Chapter 37

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"y/n? y/n?" I heard someone calling me in my sleep and when I slightly opened my eyes, I saw that I was snuggled up against someone's chest. I almost thought it was Jimin until I realised that it was Jungkook who was calling me and remembered everything that happened last night.

I raised my head and realised I was cuddling with Yoongi oppa who was fast asleep and Jungkook was sitting next to me on the bed and looking at me.

I got up and sat next to him as Yoongi oppa too got up.

"Why are you here? When did you come?" Jungkook asked, as Yoongi sat up.

"Last night you both were asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you both and slept here," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes which were burning because of how much I cried.

"I- I had a fight with Jimin," I made up a lie before they could ask me why I was here.

They both nodded their heads, almost buying my lie.

"Did you cry?" Yoongi oppa asked, "I am fine," I answered instead, "can you get me a set of clothes? Can I shower here?" I asked, "...of course you can, Kook will bring you your clothes, by then I will take a shower and make breakfast ready for us," oppa smiled at me and patted my head before getting off the bed and going into his bathroom.

I know for sure he would have figured something serious happened, he was good at observing and all I wish for is for him to not ask me any questions.

"You wanna talk about it?" Kook asked, I shook my head, looking at nothing in particular.

He nodded and went out of the room as I sighed and let myself fall back on the bed.

Is this the end of our relationship? Can't we just go back to how we were before all this started?

After taking a shower I went down to have breakfast. Since it was the weekend, I thought not many would be awake by now, but I was wrong, everyone was already seated there and Jimin was also sitting with everyone else.

I thought of sneaking out before someone sees me, but it was too late as Injae eunni called me and made me sit between Tae oppa and Jisoo eunni.

The food was served and I tried my best to not look at him, but my eyes had a mind of their own and it travelled to the other end of the table.

He was mindlessly poking his food with his chopsticks, even though he was looking down, I could see his red eyes and puffy nose.

It hurt me seeing him like this, and it hurt me more knowing that I was the reason behind his tears.

I was lost in my thoughts when Jungmi eunni cleared her throat and got up holding Dalmi's hand.

"We... we both wanted to tell you all t-that we both have... started d-dating," Dalmi eunni confessed while Jungmi eunni was looking at her proudly.

Everyone around the table was quiet for a moment before the chaos broke out.

Everyone congratulated them even though they were shocked to know that they both were not straight.

Dalmi eunni looked at me as I passed a small smile towards her, she mouthed me a small 'thank you' as her eyes filled with happy tears for getting a positive response from everyone.

"Look at our sisters dating just like us," Hobi oppa chimed, going in to peck Yoongi who was sitting next to him and the whole table fell silent again.

This time even I was shocked, and Hobi oppa who realised what he just said, he froze in his place as Yoongi oppa had a smirk on his face.

"What. The. Fuck?" Jin oppa asked, looking at them, Hobi was blushing furiously, looking down, avoiding our eyes.

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