Chapter 36

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Jimin pov

The sexual tension between us was at its peak over this week after she joined in the shower with me.

We both were doing our best in holding ourselves back from pouncing on each other like wild animals but it was hard.

It was hard when she was looking so good even wearing her pajamas, and I am a young adult with raging hormones. How can I control myself, when the woman I like is looking hot even while simply sitting?

And today, today she purposely sat on my lap while we were watching a movie with the others saying that there was no space left.

The others shrugged off thinking that it was the usual clingy y/n behaviour who was innocent, mark the word 'was', 'cause she isn't innocent anymore.

You ruined her innocence, Park! My inner self scolded me.

She knew I was holding back and wanted to test my limits and sat on my lap, it was okay until she started moving and everything became hard for me, that is including my member down there.

And ... that led to our position now. She was laying below me, panting heavily because of our make out session on our bed, and I was hovering above her, sucking her neck, making her whine and moan.
"You thought I would let you go easily after how you teased me in front of everyone?" I smirked, looking at her red face, she was looking sexy with sweat dripping down her forehead and her hair messed up and panting so heavily.

Oh! How would she be moaning my name when I thrust into her!

Just the thought made me go harder, but realisation soon hit me. Every second I spend with her will be so precious to me but will it be the same for her?

This may be a mere sex for her, but for me this was precious, I loved her and I didnt want this to happen just like this, in the heat of the moment.

"What's wrong?" She asked me, seeing that I froze above her, "I can't do this," I shook my head, getting off her and sitting on the bed. She got up too, sitting next to me while wearing her camisole that I removed while kissing her.

I too wore my shirt that she threw on the floor next to the bed a few seconds ago.

"Why?" she asked, clueless of the chaos going inside me.

"I don't want it to happen like this... every moment with you feels so special to me and you are so special to me," I said, "what do you mean?" she asked, the look on her face was scaring me.

"I was never able to see you as a sister like others and now I can't see you as a friend too, I see you as someone to be my better half, I fell in love with you, y/n," I confessed.

She looked shocked for a minute before grabbing my collars and greking me forward, looking me straight in the eye. She said, "why did you say it? Why didn't you just hide it and move on? Why did you have to confess and ruin our friendship?" she cried out, as tears streamed down her face.

I stayed still, not knowing what to do. I didn't expect this reaction from her.

"You ruined our friendship, Jimin!" she cried, hitting my chest multiple times.

She stood up and looked at me one last time before shouting, "I hate you!" and ran away.

My heart broke hearing all her words, I thought she liked me back, I could feel it, but why is she acting this way?

y/n pov

Why did he have to say it? Why didn't he hide it and move on like me?

I feel like hitting myself for even proposing this idea, it all started with this, I shouldn't have asked him to teach me, then none of this would have happened.

I ran away from the room, wiping my tears and ran to the rooftop. I didnt know for how long I was there, I kept crying and cursing myself and him for everything that happened.

I went downstairs and didn't want to go to our room and see him now, so I went to the first room that was next to the stairs.

It was Dalmi and Jungmi eunni's room. I didn't mind knocking as it was already past 12 am and was sure that they would be asleep now.

But I wish I had knocked on the door, because what I saw when I opened the door was yet another shock for me.

Dalmi eunni was sitting on Jungmi eunni's lap and they both were kissing, I never expected this.

I stood frozen by the door, my eyes and mouth wide open. When they noticed me, they both abruptly stood up and looked back at me shocked.

Dalmi eunni looked at me as if I was gonna judge her and a tear rolled down her eyes, "I am not gonna judge you eunni," I said, getting in and closing the door.

"You wont hate me if I am bisexual?" she asked, "why would I? It's what you are and none of us are gonna judge you for it, if that's the reason you both were hiding your relationship from us," I sighed, "see, I told you no one will hate us for this," Jungmi wrapped an arm around Dalmi and gave her a comforting smile.

"So how long has this been going?" I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing them, "we started officially dating 2 weeks back," Jungmi eunni shyly mumbled, "tell the others before they find it themselves like I just did, ok? And no one's gonna say anything, we are all family," I grinned, "and I am so happy for you both!" I hugged them both.

"Why are you here at this time?" Jungmi asked, when we pulled back, "I j-just wasn't able to sleep and came here, I will leave you both alone now, bye! Good night!" I ran away before they could ask me any more questions.

The only person I could think of now was Jungkook and Iwent to his room. I knocked once before entering the room and saw Kookie and Yoongi oppa sleeping.

I slowly made my way towards the bed and got on top of it and laid down in the space between them. Jungkook turned around in his sleep and wrapped his hands around me as I turned my back towards him and snuggled closer to him, before closing my eyes and falling asleep between them.

THEY CONFESSED!🥳🥳 and our Jiminie got rejected ☹️ what's gonna happen next?


Happy reading!💖

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