Chapter 38

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Everything changed, nothing was the same now.

She has been taking all the measures to avoid me and isn't giving me a chance to talk to her like we planned.

Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung started sharing a room and Y/n took this chance and moved out of our room and has been staying with Jungkook while I am sharing a room with Taehyung now.

She avoided me in university too and tries her best to not cross paths with me even though we are in the same class and live under the same roof.

It's been 4 days since the day I confessed and I am slowly breaking inside with her behaviour.

I am starting to lose hope that she likes me back, she acts as if I am a stranger.

The last class of the day just ended and I collected all my belongings as fast as I could and looked around the room but she had already left.

I let out a sigh as I made my way out and prayed that at least my next plan would work out.

Taehyung told me he will keep Jungkook away for the evening since he was also helping y/n avoiding me which I didn't understand why he was doing it.

I got home and looked around for her, Yoongi hyung was in his restaurant and Jin hyung had a shoot today and Injae eunni was out with Dalmi for shopping, Jisoo eunni and Jungmi were in the game room Hobi hyung was in the dance room that was build here for him last year and Namjoon was in his room working on a music for his project, and as planned Tae and Kook were out on a date.

But she wasnt home! I looked everywhere including the rooftop and she wasn't there, so I asked the others and none of them knew where she was. I tried calling her even though I knew she wouldn't pick up and just like I guessed she didn't pick up.

I sighed in defeat as I went back to my room to get some work done that appa told me to do.

He has given a few of the office responsibilities to me now that I am of legal age now and for y/n's company he almost gave her half of the responsibilities back to her as he claims that she is better in business than I am.

I looked around for all the files that were given to me but one was missing, so I called my mother to check if I left it at home.

"There are more than 5 black files here Jimin, which one are you asking for?" my mother grumbled, "the one with the details we collected about our next launch, appa asked me to check if that was a promising product," I told.

I heard a few shuffling noises before she spoke, "it's here, Jimin-ah, shall I tell someone to drop it off?" I was about to agree until I heard someone else on the call, "eomma, I can't find my ring that Jeon appa gave me 2 years back, did you see it?" it was y/n for sure, so I immediately said eomma that I was coming myself and hung up the call.

You can't escape from me today y/n!

y/n pov

I emotionally blackmailed Jungkook so that he would help me to avoid Jimin and it did really work.

But today, Jungkook informed me that he was going out with his boyfriend, so I came back home so that I could avoid Jimin and also get a few necessary things from there.

Eomma was helping me find my ring when the doorbell rang, "it must be Jimin, he said he will come to get his files," Eomma said as I stood frozen in my place.

One of the maids must have opened the door as I heard Jimin calling for eomma, "come upstairs, I am in y/n's room," she shouted back.

I panicked and the first thing I could think of was leaving the room, "ma, you keep searching, I will be back in a minute," I said and left the room before hearing her reply.

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