Chapter 30

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Jimin pov

"Why don't you invite Eunwoo?" I asked, "why are you asking as if it's new? Isn't it always just us for lunch?" y/n asked, I sighed.

Yesterday her boyfriend called her on a date but she declined it because she had a study session with me. I told her that it's okay, but she said since I was first to ask her she chose me.

And last week too when he asked her, she declined because she was helping Dalmi with our common subject, accountancy.

They have started dating one month ago and in this one month they both have only gone on 3 dates, she talks to him on phone but she doesn't give him the time that she should.

After lunch we all parted ways and were on our way to our building, Jungkook was with us since his building was on our way.

I saw Eunwoo and told y/n, she waved at him smiling, "had lunch?" she asked, "had a project to submit so I skipped lunch," he shrugged, "you should have it, you still have 15 minutes before your class," she suggested, "y/n I will leave now, bye hyung, see you sunbae," Jungkook said and bowed at Eunwoo before leaving, y/n pecked Jungkook's cheeks waving at him.

It was normal for us, but for Eunwoo it wasn't. When I looked back at him, it showed on his face that he didn't like it. "We will also leave, bye Eunwo," she waved at him and interlocked her fingers with mine which Eunwoo noticed.

She was about to drag me with her, but I stopped her, "you go ahead, I will come in a few," I said and she looked at me for a second before nodding her head and walking away.

"Eunwoo, pecking our cheeks and holding hands with us is very normal for y/n, she grew up with us and she is the clingiest one is our group so please don't mind her actions, she only sees us as her friends and brothers," I explained, "I know, but its just feels weird for me, I will get used to it, thank you Jimin," he smiled, and walked away.

The next day Eunwoo came and invited y/n to have lunch with him but she neglected it and didn't invite him to have lunch with us, and when he tried to invite himself she straight up told its not possible, Namjoon hyung scolded her but Jungkook defended her.

Me and y/n were on our bed now, I was resting my back against the headboard and y/n had her head resting on my lap.

We both were on our phones, when I asked her something that has been bothering for a long time.

"y/n?" I called out as she hummed.

"That day you said Jungkook has been crushing on someone for 2 years, who is it?" I asked her carefully.

"Ask Jungkook, if I talk about it, he will kill me," she said, "is it one of us?" I asked, "why are you asking about it? Wait-" she got up from my lap and sat straight, "do you like him? Jimin... no! It's not you, it's Tae-" she immediately stopped her rambling when she realised she said who his crush was.

My eyes widened when she said it was Taehyung, "oh my god! Are you serious? He also likes Taehyung?" I asked, my voice a bit raised in excitement.

"What do you mean? Do you like oppa too?" she asked, "no! Taehyung likes Jungkook too, and Jungkook likes Taehyung," I said. She took a moment to understand what I was saying, "oh my god! Really?" she asked, jumping up and down on the bed.

"Yeah, they both like each other, Taehyung was worried that if he confesses to Kook and he doesn't like him back, their friendship will be ruined, but now he too likes him back," i said, standing up on the bed with her.

"Kook was sacred that what if they both start dating but things doesn't work out, that's why he never confessed, the first year he said it was just a crush, but a year back he told me he fell in love with oppa," she said, "they both love each other y/n! And they both know each other very well, I am sure everything will work out very fine between them," I said, getting serious.

"You mean they both won't end up getting hurt?" she asked me with the most innocent eyes, this girl cares a lot more about us than herself.

"Yes! Now let's find a way to make them both confess to each other," I said, grinning widely, finally my best friend will confess to the man he loves.

"I am so happy!" she exclaimed and hugged me tight, "me too," I mumbled, hugging back.

"Jimin, you pretend like confessing to him, I am sure Jungkook being the possessive man he is, will definitely confess to Taehyung," she said, "and also get my bones broken," I scoffed.

"Oh come on, I will take care of that, all you need to do is make Jungkook bring out his possessive side," she said, I thought for a moment before I nodded, won't I even do this for my friend.

"And... How do you feel when you genuinely like someone?" y/n asked, being a little serious now as we both sat down on the bed.

"How will I know when I haven't even had a crush on someone before y/n?" I chuckled, "but why are you asking?" I asked.

"Just... I don't know... my feelings for Eunwoo... I can't decide where I am with him now, before when I used to see him, I would get butterflies and whenever our eyes met I would blush, but these past 2 weeks, I am not feeling them anymore," she said, looking down.

"Maybe it was just a little crush?" I asked her, "I don't know," she sighed.

I took her hand in mine as she looked up at me, "don't worry, you will figure it out soon, whatever happens, know that I am always there for you, hmm?" I smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand.

y/n pov

"I like this place," I said, smiling at my date, he smiled back at me before we both took a seat on the beach in the park.

We had small talks here and there, we were sitting facing each other.

"Wait- there's a leaf on your hair," he said as I stayed still for him to take it off.

He came closer and took it off. When he pulled back, his face was inches away from mine, I looked into his eyes and noticed his eyes on my lips, is he gonna kiss me? Am I ready? Should I let him kiss me? It was my first kiss. 

So, Kookie's crush has been revealed and I kindly request homophobic people here to leave silently, I don't ship them in real life and this is just for my story.

Happy reading!💖

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