Chapter 41

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It was Jimin's birthday today and I wanted to bake the cake for him.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Yoongi oppa asked, I eagerly nodded my head and waited for him to give me instructions.

I woke up early today and woke up oppa to help me bake the cake.

"Don't mess up the kitchen, Jin hyung would kill me," he warned before he started opening a few drawers and taking out a few things.

He gave me instructions one by one and finally I was ready with the batter, it was a very hard process for someone like me who only gets into the kitchen to eat.

"Let's prepare for the icing now, I kept a blow with a whisker in the freezer, bring that and the full cream milk," he told me.

I immediately sprinted there and brought everything he told me to. Then again, he gave me directions to prepare the icing and by then the cake was ready in the oven.

"The cake is ready, get that while I get the piping ready," he told me. I nodded and went to the oven to get the baked cake out.

Opening the oven door, I took the cake in my hand only to drop it back in its place and wince because of the burning sensation.

Oppa turned back when he heard me wincing and ran to me as I was blowing on the burnt area in my hand. It wasn't that bad as I immediately dropped it when it burnt just a little.

"Which idiot in their right mind would put their hand in the oven without the oven mitts?" he scolded me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards the sink.

He turned on the tap and let the water run on my fingers, he then brought an ointment and applied it to the burnt area.

"I shouldn't have let you in the kitchen," he said, making me pout, "I will take care of the rest, you go," he said. "Noo, I wanna do it all by myself," I said, showing him my puppy eyes.

He sighed, and walked towards the oven and took out the cake, he didn't say anything which means he agreed, so I happily walked to the bowl that had the icing and started adding the colours to it.

"You were on a date with Jimin yesterday?" he asked, while I was washing my hands, after everything was done and the cake was put in the refrigerator.

"No- it was just a friendly hangout," I stuttered.

"But I don't kiss my friends after a friendly hang out," he said, my eyes widened as I looked up at him in an instant.

Things escalated yesterday and we both ended up kissing last night after we came home, but I didn't know someone saw it.

"Will you be ok if he comes with a girl someday and introduces her as his girlfriend?" he asked, "I-I would move on by then," I stuttered, he let out a chuckle and looked at me.

"You both won't be able to move on until you both are seeing each other 24/7, and you both even share a room," he said.

I didn't know what to say to this, he walked out of the kitchen leaving me in my thoughts.

I went and sat at the dining table, lost in my thoughts.

A few minutes later, Jin oppa came and started getting everything ready for today's big breakfast.

Yoongi oppa too joined him after a few minutes, when I went back into the kitchen to get some water, I noticed the half-completed dishes and saw that there was no crab.

"Why is there no crab?" I asked, "yesterday when we asked him what he wanted, he didn't mention it," Jin oppa answered.

Jimin loved crabs but I know he stopped eating them ever since I moved into the Park mansion because I was allergic to them.

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