Chapter 19

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Author pov

"Hyung! Why are you here?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, who was entering the Park residence.

"I and Dalmi were at the library and on our way back to Dalmi's place, we saw y/n drenched in the rain..." Taehyung narrated the whole story to Jungkook who was soon fuming in anger.

As already mentioned, Jungkook and y/n share a special bond, so hearing this made Jungkook want to punch Jimin for making his best friend sad.

Jungkook was here to hang out with Y/n for some time and met Taehyung when he entered the Park residence.

Jungkook stormed inside and saw Jimin in the living room with Park eomma and appa who were asking him about where y/n was.

"How would he tell where she is when he is the reason she isn't here," Jungkook spoke as he walked to Jimin and grabbed his collar.

"You fucker! How dare you talk like that to y/n?!" Jungkook jerked Jimin, even though he was younger, he was a lot stronger than Jimin.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" Park eomma asked, Taehyung once again told the Parks about what Jimin did and Mr Park was angry with what his son did.

"If you felt like she was a burden then bear with it, she is like a daughter to me and Junghoon has left me responsible for her, if you don't want her, then please feel free to leave, but she stays here," Mr Park yelled at his son.

"You are telling your son to leave for her?" Jimin was shocked to hear his father taking her side.

"She is my friend Jong Hoon's daughter and his last wish was to take good care of her, and I will fulfill it," he shouted at his son, his friendship with Junghoon was more important to him than his own son as it has always been.

"What she did was wrong, appa! She shouldn't have behaved with Jiwoo like that," Jimin reasoned.

"You really believe what Jiwoo told? You think y/n would do something like that?" Jungkook once again grabbed Jimin's collar.

"Enough! What Jimin did is wrong and he should apologize to her for this to y/n and bring her back home with you," Mrs Park stepped in, not wanting the fight to grow anymore.

"Park eomma, let her stay with Dalmi for a few days, she doesn't want to come here for now, when her anger sets down maybe she will come here herself," Taehyung said.

"But you have to apologize to her," Jungkook said, "in your dreams," Jimin spat and ran upstairs to his room.

Taehyung got the necessities for y/n with the help of Jungkook and dropped them at the Jung mansion, Jungkook stayed there that night with y/n who had caught a fever.

The next few days y/n didn't attend school because of her fever and when she went back, the whole school came to know about the fight since the others weren't talking to Jimin until he apologized to y/n and he wasn't going to apologize anytime soon.

Y/n avoided Jimin and Jiwoo at all costs.

"Oh look! Y/n is here," Jiwoo entered the restroom while Y/n was washing her hands.

Y/n sighed and wiped her hands before trying to walk out but was stopped by Jiwoo.

"What do you still want Jiwoo? You have succeeded in making Jimin hate me, unlike last time," y/n snapped.

"Oh well, you think I am still that little girl who has a crush on Jimin?" She scoffed, "last time I did everything so that I could have him, but this time I am doing all this so that he would be alone with no friends." She continued. "Last year the Park industries made my father go bankrupt and he took his life because of that! So I am here to avenge my father's death." Her behaviour right now worries me a little.

"What does any of this have to do with Jimin? And it's your father's fault that he wasn't able to take in his loss," y/n talked back.

"I want the Park family to suffer just like my family did, they are nothing when they are alone," she was talking like a psycho would.

"And you think I would let it happen after knowing everything? I am not going to let you ruin our friendship for your stupid revenge," y/n spat.

"Ah! You think Jimin would hear you out? He believes me over you, y/n," she smirked. Y/n gritted her teeth as anger built up inside her.

"Aww! Look at our unlucky y/n, luck has never been with you since you were born," Jiwoo started and y/n knew where this was going to go.

"S-stop," y/n tried to show her that she was strong but failed, her voice stuttering. "What? Did I touch a sensitive topic?" Jiwoo mocked her.

"Poor y/n, took her mother's life when she was born," she puckered her lips, as y/n's breathing got heavier, "and when her father was dying she didn't even know that," she shook her head.

"Shut- shut up," y/n said through her uneven breathing, "you killed your mother y/n, you killed her when she brought you to this world," she said, all the negative thoughts came back as she kept talking.

Y/n's vision started to blur as she clutched the cloth above her chest, trying to ease her breathing, "you were so selfish that you never saw your father suffering," Jiwoo kept talking, but y/n wasn't able to hear her anymore.

Her voice started becoming distant as blackness engulfed her vision, the last thing y/n felt was her head hurting before she completely passed out.

One of the students who was wanting to use the restroom heard Jiwoo and y/n talking inside, she realised they both were fighting and immediately backed away from going inside and ran in search of one of y/n's friends.

And Jimin was the first one she could find, "Jimin sunbae! Jiwoo and y/n sunbae were fighting in the girl's restroom," she said, Jimin cursed under his breath as he ran towards the restroom.

When he reached the door of the girl's restroom he heard Jiwoo talking about y/n's mother and then about her father, he immediately opened the door to see y/n passing out and hitting the side of her forehead on the sink when she fell down.

"Y/n!" Jimin ran to her and crouched down next to her, placing her bleeding head on his lap, he shook her a few times and when she didn't wake up he picked her up and ran out, ignoring Jiwoo who was standing there.

The others in the corridor saw Jimin carrying a bleeding y/n to the school's pharmacy and it reached Taehyung, Jungkook and Dalmi who were wondering where y/n was for so long.

The nurse treated y/n's wounds and let her rest there for some time after checking her pulse and heartbeat.

"What happened?" Jungkook rushed in followed by the others, Jimin explained what he knew, guilt was eating him up.

Now he knew that he made a mistake by believing Jiwoo over y/n who he had known all his life.

Idk what this is😂

Happy reading!💖

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