Chapter 39

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Jimin is so done with y/n that he is leaving ☝️🏻

The operation was successful and y/n still haven't woken up because of the anaesthesia. The others scolded Jungkook and a guard took him back home but I was still in the hospital.

I was sitting next to her bed holding onto her left hand as the other one was wrapped in bandage because of the shot.

The doctors said she will wake up by morning and the sun has already risen but she is still asleep. I was being impatient and was almost ready to call the doctor when I felt her legs move and then the hand I was holding moved too.

Her closed eyelids moved as she opened them slowly and kept mumbling something which I didn't hear. I moved close to her and heard her mumbling my name and when she looked at me her eyes widened and to my shock she sat up too quickly for me to react and looked at my face and held my hand tightly with her left hand.

"Are y-you okay? Are you hurt? Nothing happened to you right?" she asked, examining me from top to bottom, "I am okay, y/n look, I am perfectly alright," I caressed her cheeks as her eyes slowly dropped and she fell into my arms passing out. 

I immediately called the doctor and after he checked on her, he said that she was perfectly alright and she fainted again because of the medicines.

I sat down next to her again and looked at her peacefully sleeping, even though she was the one who got shot, she was worried about me and she even took the bullet for me.

I didn't need anymore confirmation, she definitely loved me and the way she looked at me every time we kissed, she does see me romantically, it wasn't just infatuation.

And just like my hyungs said, she really is sacred of commitment, she has lost her parents at such a young age.

But I am gonna wait for her and try till the end and make her mine. I pecked her forehead as I promised myself that I would go to any extent to make her mine.

After a week

y/n was discharged from the hospital today and she still didn't know about the room changes.

She hasn't talked to me much this week and I know she is gonna stay like that if I don't take a step forward.

I got Taehyung to talk to Jungkook and he agreed on helping me this once, Taehyung is now sharing a room with Jungkook and y/n is gonna come back to our room like before.

y/n was fine now, but she still wasn't able to use her right arm, so she has been getting help from others for everything.

"y/n... I am sorry, but can you please share a room with Jimin hyung? I want to stay with Tae hyung," Jungkook carefully asked her while feeding her lunch. They thought they both were alone there, but I heard them talking while passing by and decided to hear what she would say.

She remained silent before slowly nodding her head, "I don't want to come between you and your boyfriend, I will adjust," she gave him a small smile as I did a victory dance in my head.

That night when y/n came to bed, I didn't talk a word to her and made the bed ready for her to sleep and I went to sleep on the couch that was in the room.

It wasn't comfortable, but I didn't know if she was okay with sharing a bed with me.

I have been tossing and turning for the past one hour but wasn't able to fall asleep and when I looked to my right, I saw that y/n was laying down wide awake.

"Come sleep here, Jimin, I know it's not comfortable there," she sighed and turned her back to me. I hesitated for a moment before getting up and walking to the bed.

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