Chapter 27

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"I hate these heels," I groaned as I kicked the heels off as soon as I entered our home, me and Jimin were asked to attend a business party by appa and we went since we could get to know other business people too from this.

"Our luggage is here?" I asked, we just moved in today since 2nd year was gonna start in a week, "yeah, we should just arrange them," Jimin answered, "can you please do it for me? If I arrange the closet then even half my things won't fit in there," I asked showing him my puppy eyes, he groaned, "fine! Now go take a shower, I will go next," he said, I nodded and walked to the bathroom.

After I was done showering I wore my comfy pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, and Jimin went to take a shower while I made our bed.

I laid down on the bed and hugged my Mr cuddle, nuzzling my face into the soft teddy.

"y/n, where do I sleep?" Jimin asked, coming out of the bathroom.

I lifted my head up and looked at the other side of the king sized bed and there was only a little space left for him since my teddy was so huge.

"But I can't sleep without cuddling," I said.

He looked at me and then my teddy and then back at me again, "if- if you don't mi-mind you can cuddle- me." he stuttered, but why was he acting like this?

I thought for a moment and shrugged, I got up and placed Mr cuddle on the loveseat and laid down on the bed.

We both got comfortable as I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. It was different from the teddy but it was comfortable, he was warm just like I like it.

"y/n, why did you name it Mr and not Ms?" he asked, "let me have a boyfriend at least in my imagination," I grumbled, he chuckled as he put his arm around me and the other was under my head.

The next morning

"So do you like your room?" Yoongi oppa asked as I took a seat on the dining table.

"It's perfect and I slept really well last night," I grinned, "Jimin is the best cuddler," I grinned as I looked around the table to see what were the dishes made.

Jimin choked beside me as I patted his back and Jungmi who was sitting beside him gave him a glass of water.

"Are you patting me or planning to break my back bone?" he asked between his coughs. "I was only trying to help you," I scoffed and turned back to eat, "more like killing me."

I hit his knuckles with my chopstick making him wince in pain.

"y/n for the 100th time stopping beating others with your chopstick, you are using it to eat!" Jin oppa scolded. "And stop fighting!" he exclaimed.

We all continued eating while making small talks here and there.

"Oh look! Look! 'The always fighting duo Park Jimin and Lee y/n attended last night's party hosted by Song enterprises together! Are they dating? Click the link below to see more'," Jisoo eonni dramatically read from her phone. 

Me and Jimin were spotted fighting in public a lot of times and even articles were written about how our fathers were the representation of Friendship but we were hating each other.

"Just because we don't fight anymore we both are dating," Jimin scoffed, "can we live somewhere where these media people won't find us?" I sluked.

"We were born in this, so we have to learn to live like this," Jin oppa shrugged, "can we prank the media that we are dating," I asked Jimin, grinning widely, excited about my amazing idea.

"Shut up, I don't want to be seen with a monkey," Jimin deadpanned, "Monkey?! You are the chimpanzee here who escaped from the zoo," I snapped back, "we should maybe send this to the media, then they would understand there is 0 percent of you both dating," Injae eonni laughed.

After a week

"Whom are you searching for?" Jimin asked as we both were walking to our block, "n-nothing," I stuttered as I again started looking around but this time not making it too obvious.

I haven't seen Eunwoo since the vacation and now my eyes were eagerly searching for him.

These past few months I have stalked him in every social media account and found his account and I also got to know his schedule, he must be somewhere here talking with his group of friends before his first class starts.

I finally found him and when I looked into his eyes he was already looking at me, he smiled when our eyes met making me smile back at him.

"Does he remember me?" I mumbled, "what?" shit! I almost forgot that Jimin was with me.

"Nothing, just trying to remember if I forgot something," I lied, no one other than Jungkook knew about my crush on Eunwoo.

I looked back at Eunwoo and he was wearing tight blue jeans with a white shirt looking handsome as ever with his bangs over his eyes and a smile on his pink lips, even though his lips were not as plump as Jimin's, it still looked kissable.

Wait- where did Jimin come from?

I shook my head and took a last glimpse of my crush and walked into my block.


Happy reading!💖

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