Chapter 32

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Jimin pov

I woke up at 6 am and have been awake for the past one hour, thinking about what y/n said, while this girl was peacefully sleeping beside me.

I was contemplating on whether to do it or not, at first I was sure to not agree because I had many reasons not to, after this is all over our relationship would be a question mark and it would be awkward, another reason was that if the others came to know about this they would kill me.

But then something else came to my mind, what if we are intimate with each other and she starts feeling the same? What if she starts liking me?

Even though I know the chances are less, why can't I give it a try?

And that's how I decided to agree to what y/n said.

y/n was sleeping on her side with my arm under her head, I fully turned to her side and looked at her sleeping peacefully.

How do I wake her up? I thought before the bulb went off in my mind.

I wrapped my other arm around her and pulled her closer, she sighed in comfort before sleeping again, my heart fluttered seeing how comfortable she was with me.

I buried my head in the crook of her neck, before placing a few wet kisses on her neck, she started whining and slowly stried awake.

"What are you doing?" she whined, I looked up at her, balancing myself on my elbow, "that's how a boyfriend wakes up his girlfriend, baby," I slyly smiled, she didn't react.

I inched closer to her before pecking her lips once, she froze and I could hear her loud heartbeats from how close I was.

I slowly connected my lips with her again, and sucked on her upper lips, she was frozen completely, not moving a muscle.

Did she change her mind? Am I making her uncomfortable? Or was it all a dream?

I was about to pull away but felt her lips moving, she started sucking on my lower lips.

And that's when I remembered that this was her first kiss, she wanted time to learn.

But- this is my first kiss to- are we each other's first kiss?

This thought gave me butterflies and made me so happy. She was such a good kisser and I loved the way they moved against mine.

I wanted to kiss her forever but we had to break away to catch our breath.

"I liked it," she whispered, connecting my forehead with hers, "me too," I whispered back, "so you agree?" she asked, I nodded my head, looking into her eyes.

I don't know what took her over all of a sudden but she became shy and blushed, hiding her face into the crook of my neck, making me chuckle.

"Our Y/nie is shy?" I teased, she whined and hit my chest.

"We should execute our plan and make Kook confess, soon?" I said after a few minutes of silence, she finally looked up at me, "yeah we should, you take oppa to the park near the university and text me, I will bring Kook there, not many people are present in that park," she said and I nodded.

"So let's go shower now?" I asked, smirking at her, "together?" she gasped, "don't couples do that?" I teased her. She blushed furiously before jumping up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, making me laugh.

That evening

I kept my phone back in my pocket after texting y/n and turned back to my friend who was giving me judging looks.

"Why are we here?" he asked looking around the empty park, "for our date, babe," I winked playfully.

He looked at me as if I were some creature jumped from another planet, "what? I am not allowed to hangout with my friend?" I asked, "but you never brought me to parks and seeing by how empty it is I am doubting if it's for killing me," he said.

We sat on a bench and after a few minutes I saw y/n dragging Jungkook inside, this was the perfect time.

I turned to my best friend and cupped his cheeks as he was stralted by my actions.

I inched closer as Jungkook got closer to us and he was pissed off which was clear.

"Jimin just because I am gay, you can't kiss me," he mumbled through his squished cheeks.

And just when my lips were about to touch his, I was pulled away and a harsh punch was about to be laid on my cheeks but y/n pulled Jungkook away quickly.

"What the fuck?" Taehyung was damn confused, first I was about to kiss him and now Jungkook was about to punch me.

"What's your problem Kook?" I continued my act, "you can't kiss him, hyung!" he shouted, "and who are you to say that?" I shouted back.

"He is mine!" he growled, "I love him and he is mine!" He grabbed my collar as we heard a gasp from Taehyung.

But Jungkook didn't pay attention to it, he was busy having a staring contest with me.

"Then confess idiot, if you don't then he will belong to someone else." I said, the anger in his eyes disappeared as he became confused and then he was shocked as he looked at Taehyung who was looking at us wide eyed.

"We will let you both alone now," y/n said as she dragged me with her.

"Wait, I wanna see them confess and kiss," I whispered, "eww, let them have their privacy," she smacked my arm and dragged me away.

We both were walking side by side, our hands brushing each other's from time to time. I wanted to hold her hand in mine, but was too scared to do it.

But when I realised that she always holds my hands, I slipped mine into hers and intertwined my fingers with her.

I looked at her and she was totally unaffected by it, but she didn't pull away. I smiled at that.


Happy reading!💖

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