Chapter 44

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I woke up from my deep sleep and tried stretching my hands when I felt myself being caged. I opened my eyes slowly to see my little y/n laying down on top of me, with her head resting on my chest and her hands on either side of me.

"Y/n?" I called out, since I remember sleeping with Taehyung last night.

"Let me stay like this for a while," she mumbled, snuggling closer. I chuckled and said, "at least let me hug you back."

She sighed and got down, but didn't move away. I put one arm under her head and the other went around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She snuggled into my chest.

I closed my eyes as I was still half asleep and enjoyed her warmth, it's been so long since we cuddled this peacefully.

"You slept well last night?" I asked her, "no... Kookie and I were talking till 5 am and then oppa came telling you were all over him and wanted to sleep there," she muttered, her voice still in my chest.

I gasped a bit too dramatically, "how dare he? You never complained but look at him," I scoffed. She chuckled, and said, "you don't know what you do in your sleep, Jimin, I don't mind it so I never complained."

"So you like it when I am all over you?" I grinned. "Don't ask as if you don't know, you jerk," she hit my chest, but she still didn't look up at me.

I laughed, "I wanna hear it from you though." "I love it when you are close to me, I love it when you kiss me, I love it when you flirt with me, I love it when you tease me, I love it when you drive me crazy, I love... You," she said.

I totally didn't expect that, I was only teasing her.

When she didn't hear anything from me, she finally looked up, her eyes looking up at me with so much emotion in them.

Love, pain, hope, guilt, fear.

"I..." I didn't know what to say, "it's okay if you don't say it back, I took too long to say it and hurt you a lot during that time," she mumbled, her face immediately dropping.

"Hey, hey, don't think that I am taking revenge on you, it did hurt a lot when you kept denying your feelings, but I understand the reason behind it, it was your fears holding you back and I don't blame you, but all I am asking for is, don't hide your feelings, I am here for you, I will stay here forever... by your side... if something is bothering you, please talk it out with me, don't hide them," I softly spoke, looking right into her eyes.

"I promise..." she whispered, smiling a little, "so... Will you give us a chance?" she asked with so much hope in her eyes.

I smiled widely, before nodding a yes, if this was all a dream and I wake up from it now, I swear I will lose myself.

She smiled wide, before hugging me tight again, we spent the next few minutes in each other's arms, no words exchanged.

"Let's skip the classes and go on a date today, our first official date," she said, looking up at me, breaking the silence.

"I would love to," I smiled, placing a long kiss on her forehead, "so... You are my girlfriend now?" I asked her, she nodded, smiling widely, "and I am your boyfriend?" I again asked her, "yes baby, I am yours and you are mine," she cupped my cheeks, placing a peck on my chin since she wasn't able to reach higher.

"I should thank Minj-" I was cut off my y/n, "don't take her name," she deadpanned, her smile immediately falling, I chuckled, "Min-" "shut up Jimin, I won't hesitate to punch your lips..." she warned, "with mine," her serious face turned into a smug look, "ohh, I wouldn't mind that baby," I said, leaning in.

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