Chapter 11

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I opened the cabinet in the bathroom that had all my extra body wash, hair wash and other essentials.

I was searching for my toothpaste since the one I was using now was over, but it seems like I didn't have an extra one.

I heard my room door open, "y/n! Are you ready, yet?" It was Jimin.

I opened the bathroom door to see that Jimin was already all dressed, "you haven't even showered yet?!" He whined.

"My toothpaste is empty! And I can't find the extra one," I said, "then use mine, ask the maids to get you one later,'''' does yours taste good?" I asked, "y/n! You aren't going to eat your toothpaste," he taunted.

"It still goes into my mouth, it should taste good," I shot back.

"You are impossible!" He said and went out.

He came back with his toothpaste and handed it to me, "here, get ready and come fast!" He stated and sat on my bed.

"Yah! This one is too spicy, my mouth is burning," I yelled as soon as I finished brushing my teeth.

I could hear him sigh from the other side.

After taking a shower, I came out with a towel wrapped around me. Jimin was still sitting on my bed, going through his phone.

"Get up idiot, you are sitting on my uniform," I hit his head as he looked up at me, his ears turned red, his eyes wide and his jaw-dropping.

"What?" I asked, "you- you can't just- just come and stand - like this- this- in front of a guy y/n!" He stuttered, looking everywhere but me.

"Why? What's wrong? I am not naked," I chuckled and took my uniform, as he got up.

Jimin didn't say a word and left my room.

We had to walk to school since I was late and the others had already left. Eomma made Jimin stay back since she didn't want me to walk alone to school and their car was taken by appa since he had an emergency meeting this morning and the other car was given for monthly service.

"I am going to get detention because of you now!" Jimin exclaimed while walking next to me, "which isn't new," I laughed.

"I wish I could kill you!" He gritted out, "guess what? The feelings are mutual," I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

As we both stepped out of our home, 2 bodyguards started coming with us. I looked at Jimin asking him for an explanation since bodyguards don't usually go everywhere with us.

"The Kims are getting a few threats from haters, so Kim appa thought it was better to increase the protection for all of us," he answered.

"Are they okay? Is it very bad this time?" I asked panicking, "don't worry, everyone is safe now," he said, walking towards school.

"Will you walk faster? I want to reach school today, not tomorrow morning," Jimin spat at me as we were nearing school.

"Go run if you want, the first class is chemistry and I definitely don't want to sit in that old man's class," I shrugged, purposely walking slower.

"Whatever, I am going, stay with the bodyguards if you are planning to skip the 1st class," he smacked the back of my head and walked off.

I wandered around the school for a bit before I heard the bell ring, which indicated the start of the 2nd class.


"Y/nie! Do you realise you are finally turning 18 tomorrow?!" Kook jumped up and down in excitement, and that's when I remembered it was my birthday tomorrow.

"Oh my God! Finally, we can go to a club and get drunk!" I hugged him, we both were the last to turn 18 among us and we always wanted to know what it felt like to be an adult, we always would make plans to go to bars and even decide which drink to try first.

"You aren't allowed till we graduate from high school, y/n," Tae oppa deadpanned, making me and Kook stop our little dance session.

"And who is gonna carry your ass when you get wasted," Jimin scoffed, "oh please, I bet my alcohol tolerance is better than yours," I spat at him.

"I had a full bottle of soju and I was still sober, I bet you can't even tolerate a shot," he snickered.

"You have drunk soju?!" Both me and Kook asked at the same time, getting attention from other students around us in the cafeteria.

We were having lunch in our cafeteria.

I saw Jimin curse under his breath, "how can you drink when you haven't graduated and we can't?" I asked, "that was supposed to be a secret idiot!" Tae oppa snapped at him.

"Wow, such betrayers you both are!" Kook exclaimed, "it's okay y/n and Kookie, it's better if you have drinks when you are legal," Dalmi eonni said.

"Oh, what's the fun in being a good girl," I said, "and you both when did you drink and how did you even get it?" I asked, pointing my fork at them.

"Why do we have to tell you," Jimin shrugged.

"You are telling me or I am telling eomma about this," I smirked, "as if she would believe her son over you," he scoffed.

"I guess you have to think about that, there are countless times she preferred me over you," my smirk widened.

"After all, I am the favourite child of our 2013," I added.

Jimin was so ready to throw his drink at me but Tae oppa butted in, "stop fighting you two! And remember I went to the mansion where the others live on my birthday this year? They had soju and I sneaked two bottles home and invited Jimin over." He explained.

"Wow! And you didn't invite me, I am hurt," I scoffed.

"Who cares," Jimin muttered under his breath.

"We both were the only adults that time y/n, sorry, but just a few more months, we will graduate," Tae oppa said.

"Still! I hate you both!" Kook frowned, as we all continued eating.

This was gonna be my first birthday without appa. That thought instantly put my mood down.

Double post today, make sure to check the next part too 💖

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