Chapter 16

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Y/n pov

"I heard that there will be a new scholarship student today," Dalmi said, "in the middle of the year, eonni?" I asked, "yeah, she wanted this scholarship so badly so the management gave her an exception it seems, appa was talking about it last night," eonni said.

The teacher came and he called in the new student. I looked up from my note when the door opened, a girl walked in, who looked awfully familiar.

I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look and she turned to the class and I got a clear look of her face.

My eyes widened as I recognised her, she looked more matured now, her hair was shoulder-length now, she looked taller and thinner, I almost didn't recognise her.

"Hello, I am Jiwoo, I hope you all will take good care of me," she bowed and smiled at everyone. The teacher asked her to sit next to Jimin since it was the only place free.

While walking to Jimin, her eyes met mine and my breath hitched. I felt a warm hand placed on mine under the table and looked at Jungkook.

He gave me an assuring smile and pecked my forehead, not minding that we were in class.

Her sudden appearance here brought back all those horrible memories from 2 years back.

We were in freshman year that time and she was a new student here who instantly liked Jimin and even though we don't accept new people into our group, we all let her have lunch with us and hang out with us, just because of a single reason.

But we didn't know we would regret it later.

The class started and I tried my best to concentrate on the class and ignore her presence in which I succeeded.

The class ended and we had a small break, but I didn't dare to turn back, it went on and the morning sessions were over, it was finally lunch break and I saw Jimin leaving the class with Jiwoo.

"She was pestering Jimin to have a talk with her alone all the while," Tae oppa said, eyeing them, "but I didn't think he would go with her," Dalmi eonni said.

"Let's wait for him for 5 minutes," oppa said, "why should we wait for him when he is going to talk with that bitch," Jungkook scoffed, clearly mad with Jimin.

Jimin came back after a few minutes with Jiwoo. I took a deep breath when I saw her coming towards us.

"I guess I owe you all an apology, I am really sorry for what I did back then and I have realised what I have did is a stupid mistake and I promise something like that would never happen again," Jiwoo apologised.

The 4 of us remained silent, "especially y/n, I am very sorry," I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head.

"Let's leave, I am hungry," Jungkook said and walked out dragging me with him, oppa and eonni followed us.

"Guys, she has changed, you could at least accept her apology," Jimin came, "just because you have a soft spot for her, doesn't mean that we also should accept her after what she did, hyung," Jungkook stopped walking and turned to Jimin.

"What did you say?!" Jimin grabbed Jungkook's collar, his eyes red with anger and sadness, "she isn't our Jiwoo just because she has her name, our Jiwoo wasn't someone this bitchy," Jungkook pushed Jimin off of him and grabbed my hand once again, dragging me with him.

"Please don't fight because of me, I will leave if guys don't want me here," I heard Jiwoo's faint voice, gaining the attention of the others around the corridor.


And the next day Jiwoo came with Jimin and sat with us for lunch.

"Why are you here?" I glared at her, "I asked her to join us," Jimin answered for us.

"No outsider is allowed to join us for lunch, so please leave," Jungkook gritted out, "it's better if she leaves Jimin," Tae oppa said.

"God! She already said she changed, why are you all being like this!" Jimin groaned, "what? Now I am not allowed to make friends on my own?" He scoffed.

"We never said that, but you just aren't allowed to bring some outsider to our table, we have always been like this and it will always remain like that," I stood up, towering over him.

"Fine then, I will sit somewhere else with her," he grabbed her wrist and left the table and stormed towards another table.

"I can't believe he left us for someone like her," Jungkook banged the table and walked off.

Oppa sighed beside me while eonni sat there silently watching everything, I know she wasn't able to forgive Jiwoo for what she did to me, but she wasn't able to talk to her like us, she was too sweet to talk rudely to people.

It went on like this for 2 weeks, Jimin completely stopped talking to us, the others too came to know about this and Namjoon oppa came home to talk to him, but he didn't let him talk to him, even at home he would avoid me and I didn't mind it after 2 days because it was his fault for him to befriend someone like her.

I still remember each of her words clearly, they still haunt me.

You are such bad luck!

You killed your mother!

You don't deserve their friendship!

You don't deserve to be in 2013.

If it weren't for you, your mother would have been alive.

Her words echo in my mind like she just said those to me.

She liked Jimin, but Jimin wasn't interested in her in that way, he saw her like a sister just because of her name Jiwoo.

And she hated that Jimin spent a lot of time thinking about me, me and Jimin were always quarrelling like cats and dogs, our all time thoughts would be which prank to pull on each other the next day and how to beat the other in the academic, so Jimin didn't pay much attention to Jiwoo and she got jealous of me.

It was so childish of her to be jealous of me when all we did was bicker with each other like sworn enemies.

She somehow came to know my weakness one day and used it against me, I always felt like I was the reason that my mother died.

When she was 4 months pregnant, the doctor had said to her that she may face some difficulties during the labour so it was better to abort, but she hid it from everyone and kept me, my father came to know about it when it was too late to abort and tried his best to keep me and my mother, but my mother died during labour saving me, so it was always in the back of my mind, that if my mother aborted me when the doctor said so, she would have been alive and my father would have had his love by his side now.

She touched the right place that day during our first year at high school and I had a panic attack when she talked about all this and blamed me, she brought back all those fears and insecurities.

After knowing her true intentions the others kicked her out of our group and the next year she changed schools and now she is here yet again.

I don't mind if she has changed or not, but seeing her brings back all those fears that I prefer staying away from her and Jimin doesn't understand it.

But I don't fully blame him, his sister's name was Jiwoo who died when she was 6. So he can't just ignore Jiwoo when she apologised to him, but at least he could not bring her anywhere close to me, but he doesn't do that either.

He wants me to also forgive her since he knew that the others wouldn't forgive her as long as I don't.

New character entry! Do you think she has really changed?

Happy reading!💖

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