here sunbae?" She asked.

Lisa pointed at the wall, it had pictures of 20 students or so, all having a medal or a trophy in their hand.

"These are the pictures of the students that are the pride of this school, each of them has their own talent," Lisa said.

"So I will tell you about the members of 2013," Lisa began, as Suzy nodded and listened curiously.

"That is Kim seokJin, the eldest and also the loudest and funniest one of them, he is now in 2nd-year university, he too graduated from here," Lisa said, pointing at the picture of a handsome young man.

"Next is Min YoonGi, he is the mature one in the group, he is calm and composed unlike the others in their group, he is also in his 2nd year of university, graduated from here with Jin sunbae and his twin sister InJae," she said, pointing at another young handsome man.

"Min InJae, she is kinda cold towards others, not rude, but rarely talks to others other than her group members, she is also in her 2nd year of university, she is damn good in science, and her boyfriend is SeokJin sunbae, they have been dating for 3 years now," Lisa said pointing towards a beautiful girl who almost looked like YoonGi.

"And next is the sunshine of their group, Jung Hoseok, he lights up the room that he walks in, he is sweet and caring, he graduated last year and is currently in his 1st year of university, he graduated with NamJoon sunbae, JiSoo Sunbae and JungMi sunbae," she said, pointing at another young handsome man who was smiling widely with his white pearls shining.

"Woah! He really is the sunshine," Suzy mumbled.

Lisa chuckled and continued, " That is Kim Namjoon, he has the highest IQ among everyone in our group, but is also very clumsy, he is also in his first year of university, I used to have a crush on him," Lisa smiled at the memory and moved onto the next person. Suzy saw the guy she was talking about and yes, anyone would get a crush on him, he was that handsome.

"Jeon JiSoo, she stands up for her friends whenever needed, till last year she was the one who always kept the students in their place and no one dared to bully a student in this school until she was here, but she never picks up unnecessary fights, she is also in her 1st year now," Lisa pointed at a beautiful girl, with long hair.

"Min JungMi, she is caring towards everyone, she is nothing like her siblings, she talks to anyone and everyone as if she had known them for years. She is also in her 1st year now," she pointed at a short girl with short hair, but she was pretty.

"So now, Park Jimin, you must have seen him now, he is very good in academics, he is such a flirt but not a playboy, he too is very caring, but only towards his friends. He is a topper and also good in sports," Lisa pointed at the guy who was handsome, to say the least.

"Next is Kim Taehyung, he is the only mature one in this group other than Yoongi sunbae, he is calm and composed and almost takes care of all the mess that the other 4 do after the sunbaes left last year, but he also goofs around sometimes," Lisa pointed at a picture, Suzy thought she wouldn't be able to see someone more handsome than him.

"Jung DalMi, she is very sweet towards everyone, she forgives easily and kinda innocent, she is quiet when she is alone," she pointed at the girl who was kinda shy in the photo but she was pretty like the others.

"Now, Jeon Jungkook, the most chaotic one in the group, he is troublemaker-1, he always picks up fights, he fights like his sister JiSoo but isn't like her," she pointed at the cute guy who had a bunny smile.

"Last but not least, Lee y/n, their little princess, even though there are 2 more kids in their group who are in the kindergarten, she is considered the little princess and she gets what she wants and does whatever she thinks of, she is the troublemaker number 2, when Jungkook and Y/n are left together is total chaos so they both are never left alone. The last fight she and Jungkook had was with a boy who was bullying a nerd, she almost broke his hand. And she is also a topper and good at sports. She and Jimin always compete over anything and everything, they pull pranks on each other, at least once a day. I heard that they have been like this since they started schooling." Lisa said, pointing at the picture is a young girl, who looked beautiful, had long hair, and the perfect body one would wish for.

"They all come from rich families, Kim SeokJin, Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung are siblings, their parents are well-known actors, Kim SooHyun and Kim Ji Hyun. Min YoonGi, Min In Jae and Min JungMi, their parents are Doctors, they own most of the hospitals in South Korea, you would have heard about 'welfare hospitals' right? All those hospitals are theirs. Jung Hoseok and Jung DalMi, their parents own almost all the educational institutions in Korea, even this school is theirs, the 'wisdom group of educational institutions' is all theirs. Jeon Jisoo, Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Areum their little sister who is 5, their parents are famous designers who own a fashion house. All the rich elites in Korea wear their brand, 'flourish'. Park Jimin and he has a little brother who is 5, Park JaeIn, their parents run a few businesses, they are very powerful and also Lee y/n's father also runs a few businesses he is also as powerful as the Parks. The group never accepts new members, they like to keep it up to themselves and Hoseok, Namjoon and Dalmi were in relationships before, but never invited their partner to have lunch with them, " Lisa completed explaining about them as the bell rang.

"Thanks sunbae, we will meet during lunch," Suzy waved and went to her class as Lisa went to her own.

This is just the intro about the characters and I know the first few chapters may be a little boring before things starts to happen👀


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