Bonus 2

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"Y/n, calm down, you have known him all your life, this is just another step in your relationship, don't panic," Jisoo eonni tried to calm me down as I kept pacing around the room wearing this heavy wedding gown.

"Oh please, you were ready to shit your pants on your wedding day, and your husband, Namjoon oppa, broke the tiled floor in nervousness," I scoffed.

Jungmi eonni laughed, "y/n, look, take a deep breath," Injae eonni held my shoulders and said, I did as she asked me to, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"Can I talk to Jimin please?" I asked, "you can't see him before the wedding," Dalmi eonni said.

"At least can I call?" I asked, "no video call," Injae eonni said and gave me her phone.

The 4 girls left the room to give me some privacy.

Today was a very big day for me, it was my fucking wedding with Jimin, I am so excited yet very nervous.

We are the last couple in our group to get married, other than Areum and Jaein of course.

I was all dressed up, my hair and makeup was all perfect, everything was going fine and the wedding will be starting in 30 minutes, but I am still nervous.

I rang up his number, waiting for him to pick up, the call was picked up but it wasn't him, "Injae noona?" it was Namjoon, "its y/n oppa, can I talk to Jimin?" I asked.

"Sure, everything alright?" he asked, "yeah," I said, I just wanted to talk to Jimin for a few minutes.

"Y/n?" I heard Jimin from the other side.

"Jimin! Can we just run away?" I asked, "what? Why? Are you having second thoughts now?" Jimin panicked.

"No, I love you and want you, but let's run away," I said, my breaths getting heavier.

"Jimin! Wear your tie, you are getting late," I heard from the other line, "I am worrying if my wedding is gonna take place or not and you are worried about a tie," Jimin said.

"Why do you want us to run away from our own wedding, y/n?" he sighed, "I am nervous, idiot, I am scared for no reason!" I exclaimed.

He let out a sigh, "god y/n, you scared me for a second there! Just because you are nervous you freaked me out, stupid," he scolded.

"What do you mean 'just', Jimin? It's a big step in our relationship and you are there all cool, worried about nothing," I scoffed. "Of course I am nervous, don't act as if you are the only one getting married here, it's my wedding too, for fucks sake." he was getting on my nerves, I shouldn't have called him.

"Wow, so you're telling me I am being a drama queen here? But let me remind you, you are going to marry this drama queen in a few minutes and spend the rest of your life with me, I am gonna make your life a living hell Jimin," I rambled, I didn't even make sense, I know we both are gonna laugh over this silly fight when we remember it after a few years, but at the moment we both were tensed and didn't know what we were talking.

"As if you already aren't doing it," he scoffed. "You-" I was cut off but Jin oppa, "look, y/n, it's your wedding in a few minutes and fighting now it's not recommendable, so I advise you to continue it tonight," he said and hung up.

I was called in a few minutes and I chose Yoongi oppa to walk me down the aisle, I know I had 4 more father figures other than Park appa, but I wanted Yoongi oppa 'cause ever since appa left he has been doing everything that appa did for me, so I wanted it to be him.

"You look so pretty, y/n," he said, his voice cracking at the end.

Jungkook, who was standing next to Jimin was glaring at Oppa with a pout on his lips, "Jungkook will most probably murder me after this wedding," oppa laughed softly as he walked me down the aisle.

Jungkook wanted to walk me down the aisle, but ever since I picked Yoongi oppa a week ago, he has been throwing daggers at the poor man.

My hand was placed in Jimin's, who was tearing up. Jimin looked so handsome today, he was handsome every day but today he was glowing like the sun, making me fall for him all over again.

We both said our, 'I do's and were said to kiss. Jimin pulled me by my waist, pressing his lips on mine, I kissed him back and when we pulled back, I looked into his eyes and whispered, "I hate you," to which he replied with a 'me too'.

The next morning

Author pov

Finally, the big day was over and Jimin and y/n started living in their mansion which was gifted by Injae.

The mansion was next to the other mansions where the other 5 couples were living. They wanted to be close to each other, but being in the same home wouldn't be good for each family as Yoongi and Hoseok already had a daughter who was adopted last year and she is 15 months old.

The wedding night didn't go as expected, the married couple had their usual bickering and Jimin was kicked out of the room on his wedding night.

But Jimin was sure to make up with her for the fight before their honeymoon for which they will be leaving in 2 days.

"Why so grumpy, dude?" Jisoo asked Jimin who was sitting on the big kitchen island with his coffee.

Jimin noticed how she was limping and whined, "even you made love on MY wedding night but I was kicked out of my room by my wife," he complained like a kid who didn't get his candy.

Jisoo burst out laughing, "don't worry, she will come around soon." she patted my back, "anyway I left my phone here last night when we came to drop you both, I will get it and leave," she said and left for the living room.

"Oh, it was your phone, it was ringing all night," Jimin said and the next minute he heard a scream.

"What's wrong?" Jimin rushed to the living room, he saw Jisoo holding her phone in her hand and looking at it wide-eyed.

"I am- I am pregnant," she mumbled, "what? But- how did you-" Jimin was confused, I mean seeing your phone and then screaming that you are pregnant isn't a daily scene to see, right?

"I wasn't feeling well for a few days and went to the hospital but I didn't have time to stay there and get the test result since y/n called me to choose her a hairstyle for yesterday, I asked Jungmi to get it and check it for me, she just texted me the results last night and was calling to tell about it, oh my god! I am going to be a mom! Joon is going to be so happy, he is gonna be over the moon," she kept rambling on and on until Jimin pulled her into a hug.

"Congratulations, noona, I am so happy for you, you and Joon hyung will make great parents," he pulled away and Jisoo left after that to tell the news to her husband Namjoon.

Injae was 4 months pregnant, Dalmi and Jungmi started with their adoption process this month, Taehyung wanted to adopt a kid, but Jungkook was hesitant saying that if he will really be a good father.

Everyone was already settled while Jimin and y/n were all settled with their career but their married life just started.

"Jimin!" He was being summoned by his wife who woke up to not find her husband next to her.

"Where were you all night?" she asked as soon as he entered the room, "didn't you kick me out last night?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"So? This is your room too, you should have stayed, I missed you," she pouted, Jimin chuckled, seeing his wife and walked over to her.

"You know you have to make up for our lost wedding night," Jimin said, as he climbed the bed and laid down next to her.

She scooted closer and hugged him, "now? Don't you think we should pack for our honeymoon?" she asked, acting innocent, "We still have 48 hours for that, that's more than enough to pack."

"Now, you should take care of your needy husband, baby," he smirked down at her.

"Husband... It feels weird yet so nice," y/n giggled, making him smile. "You are my husband now, all mine," she whispered, before kissing him.

I won't be able to post until next Wednesday, I am very sorry🥺

Happy reading!💖

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