Chapter 8

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Y/n pov

I slowly stirred awake and looked around, I was in the hospital room.

An IV was attached to me, I felt tired, very tired to wake up or call someone.

I looked to my right and saw appa sleeping. The sun was slowly rising up so I confirmed it was early in the morning.

The last thing I remembered was crying in the darkroom for hours.

The door was opened and Min eomma walked in, "you are awake! Good morning dear," she greeted me.

"Good morning Min eomma, how long have I been passed out?" I asked.

"For almost 10 hours," she said, checking the IV.

"Wow, I just fainted and the best neurosurgeon is here to treat me?" I tried to joke, sensing that she was going to scold me next.

"Of course I would be here to check on my daughter," she said, getting a little serious.

"And now getting to the important topic, what were you thinking when you starved yourself the whole day, miss? And you haven't been having proper meals for a week, if you go like this then you should be admitted here for months," she scolded.

Hearing her appa woke up, "y/n! You woke up! I was so worried dear," he hugged me.

"I am fine now appa," I tried to assure him.

"Y/n, Junghoon wouldn't like it if you live like this, I am not trying to tell you to move on and forget him, but stop being like this, he isn't physically here with us, but he is always with us, I thought you were matured than this y/n, but mourning like this wouldn't do you any good," she scolded me.

I looked down, pouting. "I am sorry," I mumbled.

"Go to school from tomorrow, don't stay alone, and have your meals properly," she said, I nodded my head.

Min eomma left after saying that I should be here till evening so that she could monitor me and make me have my meals properly.

Appa left after feeding me breakfast.

After a few minutes, eomma came and we were talking all day. And the ones who were in the university called me and Jin oppa gave me a big ass lecture and scolded me to take care of myself properly.

I flinched when the door burst open and Jungkook came running in.

"I almost had a heart attack kook," eomma said, placing a hand on her chest.

Jungkook pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, "I was so worried idiot," he mumbled against my neck.

I hugged him back, I missed him.

After him, Taehyung and Dalmi came in with Jimin, they both hugged me and asked how I was while Jimin was silently sitting on the couch playing on his phone.

I left the hospital with them, I talked to them for a while until I arrived at the Park mansion.

The next morning I got ready for school and left with Jimin, the others were already in the car.

"You have a lot to catch up with y/n," Jungkook said, "I will give you my notes when we reach school," Taehyung oppa said, "thanks oppa," I pecked his cheeks as he smiled and pinched my cheeks.

As we reached school almost all the students came and talked to me, asking me how I was and said a few consoling words.

I didn't like it, I didn't like to see their eyes filled with pity while seeing me, but I tried not to be rude and thanked them all.


One of my classmates stood in front of me, as I closed my locker and was ready to go to the cafeteria.

"Y/n... I am sorry for your loss but know that I am always there for you, that is if... you let me be your boyfriend," he said, giving me a box of chocolates.

I knew he had a crush on me for a long time, but I never saw him more than a classmate, "I am sorry Taejoon, but I only see you as my classmate but thank you for your concern," you politely rejected him.

He hung his head low, "be happy man, it would be a big headache to have her as your girlfriend," Jimin said.

I would have countered back at him if I was in a good mood, but I just ignored him.

"Do you always have to be so rude to her even now?" Dalmi eonni asked, he didn't reply but just left with Taejoon, "let him be eonni, at least he is normal with me since I entered today everyone is seeing me with those pitiful eyes that it's so irritating." I sighed.

Happy reading!💖

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