Chapter 28

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It's been 3 months since 2nd year started and in these 3 months a lot has happened.

Eunwoo and I would make a lot of eye contact, before it was me staring at him but now I have catched his eyes on me a lot of times and the most important thing is he asked Jungkook for my number last month and we both have been texting each other frequently.

I haven't told anyone about this yet, only Jungkook knows about it till now.

"Why are you smiling at your phone again?" Jimin groaned, placing the cup of coffee on my study table. "Just saw a funny meme," I lied and started with my assignment again.

"I am gonna find out the truth one day, you can't hide it forever," he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Yeah yeah," I mocked and turned back to the table.

My phone pinged at the moment, I took it almost immediately and read the text, 'wanna meet at the King's cafe at 6 pm,' it read.

I smiled as I replied with a 'sure', and sprinted up from my seat, but shrieked when I saw Jimin standing right in front of me, "who texted you that you are this excited?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just a f-friend," I stuttered nervously, "which one of us?" he asked, "you don't know that person," I mumbled, "show me your phone," he demanded.

"No," I hid the phone behind me, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. He was about to get hold of the phone but I pushed him forgetting that he was holding me and we both fell.

He fell on the bed as I fell on top of him, I looked up at him and he was already staring at me, our faces were close, noses touching.

For a minute I lost myself staring at him, this is the first time I am noticing how handsome he is looking.

His cute little eyes that looks sexy when he is serious, his button nose, his sharp jawline, but I remember 5 years back how he was so chubby and his plump lips.

"Can I use-" Jungkook came into the room and I snapped out of my thoughts and got up.

Was I really admiring Jimin a few seconds ago?

Jimin got up after me, "what were you both doing?" Kook asked, "Your phone!" Jimin exclaimed and I gripped the phone tight in my hands and ran into the closet and closed the door.

After getting dressed, I texted Jungkook to distract Jimin and left when he gave me an ok sign.

Since the cafe was near, I walked to the place. When I reached there Eunwoo was already waiting for me.

"Hi," I smiled as I greeted him, he got up, greeted me and pulled the other chair and made me sit.

"You wanna order something?" he asked. I thought for a moment before ordering a choco milkshake, he ordered the same for him.

"So... how are your classes going?" he started as soon as the waiter left.

"They are good, yours?" I asked, "they are good, in my final year so it's kinda tough," he shrugged.

"So even Kook would be suffering next year, huh?" I chuckled, "maybe... y/n... are you dating any of your friends in your group?" he asked.

"No, I am not and also not gonna date any of them in the future," I cleared out, but why is he asking this?

"Then if you like me too can we go on a date tomorrow?" he asked, are boys always this straight forward?

It took me a moment before I answered, "I like you too and I would love to go on a date with you," I shyly smiled, blushing under his gaze.

After having a little conversation with him, I left home since if I go home late they would all definitely start asking where I was.

I wanted some time before telling them about Eunwoo.

As I reached home I first searched for Jungkook, he was in the game room as expected and since no one else was there, I started telling him about what happened.

"So you're not single anymore huh?" he chuckled, "god! I am so happy," I grinned, "but are you sure about this?" he asked, getting serious, "why not? I have been crushing on him for months and he himself asked me on a date, what's there to regret here?" I asked, "and you know how handsome he is!" I exclaimed, "as long as you are happy," he grinned and pulled me into his embrace as I hugged him back.

The next day

Since today evening I am having a date with Eunwoo. Me and the kids, Jaein and Areum, were going to hangout in the morning this weekend.

"I want to meet the others too, can we go there?" Areum asked, "Sure baby, when we get there I will make shakes for us three ok?" I asked, to which 2 little heads nodded excitedly.

As we reached home, we first went to the kitchen to make us drinks since we were so tired playing in the park all morning.

When I was about to put everything in the mixer, I heard whispers from the living room. I would have ignored it but since they took my name, I walked closer and hid behind the refrigerator.

Author pov

"y/n isn't home right?" Jungkook confirmed, "she left early in the morning and won't be back for an hour," Jimin answered.

"So, mission: investigation on y/n's crush starts!" Hoseok Dramatically said.

"How did you all know about him in the first place?" y/n stepped into the living room with her hands on her hips.

The others stopped moving for a moment before turning to her wide eyed.

"You said she isn't home!" Jungmi gritted out, glaring at Jimin.

"She wasn't! I even checked the whole house," Taehyung exclaimed.

"Jungkook! I kept your crush a secret for the past 2 years and look at you telling about mine to everyone," she scoffed, glaring at the said guy.

"Jungkook has a crush?!" Jimin asked, shocked.

"I- I it doesn't matter now! We have to concentrate on y/n now," the boy in question diverted the conversation back to y/n, not noticing the fallen expression of a particular someone in the group, but Jimin was fast enough to notice it.

"Why do you all have to do this?" I whined.

"Because you are our little princess y/n" Injae pulled y/n's cheeks making her whine again.

"I am not the little one anymore! It's our Areum now," she pointed at the little Jeon who was looking at everyone with her innocent doe eyes.

"We will do the same when Ari grows up, now she doesn't even know what a kiss is," Dalmi said.

"I know what a kiss is!" Ari pouted, "and I have even kissed Jae," she pointed at the little guy next to her who blushed.

Everyone looked at the kids wide eyed and mouth hung open, "you- you- he is just an innocent little kid, what have my mother given birth to?" Jungkook said, still shocked by his sister.

"Yah! Its just a peck, why are you overreacting, they are just kids, they didnt have sex," Jungmi smacked the back  of his head.

"What does sex men?" Jae asked, looking curious, "you can't say those in front of the kids, eonni!" Taehyung scolded.

"We are going off topic, so y/n tell me everything you know about him," Yoongi asked.

y/n started telling him everything she knew about Eunwoo which wasn't much.

I am supposed to be happy for my friend, but why am I not happy? Why am I not liking this? A particular among the group thought.

Kookie has a crush! And do you think y/n knows who his crush is? And do you guys ship y/nkook?👀

Happy reading!💖

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