Chapter 33

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y/n pov

It's been a week since that morning me and Jimin kissed.

I took that decision in a rush, but I don't regret it cause I am liking it more than I thought I would.

We haven't done anything more than kissing from time to time, and the others know nothing about this.

About Tae and Kook, we aren't sure what happened after we left, as much as we are curious to know what happened we let them have their time before letting us know.

I was laying on the bed with Jimin resting his head on my stomach, I was going through my book for tomorrow's test and Jimin was on his phone.

"Did you talk to Tae oppa?" I asked, "not yet," he answered, "I wonder what happened," I mumbled, and in the next 5 seconds the book was snatched from my hold and my hands were pinned against the bed.

Jimin was hovering above me, with his lopsided smile on his deliciously pink lips, his one hand was holding my wrists above my head while the other was on my hips.

"Shall I show you what would have happened there?" he asked, his voice an octave lower.

I gulped before I nodded, I was excited about what he was going to do now. My heart beats started accelerating, no one ever made my heart race like Jimin does.

He came closer, his nose touching mine before he smashed his lips on mine.

He sucked my lower lip as I sucked on his upper lip, his lips felt so right with me, and I was getting addicted to this feeling.

Who allowed him to be such a damn good kisser?!

He licked my lower lips and I opened my mouth for him, he put his tongue inside and roamed it around every corner of my mouth, he gripped my hips tighter as I let out a moan.

His other hand let my wrist and held my cheeks as my hands found their way around his neck and tugged his hair making him groan into my mouth.

He left my lips as we both breathed hard and he started kissing his way down to my jaw and then my neck.

He placed a few wet kisses on my neck before he started sucking, making me let out a gasp.

His teeth grazed my neck as he bit the spot and kept sucking. I didn't realise that I moaned, he finally let go after licking the spot.

"Wait- did you just give me a- hickey?" I gasped, "oh yes, baby." he smirked, I got from the bed after pushing him off me and looked at the mirror.

There was a big red mark on my neck, I blushed seeing it and remembered how I moaned, making it very clear to him that I enjoyed it.

"Do you like it?" he whispered into my ear, making me flinch. I didn't even know when he came and stood behind me.

"I like it," I mumbled looking down as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder. I am sure I would be looking like a human tomato by now.

Even Eunwoo didn't have this effect on me, Jimin makes me blush so much, he makes my heart skip a beat, he makes my heart race that I feel like it would come out any moment.


"Why are we all gathered here without Injae eonni?" Jungmi asked, "because it is supposed to be like that, now shut your ass up and listen," Jin oppa said.

He was looking very nervous for some reason and he wasn't even this nervous when he started shooting his first lead role in the drama.

He took a deep breath before he started speaking, "so I asked permission to Min appa and eomma for proposing to Injae and they happily agreed and I wanted you all to know too before I propose to her."

None of us spoke, like how can we? We were shocked to say the least, they have been dating for 5 years now, almost 6, and even though we knew this was going to happen, we didn't know it was going to be this soon.

They both were only 22, but who cares about it.

"So finally you will officially become my brother in law?!" Yoongi shouted and hugged Jin.

And with that we all started to shout in happiness, "but doesnt she still have 4 more years of university?" Dalmi asked, 'if she agrees we would have the wedding next year and maybe kids in the next 5 years, but I want to officially make her mine, and my career is also growing now," he grinned, I was so happy for him. "What about your fans?" Namjoon asked, "most of the people already know I am dating Injae, and now I want to have a simple wedding, after she completes her university we will have a lavish wedding," oppa answered, "you have everything planned huh?" Tae patted his back and grinned at his brother.

I hugged him and pecked his cheeks, "I am so happy for you oppa! Make sure to give us cute little babies soon," I winked, "a baby for another baby,huh?" he chuckled, making me pout.

"First lets see what her answer is," he sighed, "of course she is gonna say yes, do you notice how she looks at you with those love sick eyes?" Jungmi shook her head.

"You will look at someone someday like that too baby sister," Yoongi patted her head, making her groan, "fuck off," she groaned, "language, young lady," oppa scolded, "may be she will say yes if you stop acting like a mother," Jimin giggled.

"Shut up, shorty," Jin oppa said, making Jimin glare at him. "I am damn sure she is gonna say yes, oppa, dont worry and go for it," I tiptoed and patted his head, giving him a warm smile.

I am so tired today😪 I don't think I will be able to rest for another few days and I am sorry if I can't post any series after I finish this😭

Happy reading!💖

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