Chapter 26

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The summer break started after we completed a year in the university successfully, Jin oppa and Yoongi oppa graduated and everything has been going perfect for them so far.

Jin oppa started getting a lot of roles for featuring in dramas after the drama in which he was the second lead and now he got another offer from a big director who gave him the male lead role. The shooting is gonna start in a month.

Yoongi oppa found the perfect place to start a restaurant and the place is being renovated now, Min appa wanted him to start big but he said that he wanted to start small and grow on his own, he was always a person who liked to depend on himself. With the renovation work he is also taking interviews and appointed 2 waiters and a helping chef so far.

"I will share with Hobi hyung," Tae said, we were all in the living room now, discussing with whom we share our room with, "I am ok with it," Hobi oppa shrugged, "so Taehyung with Hobi is settled and Yoongi is already sharing his room with Namjoon and me and Jin are sharing a room already, 3 more rooms left Jungmi who are you gonna share your room with?" Injae eonni asked.

"Umm... nonna I wanna share a room with Jisoo," Joon oppa mumbled as now all our attention was on him.

"Why..?" Jin oppa asked, now his eyes on Jisoo, "we... started dating 2 weeks back," Jisoo eonni mumbled shyly, her cheeks taking a light shade of red.

"Woah... I never thought I would see a day where my sister would blush," Jungkook said, "she is dating Kook! And all you care about is that she is blushing?" I shouted as I jumped up from my seat and hugged Jisoo eonni and then went to hyung oppa, "I am so happy for you both," I cheered.

"My baby brother finally found a girlfriend," Jin oppa wiped his fake tears and hugged them both, "my big sister finally found a boyfriend," Jungkook mimicked Jin oppa and hugged them both earning a kick from oppa.

And finally when everyone were done with congratulating we were back to the rooms, "I will share the room with Dalmi, she is the only clean one among you all," Jungmi eonni said to which Dalmi nodded in agreement, "I will share the room with Kook," Yoongi oppa said, "noo, he is sharing with me," I whined.

"Nah, Jungkook doesn't snore, so I will take him, you take Jimin," he said, "no!" Jimin shouted almost immediately, "why?" oppa asked, "ah.. She- she cuddles a lot," he stuttered, but it didn't convince me actually, something was fishy.

"Are you upset with me about something?" I asked, "n- no," he said looking at me. "Then, I am ok with sharing a room with you, it's not like we haven't slept together before," I shrugged, "you know, that sounded so wrong on so many levels," Jisoo eonni said, "noona!" Jimin's pitch was higher than usual and it took me a moment to realise what she meant.

"Eonni, I even haven't had my first kiss yet," I defended, she only laughed, "so it's decided then," Yoongi oppa said and got up, stretching, "I am leaving to see how the renovation is going," he said, "I will come with you!" I got up, "me too!" Jungkook stood up, "me three, I wanna see how my brother's restaurant is going," Jungmi eonni jumped up from her seat, "I don't want to babysit you three there," he scowled.

I pouted and showed him my puppy eyes, his only weakness, "fine, but don't cause any trouble there, is someone else coming with me to babysit them," he looked around, no one said a word, "no one is willing Yoongi-ah, but be careful, the last time i took them with me to my shooting spot, these three bought all the cats in the area to the eating area and fed milk that the next day too the cats started coming there," Jin oppa said.

"It was y/n's idea," Jungmi eonni said, "yah! Whatever we do it's always us three, that's our policy," I hit her arm, "very great policy, come lets go," Yoongi oppa scoffed.

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