Chapter 15

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Taehyung pov

"Jimin, I have a perfect plan to annoy y/n, do you want to join me?" Yoona asked, Jimin sighed, "can you please stop annoying me Yoona? And why the fuck do you want to annoy y/n?" He gritted out.

"I just don't like her," she shrugged, "then stay away from her, don't you dare do anything to her," he pointed a finger at her. I was sitting here watching these two talk in class.

"Why are you being protective of her now? Don't you always pull pranks on her?" She frowned, she definitely likes Jimin.

"Yeah I pull pranks on her because I can, but you can't, so shut the fuck up and leave!" He said and stormed out of the class since the class was over.

It was nothing new to see Jimin being protective of y/n, he does everything to annoy her but won't let others do it, he was as protective as me and my hyungs over her but never showed it, but these days I could see some changes in them.


"Where is y/n and noona?" Jungkook asked, we just finished our PE period and got changed into our uniforms.

We were waiting for the girls to come out of their changing room but even after everyone else left they didn't come out.

I knocked on the door and Dalmi opened the door, "what's taking so long?" I asked, "y/n can't find her chain, she kept it in the locker before changing but it's not there now" she explained.

"It's just a chain, why is she fussing over it?" Jimin sighed, "not just a chain Jimin, Lee appa gifted it to her," Dalmi said, making him go quiet.

"Maybe she kept it somewhere else," Jungkook voiced out, "I saw it myself when she kept it in," Dalmi answered.

"It's nowhere, but I am damn sure I kept it in here," y/n came out, "we will ask for the cleaner to return it if they find it while cleaning y/n, don't worry, you will find it for sure," I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her to our next class, but she wasn't present here mentally.

Y/n wasn't paying attention to the class the whole time, she kept checking her bag and pockets, she even asked us to check our bags and pockets to see if she gave it to us.

After the class we had a small break, so me and Jimin left to the restroom while y/n once again went to the changing room to check it with Dalmi and Jungkook.

"I am sure y/n must be crying her eyes out searching for this," I heard someone talking followed by wicked laughter. I would have ignored it but hearing y/n's name I stopped and Jimin stopped with me.

"But can she get another one just like this with her money, Yoona," we heard another girl talk, "you didn't see how she took care of this particular chain, it's definitely something special," now I know it's Yoona's voice.

Jimin and I looked at each other and opened the door of the classroom from where we were hearing those voices.

There was a group of 4 or 5 girls with Yoona. As soon as the door was opened Yoona hid her hand behind her and stood up followed by others.

"Where is the chain Yoona?" I calmly asked, "c-chain? I don't know what you are talking about," she said, looking around everywhere.

"Oh really?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and walked towards her, she stepped back a little, visibly gulping, "then what is this?" He asked, pulling her hand out from her behind and brought the chain up to their faces.

"It-it's mine," she stuttered, "oh? I didn't know your name was y/n?" He smirked, "this is customised jewellery with y/n's name engraved on it, don't try to fool us Yoona," he scoffed.

"So what? Don't you always play around with y/n? Didn't you hide her phone last week and let her search for it for the whole day?" Yoona asked, gaining back her confidence.

"Yeah, I did it because I can! And you can't!" He raised his voice a little towered over her, "and I would never play around with something this sentimental to her," he gritted out.

"Now, I want you to return this to y/n and apologise to her, if you don't then you know what I am capable of doing to you," Jimin slyly smiled.

"I w-will," she muttered and immediately ran out of the room, her minions following her.

Jimin and I followed her to the class, "y/n, I found this on the floor and took it to return it to the owner this morning and I just got to know it's yours, I am sorry," Yoona lied and gave back the chain to y/n.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much Yoona, you are the best," she immediately hugged Yoona and took it from her hand.

"Idiot," I heard Jimin mutter, "why is this girl so naive?" He mumbled, "she doesn't know it was Yoona, Jimin," I chuckled, "and I can see something going on between you both," I smirked looking at my friend who looked everywhere but my eyes.

"N-nothing is going o-on Tae," he stuttered, "yeah yeah, you didn't blush that night when she pecked your cheeks," I teased him, he immediately looked at me with wide eyes, "me and Jin hyung got suspicious when she entered your room, so were spying from outside and we saw this juicy content," I winked, grinning from ear to ear while my friend started to blush.

"Won't you blush when a girl kisses you on the cheek?" He snapped at me, trying to hide his cheeks, "of course not, Jiminie," I shrugged.

"Right, but you would if it's- nevermind," he shook his head and walked into the classroom.

Maybe something is blossoming within Jimin, but I hope it's not one-sided.

Happy reading!💖

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