Chapter 18

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Y/n pov

After shopping, Eomma dropped me home and left for the company saying that she had some work to do.

When I made my way into the living room, I heard Jaein talking to someone in the kitchen.

"Who are you?" he asked her, "I am your brother's friend," I heard another female voice which belonged to Jiwoo.

Jimin brought her home?!

"But I don't know you," the clueless 5-year-old said.

"If you don't know me I can't be Jimin's friend?" she scoffed.

"I know all of his friends and you aren't one of them," Jaein said.

"I am his new friend, little boy," she said rudely.

"I don't like you," Jaein frowned.

I was only able to see him since he was standing in the entrance of the kitchen, but Jiwoo was in the kitchen and where is Jimin?

"So? Not my problem," Jiwoo said and Jaein stomped his feet on the ground and ran to his room.

"Will you stop being rude to the kid?" I stepped in.

"Oh! See who is here," she scoffed. She was boiling some water on the gas, "what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Can't you see? Jimin and I are hanging out and I am making some food for us."

"Why do you have to be so rude about that," I muttered, "what? Little princess can't stand someone being rude to her?" she smirked.

"Look, you are our guest here and behave properly with this household's people," I pointed my finger at her.

"This household's people? I don't see anyone," she shrugged, "you are a guest yourself here who is overstaying."

"That's none of your business Jiwoo, you have come here to hang out with Jimin and I would appreciate it if you do only that," I spat.

"Are you jealous that Jimin is hanging out with me but not with you?" she slyly smiled.

"It's his loss that he chose a two-faced bitch over me," I scoffed.

"Two-faced? Mind your words Y/n," she gritted her teeth.

"That's the bitter truth dear, face it," I gave her a tight-lipped smile and patted her shoulder.

She raised her hand on me, but by mistake it hit the vessel on the gas with boiling water.

I moved away on time but the water fell on her hand and burned it. She let out a scream and within the next few seconds, Jimin was there asking what happened.

"She poured the boiling water on my hand," she lied, making me gasp. Jimin wouldn't believe it, I wasn't someone to stoop so low and he knew it.

"Why did you do that y/n?" He asked, I spoke too fast.

"Right, why would I do that Jimin? Think," I gritted out.

"She was asking me to get out, but I said you invited me here and I won't go, so she poured it on me," she lied yet again with tears streaming down her eyes.

Jimin looked at me, as she completed narrating her made-up story.

"Jimin, don't tell me you are believing her, I didn't ask her to leave or did I pour the water on her," I raised my voice a little.

"So you're telling me she poured it on herself? Who would do that to themselves y/n? Stop lying now and apologize to her," he demanded, my jaw dropped hearing him.

"You are believing her over me? She is the one lying here and she also said to me I am a guest here and I am overstaying my welcome, but I let it slide knowing her, but look at you! Wow!" I exclaimed, shocked that Jimin believes someone else over me.

"Where is she lying though, you are a guest here, and yes, you are overstaying your welcome and being a burden for us," Jimin raised his voice at me. His words shocked me.

"Jimin... do you really mean it?" I asked, my voice cracking a little at the end.

"Yes! I can't be free in my own house because you are staying here, I had to bring my friend home to hang out after making sure you weren't home, I don't like it one bit that you are staying with us," he yelled.

"Fine! If that's so then I will leave, I don't want to be a burden for someone," I spat, I hoped he would at least stop me now.

"Please! Leave!" He shouted, crashing that hope.

I wiped off my tears harshly and walked out of the Park residence, not caring where I would go. All I wanted now was a long walk to clear my mind, I will think about a place to stay later on, but I won't go back there for sure, I have my self-respect.

As I kept walking down the streets, I felt water drops falling on me, I looked up to see the sky raining.

Great! I said to myself and it started to pour pretty heavily, the raindrops mixing with my tears.

"Y/n!" I heard someone call, and recognized it was Dalmi eonni, I turned around to see eonni and Tae oppa standing at the sidewalk with an umbrella on top of their heads, shielding them from the heavy pour unlike me.

"What are you doing here in the rain?" Oppa scolded me and they ran towards me, putting the umbrella over me too.

"Nothing," I answered, not looking at them. "Come home with me," eonni said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder not caring that she would get wet and walked me home.

Once we reached the Jung residence, I was given a towel to dry off my hair and later, Jung eomma gave me a set of clothes that I had here and told me to change.

I changed into the new pair of clothes and walked out of the bathroom, oppa and eonni were sitting on the bed of the guest bedroom that we were in.

"Tell us now," they said. I told them everything that happened and also said that I am not going to go back anymore. There was no point in hiding it from them, they will know it sooner or later.

"You can stay here, y/n," eonni said, I immediately shook my head, "I don't want to be a burden, I will stay at my place from now on, it's better," I said, looking down.

It hurt me a lot that Jimin said all those to me, I never thought he would think that way.

"You can't stay alone, we know you, and you aren't a burden, just because that idiot said it because of some bitch, we can't let you stay alone," Tae oppa said.

"You are more than welcome here y/n, I am sure eomma and appa would be happy to have you here," eonni smiled.

"Fine... can you get my things from the Park residence?" I asked, "I will get your necessities for you, make sure to have some medicine before you catch a cold," oppa said, noticing that I have been sneezing for some time now.

I cringed really bad while writing this chapter🥲

Happy reading 💖

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