Chapter 7

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After a week

Y/n pov

I have been in my home for a week now, I didn't want to go anywhere.

Every day someone would come to give me company which I didn't ask for and cook for me, they forced me to have at least one meal a day.

Today when Jungkook and Jeon Eomma came, they told me that the others had left for their dorms and the mansion.

But Kook, Tae oppa, Dalmi eonni and Jimin haven't gone to school yet.

Jungkook told me that he is going to school tomorrow and asked me to go with him, I just said I will think about it.

I just came out of my bathroom after a long shower and looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was a mess, I didn't mind brushing it for a long time now, my eyes were bloodshot from crying all week. Now I feel like I don't have any more tears left to cry.

Dark circles were under my eyes, in short, I looked like a total mess.

I heard the front door open and went down to see who it was.

"How are you, dear?" Park appa asked me, entering with Park eomma and Jimin.

I just nodded my head at them, my throat hurts from all the crying and I knew my voice would be hoarse.

"I made you dinner, baby, come let's eat," Park eomma said, with a sweet smile on her face that I didn't feel like rejecting her.

I slowly nodded my head at her and followed them.

We all took a seat at the dining table as eomma opened the boxes that she packed and started to serve us.

Jimin pov

I hate to admit this, but I am so worried for y/n, she looks like a total mess. I haven't heard her voice for a week now, the last time I saw her was when we all were here and she ran to her father's room.

"Wow y/n, you look like a total mess," I tried to make her talk to me, I thought that she would snap back at me like usual but I was wrong.

She ignored me, but I got a glare from my father.

"So y/n... Jung Hoon wanted you to move into our place after he left, and I don't want to leave you alone here, why don't you move in with us?" Appa asked her.

"Why are you inviting the satan to live with us appa?" I whined and looked at y/n, expecting a reply from her, but she still didn't do anything.

I internally whined.

Eomma smacked the back of my head now.

"I don't want to be a burden," y/n mumbled, god her sweet voice was now replaced with a raspy one, how much did she even cry?

"Y/n, 8 years back I remember you said to me that you would be my daughter, and since then I have considered you as my daughter, you aren't a burden dear, please come stay with us," Eomma spoke.

"Fine," y/n mumbled.

"I will ask the maids to pack your belongings ok? You can move in tonight itself," appa said.

Appa was very relieved.

"Thank you Park appa,"

"Call us eomma and appa baby, you are gonna stay with me from now anyway," eomma softly caressed her hair.

Y/n looked up at Eomma with teary eyes and hugged her.

"Thank you eomma," she cried, as eomma hugged her tighter.

After dinner y/n went up to her room to make sure that her maids packed everything.

She came back down while the maids were loading her luggage in our car.

She was holding a photo frame in her hand, I don't know what it was, maybe Lee appa's.

My parents already made a room ready for her which was right next to me.

I know for sure that now it won't be peaceful even at home.

When we reached home, eomma showed her her room and she went in after the maids delivered her luggage to her room.

I too went to sleep since from tomorrow we should go to school.

The next morning I noticed that y/n's room was still closed, eomma said that y/n told her she didn't want to go to school.

I left with my driver and picked up the others on the way.

I informed them everything that happened yesterday and they were somewhat relieved that y/n wasn't alone anymore.

We had a lot to catch up with at school. I asked a classmate of mine and he gave me a few notes.

Kook and Dalmi wanted to come home with me, but Tae said that we should give her some more time.

When I entered my home, it was empty, the maids informed me that eomma and appa had a business emergency and left a few hours ago.

I noticed Y/n's room door was closed when I walked to my room.

After a shower, I started doing my school work and went through everything that I missed this week.

After completing everything I stretched my body and looked at the clock.

It was 8 pm, my gaze shifted to the photo that was hung on the wall.

It was a picture of our 6 families, Lee appa was there, smiling at the camera standing between appa and Kim appa, a tear rolled down my eyes when I remembered that he isn't with us anymore.

I quickly wiped it and went downstairs.

Eomma was making the dinner table ready.

"Where is y/n?" I heard appa ask, "she hasn't come out of her room since morning, I tried to go in, but it was locked." Eomma said, looking at her room from the table, when I entered.

"She hasn't eaten anything all day," eomma sighed.

"Jimin, try calling her, maybe she will come out if you call her," appa said.

"Me? She would come if I called?" I laughed as eomma gave me a glare.

"Fine, fine," I sighed and went upstairs.

After knocking a few times I got worried not getting an answer.

I ran to my room and opened the balcony door and jumped into her balcony, and thankfully her door was open.

I got in and noticed that all the curtains were closed and the lights were off.

After turning on the light in the darkroom, I saw y/n was sitting in a corner, hugging her knees, and her head was buried between her chest and legs.

I called her, but she didn't even budge, I shook her a little but still, she didn't respond.

I lifted her head up and tapped her cheeks a few times calling out her name, I panicked when she didn't wake up.

I opened the door and ran back to y/n, I picked her up bridal style and walked out of the room and downstairs.

Eomma and appa panicked seeing me carrying her.

"I will take her to the hospital," I said to them, "call the driver," I said to one of the maids as they went out.

After placing her in the back seat, I sat and placed her head on my lap, while appa sat on the passenger seat.

I completed writing this series yesterday😁 just a few more bonus parts are left. And then I will start writing the Taehyung series and post that too!❤️

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