Chapter 2

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Author pov

Dalmi was sitting in her usual seat staring at the book in front of her while Taehyung and Jimin were sitting next to her and talking to each other.

They were all waiting for the first bell to ring and the class to start, y/n and Jungkook said that they forgot to get a book for the class and ran to the library.

"Thank God you reminded me of it," Jimin let out a sigh of relief as Taehyung looked at him confused.

"You didn't do the biology homework?" Taehyung asked, they both were talking about the last bio class which was something about snakes and stuff.

"Jimin, don't tell me it's for what I am thinking," Taehyung warned, "of course you are right my buddy," Jimin grinned.

"Yesterday I saw how y/n didn't like when the snake's topic started and it reminded me how she hated reptiles since she was young," Jimin smiled in victory as he successfully placed the fake snake between your books before you came.

Taehyung shook his head at him and let him be as it was nothing new. He also knew that you had put flour in Jimin's locker yesterday before leaving since you knew his passcode, it was easy, it would take him too long to clean his locker.

Taehyung and Jimin noticed that Dalmi was silent for a long time now, "DalMi-ah," Taehyung called out, placing a hand on her shoulder while Jimin wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I know it's hard for you, but know that we are always here for you, hmm?" Taehyung ruffled her hair and smiled at her.

"Dalmi! Y/n and Jungkook are having a fight with your boyfriend on the grounds!" One of their classmates came running into the class.

A few moments earlier

"You go get your book, I have something to do," y/n said, leaving Jungkook at the entrance of the library, Jungkook nodded and walked in while y/n left in search of Taeyang.

Why? Because he cheated on Dalmi and they broke up yesterday, no one still knew about their break-up in school. Yesterday the boys were ready to place a few punches and treat him a lesson but Dalmi stopped them.

But y/n being y/n wanted to do something.

She spotted him sitting on one of the bleachers with his friends. She ran towards him and jumped high in the air. She kicked him right on his cheek, her shoe print was clearly on his cheek now.

Taeyang screamed as he landed on the floor, wincing in pain, he cursed y/n under his breath as he got up from the floor. "Have you lost your mind y/n?!" He yelled at her.

"I am right in my senses it's you who lost his mind," Y/n grinned, satisfied with his bleeding lips and red cheeks.

"You bitch," he cursed and punched y/n on her face.

"How dare you-" y/n touched the corner of her lips and felt wet, seeing the blood on her fingers she cursed under her breath and went to punch him, but a hand went around her waist and her feet was lifted a few centimetres from the ground and was pulled back from Taeyang.

"Noona said to let it go, y/n," Jungkook said, "and you have already kicked him, it's enough," he said, as he placed y/n down and made her face him.

"Noona won't- why are your lips bleeding? Why is your cheek red?" Jungkook asked, panicking a little.

"He punched me," y/n gritted out, "then let's beat him up together," Jungkook walked towards her, "you have messed with 2 of my sisters and I won't let you go, you bastard," Jungkook punched him.

Taeyang fell on the ground as you sat on him, with your legs on either side of him and started punching him with Jungkook.

But again, someone picked you up from him and this time it wasn't Jungkook.

"We talked about this," it was Taehyung this time, you saw Jimin ripping Jungkook from Taeyang who was ready to pass out.

"He punched y/n, hyung," Jungkook shouted, trying to wriggle out of Jimin's grip, but as soon as Jimin heard Jungkook he let him go, Jimin hated when someone raises hands on girls.

But before Jungkook could do anything, DalMi stepped forward, she bent down towards Taeyang and held his collar, making him sit up.

She slapped him, making everyone gasp, she was never the one to do this.

"You cheated on me, but I let it go, maybe I wasn't good enough for you," she gritted out, "Dalmi-" Jimin was ready to protest her, but Dalmi stopped him, showing him her palm.

"But you hit my sister, and how low of you to hit a girl, I know she would have started the fight first, but raising your hand on a girl? Thank God I got to know your true colours before it was too late," she slapped him once more and left the place.

Y/n ran with DalMi, while Jimin walked to Taeyang and grabbed his collar, "if you mess with our girls again, then I won't spare you," he gritted out and yanked him off.

The boys made their way towards the deserted hallway and towards the staircase where no one would come.

Dalmi was hugging y/n and crying on her shoulders.

They comforted her and later were called into the principal's office.

"I would be really grateful if you could call one of your parents," the principal said, handing them the telephone that was in his office.

Y/n was the first to reach it, planning on calling her father, knowing that he wouldn't scold her.

But Jimin took the phone from her, "it's better if I call Jung appa," he said, smirking at y/n, everyone gulped, as he was the only parent who was strict in their families.

After a few minutes, Mr Jung walked in, "what did you all do this time?" He asked, looking at the 5 who were hanging their heads down and his gaze moved to the guy who was badly injured with his parents sitting next to him.

"Jung appa, he punched y/n, so I punched him back," Jungkook started.

"And why did he punch you, y/n?" He asked, looking at y/n.

"I kicked him in the face because he cheated on Dalmi eonni," y/n mumbled.

Mr Jung turned to his daughter for confirmation as she nodded.

After getting a few scoldings from everyone, they exited the room, "treat your wounds first Jungkook and y/n," the elder said, as they both nodded.

I have never written a series with the leads as enemies so please bear with me😅💖

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