Chapter 42

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Y/n pov

I stretched my body and let out a yawn as I sat up.

We all reached home late after the party last night and I was hella tired that I fell asleep without even changing.

Wait- then why am I in my pyjamas? I looked around and saw Jimin sleeping soundly next to me.

He must have changed me from that uncomfortable dress to this, I blushed at the thought.

But immediately shook my head trying to shake off the thought too.

I looked back at him, he was sleeping on his stomach, his cheek pressed against the pillow with his hair all over his forehead and his lips forming a pout.

He looked so cute that I wanted to squish his cheeks. I leaned forward and brushed the hair out of his face and smiled, he looked like a baby while sleeping, so innocent.

He has the dirtiest mind with the purest soul.

I placed a peck on his pouting lips without realising but pulled away when I realised.

I blushed for the second time that morning and immediately ran out, control yourself, y/n!

I reached the living room and saw Tae oppa was laying down on the couch with his phone while Jungkook was sitting on the couch opposite to him with his sketchbook and pencil in his hands.

"Good morning y/nie," Tae oppa greeted me, catching Jungkook's attention, he flinched when he saw me behind him and immediately covered his sketchbook.

"Good morning oppa, good morning kookie, what are you drawing?" I asked, "n-nothing," he lied, looking everywhere but me and his cheeks took a light shade of red.

"He never shows his sketchbook, but one day I will see it, Kookie!" Tae oppa exclaimed and went back to his phone.

I know about this sketchbook, Jungkook has been having this with him for almost 10 years now.

I have seen the first few sketches of his, it was mostly of our group 2013. One of my most favourite one of his sketches was the one in which he drew all 14 of us, it was so beautiful.

He had other sketches too like me and him, or him with the others, and he even once drew himself with Tae oppa holding hands and walking in a park before he started dating him.

When he showed that to me, he also said that this was going to be a dream which was never going to happen but looking at them now, a smile formed on my lips thinking about it.

But why did he hide it from me now?

I was the only person to whom he showed his sketches and I wondered what he was drawing that he didn't even want to show it to me.

"You won't even show them to me now?" I whispered to him and when he looked up at me, I pouted.

I sat next to him on the couch, as he gulped and his cheeks took a darker shade of red.

I chuckled at his reaction deciding to tease him and inched closer towards him, "are you drawing your dirty fantasies with oppa-" I was cut off as Jungkook covered my mouth with his big palms, his eyes wide as he looked at oppa who was concentrating on his phone.

I was whispering, so he must have not heard me.

Jungkook sighed in relief and took his hands off my mouth.

My eyes widened, "no way, you rEALLY-" he once again put his hands over my mouth and shut me up as I almost shouted, and this time oppa turned towards us.

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