Chapter 31

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Jimin pov

I was at my parents home since it was the weekend and just got home.

I was about to enter the home, when I heard the sound of the car stopping, I turned back and saw y/n getting down from the car, and the car was driven to the garage.

y/n walked towards me with her head hung down. She was about to bump into me but I held her shoulders and stopped her.

She looked up at me and her eyes were red with her nose, tears stained her cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked her, worried and concerned for my dear friend.

She didn't answer, but burst out crying and wrapped her arms around me.

I let her cry and hugged her back, slowly caressing her back.

After a few minutes, she stopped crying but didn't let me go, so I bent down a little and picked her up bridal style, she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.

The others who were doing their own work sitting around the living room all turned to us, seeing me carrying her. I placed her down on the couch as the others too sat around us.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. I shrugged, Jungkook came and sat next to her, before scooping her in his arms and placing her on his laps, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest.

"We broke up," she slowly mumbled. "Did you both fight?" Namjoon hyung asked, "no... he was about to kiss me but I stopped him because I wasn't sure and he said that my feelings for him weren't strong, he said that I don't give him enough time as I give you all," she said and sniffled, "how dare he doubt your feelings," Jisoo noona gritted out, "but he was right, I wasn't able him see him more than a crush and I started losing my feelings for him these days," she said.

"Then why are you crying?" Injae noona asked, "this was my first relationship and it didn't even last more than a month," she again burst out crying.

"Awww, our little girl," Yoongi cooed as he picked her up from Jungkook and placed her on his lap and hugged her.

Why am I feeling relieved that she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore?

And why is everyone so cool about being close to her but why can't I be like that with her? Why does her presence affect me so much?

Finally after sometime she stopped crying, Jungkook took her to our room, only me and Yoongi hyung were in the living room now.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Yoongi hyung asked, bringing me out of my trance.

"Just..." I shrugged.

"Hyung... don't you feel something when you are close to y/n?" I asked, "she is my sister Jimin," he chuckled.

"I too see her as a sister, but her presence affects me, it doesn't happen with others though," I said.

"You try to see her as a sister, Jimin, feelings come from the heart and you can't change it, you think of her as your sister, but you don't feel it." he said.

I never have been so confused about my feelings, I couldn't put a finger on what I see her as, she has always been a compilation in my life.

"I know you are confused and I know the solution, but I want you to figure it out on your own." hyung said and stood up before patting my shoulder and walking away. 

If I don't see her as my sister and also not as a friend, then what does she mean to me? I know she means a lot to me, but in what way? Do I like her...? Is there even a chance? But wouldn't this ruin everything we have now if I confess? No way! It's better if I ignore all these feelings and let it fade away.

And that's what I decided, to ignore all these feelings and move on.

y/n pov

Jimin was fast asleep beside me, but here I am, not able to sleep because of the numerous thoughts in my mind.

And one of them was 'what if I am still inexperienced even with my 2nd boyfriend?'

I don't know how to kiss, I don't know how I should behave around boys that arent my brothers or friends, I don't know how to be intimate with my partner.

What if I ask someone to teach me? I am sure Jimin would know all this, he was such a flirt back in highschool and I am sure he knows about everything even though he has never been in a relationship.

It was almost 3 am but I wasn't able to sleep. I sat up and looked at Jimin who was laying on his back and sleeping peacefully.

I got up and straddled him and sat on his stomach before waking him up.

He whined before rubbing his eyes and opening them.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened, "what the- what are you doing y/n?" he asked, "will you teach me how to be intimate with my partner? I don't want to be inexperienced in my next relationship too," I asked, getting straight to the point.

He took a moment to process what I was saying before asking, "have you lost your mind?"

"Please Jimin, I can only ask you about this, you know I see the others as brothers," I pleaded, "ask Jungkook then," he said, "you know he is gay." I deadpanned.

He groaned before holding my wrist and pulling me down, I gasped as I hit the bed and Jimin wrapped his arms around me, "sleep now, we will see about this tomorrow morning," he said, and nuzzled his face into my neck before falling asleep and this time I too fell asleep.

So many 'what if's in this chapter 😂
Anyway, do you think Jimin should agree or not?

Happy reading! 💖

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