Chapter 13

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"Let's go on a date, baby," here he comes again, I sighed trying my best not to lash out at him.

"SeoJoon for the last time, I am not interested," I calmly said after taking a deep breath.

"You will get interested if you come on this date with me," he smiled. "Never gonna happen now leave me alone," I slammed my locker shut and went to my friends who would be in the deserted hallway, our usual hang out area.

Seojoon has been trying to get me on a date with him for almost a year now, but I was never interested in him.

Tae was sitting on the stairs with Jimin next to him who was leaning on his shoulders while Jungkook was sitting a stair below them with Dalmi.

"I so badly want to do something to our English sir, he is being too much, he is making us write a 3000 words essay, that's so not fair," Jungkook whined, "I know right! Let's sneak into his staff room and see if we get something," I joined their conversation.

"I don't know if you would get something against him but I know for sure that you will get detention," Tae stated.

"You are no fun oppa," I pouted, "just last week we got detention because YOU AND JUNGKOOK sneaked out, I am sick of getting detention because of you," Jimin said.

"It's your fault that you were with me and Kook when we were sneaking out," I shrugged.

"I came out because YOUR lover boy was pestering me for bullying you, he was on my tail the whole day, torturing me to leave you alone," he scoffed.

"Bullying?" Dalmi spoke. "Yeah, 'stop bullying my girl Park Jimin' " Jimin air quoted what SeoJoon said to him.

"That's bullying?" Dalmi chuckled, "maybe he doesn't understand that that's how you both show your love to each other," she laughed.

"Very funny," I laughed humorlessly.

After reaching home I went to my room before taking a shower and starting on my studying.

After I was satisfied with today's work I went down to have dinner.

Jimin pov

"Jimin, come down your aunt has come," I heard my mother call.

Even though I hated her, I don't think my parents would like it if I was rude, she was my father's sister after all.

"Hello Gomo, how are you?" I smiled, "I am good Jiminie, it's been so long since I have seen you, how is your school going?" She asked, patting the chair next to her on the dining table.

"It's all good gomo, how is gomobu (father's sister's husband)?" I asked, "he is good dear, I hope you are good too since I heard that y/n is staying here with you," she said, her lips becoming a thin line.

I didn't get what she was meaning to say, she started talking again after seeing my confusion, "I know how much you hate her and how she always annoys you, having her stay with you would be difficult for you," she patted my shoulder.

"No gomo, I don't really mind it," I said, frowning, I know she always annoys me but I don't do anything less, I too always annoy her.

"I don't understand why your parents want to have her here, you could send her to a boarding school or an orphanage, she is being a burden on you all," she shook her head.

Hearing this made my blood boil, she never liked my friends, but talking like this was new and I hated it. I know I never appreciated y/n's company but I never thought of her as a burden.

I got up from my chair before I started speaking, "Gomo, you have come here to meet us and I would appreciate it if you do only that, having y/n here or not is our decision to make and we don't think of her as a burden she has always been one of us and she will always stay like that, I know you don't like my friends, but I can't tolerate it if you speak so low of them, please feel free to leave if you don't like a someone who belongs to this household," I said and left the dining room.

As soon as I came out I saw y/n running up the stairs wiping her cheeks, shit she heard it.

I followed her and went into her room after seeing it wasn't locked.

She was on the bed, crying silently, hugging her Mr cuddle which was a huge teddy bear.

"Y/n," I called out, she snuggled closer into her teddy hiding her face.

I climbed on the bed and sat next to her.

"Look at me y/n," I said, she didn't respond, but her sobs grew louder.

I grabbed the teddy and pulled it out of her embrace, she whined but then hid her face into the pillow.

"I am sorry," she mumbled, "what are you sorry for?" I asked.

"For being a- a burden," she sobbed. "Shut up idiot, you aren't a burden here, even though I hate you, I don't mind you staying here, you are Lee appa's daughter and my parents are more than happy to have you here," I said.

She looked up at me with her red eyes, "really?" She asked, "yes, really, now stop being a cry baby and come down, she must have left," I said, "no, I don't feel like eating, come let's sleep," she stretched out her arms calling me.

My cheeks took a light shade of red, she didn't notice it because of the dimly lit room. "You can't invite a guy to sleep with you like that y/n!" I exclaimed and instantly got up from her bed.

"Why? I and kook always cuddle when we are together and the others too cuddle with me," she shrugged, she had the most innocent look on her face that I scolded myself for thinking too much.

She sees you as nothing but her annoying brother Jimin! I scolded myself.

"Come have dinner," I said and walked out of her room.

Y/n isn't that naive but she is just too comfortable with her group.


Happy reading!💖

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