Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

I woke up pretty late today since it was the weekend.

After doing my morning routine and taking a shower, I went down to have my breakfast.

The first week it was kinda weird for me to stay here, not that I was uncomfortable with everyone here, I basically grew up with them, but living here in the park mansion was new.

I was skipping down the stairs focusing on my steps so that I don't trip over them. Just when I reached the bottom last stair, my forehead collided with something hard and I was about to fall but a hand grabbed the collar of my sweatshirt and stopped me.

"Look where you are going will you?" Jimin taunted.

"I was looking, you were the one who came in front of me," I frowned.

"I don't have time for this, come with me to kook's place," he said, "why?" I asked, thinking why he was going there and wanted me to go there as well.

"You really don't remember what day it is today?" He asked, "What's the date?" I asked, it's been more than a month since I was keeping up with dates.

"It's his birthday y/n! He is upset that you forgot to wish him," he reminded.

My face immediately fell, how can I forget this! The guilt washed over me, "just a minute, I will change and come," I said and ran upstairs.

I hurriedly took out a white t-shirt and a lavender skirt and changed into it and ran back downstairs.

After informing Eomma that we are leaving, we got into the car.

"Why have you created another group? And why is there only 11 members in it?" Jimin asked, I didn't answer him and texted in the group, Jin oppa and Hobi oppa too asked why was this group created.

"Gather in the Jeon mansion by afternoon, let's watch a movie and go to dinner at our usual place in the evening, my treat," I texted.

"And Jin oppa, make a reservation in the restaurant," I added.

The others texted an 'ok' one by one.

I rang the doorbell and waited with Jimin standing behind me.

The door was opened by a maid.

I ran inside, not even minding removing my shoes, Jungkook was sitting on the couch with Tae oppa.

"Bunny!!" I shouted, gaining everyone's attention, he stood up with his wide bunny smile, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOOKIE!" I jumped on him.

He knew I was gonna jump, so he was prepared.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, my legs around his waist, "thank you carrot."

"I am sorry I am late," I pouted, pulling away, but was still clinging to him.

"It's okay," he pecked my forehead.

"Get down, I still need to wish him," Jimin said, "make me," I shot back, turning a little to look at him.

"Here we go again," I heard Tae oppa mumble.

"Oppa! You are here too!" I said, getting down and went to hug him.

"You met him just yesterday," Jimin scoffed.

"So?" I sat on the couch next to oppa and wrapped my arms around him.

Oppa smiled and put his arm around my shoulder.

Dalmi eonni too came and we all had over breakfast.

Later the others too came, it's been so long since I saw everyone together in a good situation like this.

After having our lunch we all gathered up in the home theatre and we all were bickering over which movie to watch.

Jungkook's parents left a few minutes ago, leaving the home all to ourselves now.

"Our princess will pick which movie to watch," Hobi oppa said, Hobi oppa, Dalmi Eonni, Jin oppa, Jimin, Namjoon oppa were all wanting to watch a romantic movie or more like didn't want to watch the horror movie, even Jisoo eonni who had a tough exterior was always scared of these horror movies.

Yoongi oppa, Injae eonni, Jungkook, Tae oppa, JungMi eonni, wanted to watch the horror movie and even the 5-year-olds, Ari and Jae wanted to watch horror.

"Since it's Kook's birthday today, let's watch horror," I said, "you betrayed me y/n," Jin oppa dramatically said.

Jisoo, Namjoon, Jae, Ari and Injae were sitting in the first row, Yoongi and Tae were laying down on the carpet before them.

Hoseok, Dalmi, Jin and Jimin were sitting in the 2nd row while the troublemaker trio, that is, me, Jungkook and Jungmi were sitting in the last row.

I was eating ice cream, watching the movie. It was a good one. It would have been great if we were able to watch this in 3D since a few scenes were so terrifying that it was so fun.

I could see that the 2nd row, which had the most scaredy cats of our group, was holding onto each other's hand, Hobi oppa was covering his eyes with his free hand, watching the whole movie between his fingers.

An evil idea popped up in my mind. Jimin was sitting right in front of me, so he was the best. I placed my empty ice cream cup on the table next to me and placed my hands on Jimin's shoulders, just when a hand appeared on a person's shoulder in the movie.

Jimin screamed jumping up from his seat, the others too screamed after hearing his scream, while I was laughing my ass off.

"You little piece of shit!" Jimin shouted at me, after realising it was me.

"Good job y/n," Jungmi eonni was too laughing with me now seeing everyone's face.

After the movie, everyone gave the gifts that they bought for Jungkook, I didn't bring anything and that's why I planned the dinner.

We left for dinner, in 3 cars, since it was 14 of us.

"It's been so long since we had our weekly dinner night," Namjoon oppa happily said, "I missed this so much," Jangmi eonni added.

We all took our seats in the private room that oppa booked for us. I always liked to have privacy and others like Yoongi oppa and InJae eonni too were like me.

As we ordered, we started talking, catching up with everything. We were so loud and chaotic, just like usual.

I smiled genuinely after a long time seeing smiles on everyone's faces.

I missed this so much, I realised appa wouldn't like it if I was sad, he would have wanted me to move on.

And he didn't leave me alone, he has shown me a big family who would love me, care for me, and support me in all situations.

It may seem like y/n is a bit too clingy with others but that is how I wanted her character to be with her group of friends.

Happy reading!!💖

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