Bonus 4

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Everything was perfect in their life with a little girl now.

It's been 6 years since she was born and things couldn't be better.

"Eomma! You said you would play with me and Ara today!" The little 6 year old came running inside the mansion, she was let to freely run from one mansion to another but she wasn't allowed to go out of the fence where the 7 mansions were located.

Jaein and Areum got married a few months back and moved into the mansion where the other 12 were staying.

Ara was Taekook's daughter who was her bestest friend. They both were like Jungkook and y/n, the trouble maker duo who caused trouble everywhere they went.

"I was about to come baby, but your father isn't letting me," she heard her mother from the living room and when she went into the living room she saw her mother sitting on her father's lap with a smile on both of their faces.

"Appa! You are ruining my mother!" the little girl exclaimed, stomping her foot and pouting.

"Oh, you wouldn't have been born if I didn't ruin your mother, baby," Jimin evil grinned, y/n gasped and hit her husband, "what?" Jiwoo asked, not getting what her father said.

"Don't listen to your father, Jiwoo, he talks nonsense, come let's go play," y/n stood up from her husband's lap who pouted at her.

Jiwoo was named after Jimin's sister which was suggested by y/n.

"Ji, you are always stealing my wife from me," the male complained, pouting his lips.

"Then come play with us too, appa," the little girl suggested, not able to see her father sad.

"Where is the always late couple?" a voice was heard from the entrance.

Taehyung entered with his 6 years old daughter Ara in his arms and Jungkook behind him with their 7-year-old son holding his hand and their 10-year-old son walking behind them.

"Park eomma!" Seojoon, their 7-year-old son, screeched before leaving his father's hand and running to his aunt.

"My little Seo Joon!" she exclaimed, opening her arms wide to hug the little guy.

"You look like an egg yolk in this white and yellow outfit," Jiwoo laughed at him, "you look like cotton candy in this pink dress," he shot back.

They both always bicker with each other, the others say it's just like how Y/n and Jimin used to bicker back then.

"You both are gonna get married in a few years, for sure," Jungkook gushed.

"She is just 6, Kook!" Jimin whisper-yelled.

"Marry him? I wouldn't marry him even if my life depended on it," Jiwoo fake gagged.

The others widened their eyes hearing this, it was too familiar to hear.

"Who would want to marry this witch?" Seo Joon fake gagged.

"Fine, I too hear the wedding bells ring," Jimin sighed.

It was the same words that Jimin and Y/n said years back and look at them now, married and having a kid.

"Look what I bought for my little Jiwoo!" Taehyung exclaimed. He was swinging a bag of her favourite snacks and on the other hand holding his daughter.

"Stop spoiling her, oppa," y/n whined, since Jiwoo was the last child in their family, she was spoiled by the love of all her grandparents and also her uncles and aunts.

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