Chapter 14

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Our teacher was giving us our papers from a test that we wrote a month before. He was on leave for a month and just came back.

He gave an earful for those who scored less and encouraged those who scored good marks.

Now only me, Y/n and our other classmate Jihee were left.

He called us to come front, y/n wasn't looking good, I know she didn't do this test well, she was distracted because of Lee appa's departure that time.

"Y/n scored the 3rd place this time, I expected more from you but considering your situation I will let you off this time, but don't expect the same next time too y/n," he said and gave her her test paper.

The way she gritted her teeth and looked like she was about to flip the table over, I know this triggered her.

"Jihee, congratulations for scoring the 2nd place, keep it up, I am expecting more from you," he smiled at her while y/n was fuming beside me.

"Jimin! I know I could expect this from you, good work and keep up the first place," he patted my shoulder and smiled at me which I returned.

After the class, we all went to our lunch break, y/n, instead of coming with us towards the canteen she went the other way, "where are you going?" Kook asked to which we didn't receive an answer.

The others followed her unsure, we knew this was going to happen when the teacher said she came in 3rd place.

She went to the rooftop, it wasn't student permitted but we did use this place sometimes.

She tore the test paper in her hand into pieces and threw it.

"How can she get second place while I get third place?!" She yelled, "how can someone like her, a mere scholarship student, get more marks than me?!" She shouted.

"It's okay-" Taehyung was cut off by her, "no! No, it's not okay! I! Lee y/n! Lost to some poor bitch! She is in this school only because she got the scholarship while me! I could get into this school with the flip of my finger! But she scored more than me!" She grabbed her hair in her hand and pulled it making it messier.

"Y/n, this is wrong," Dalmi said softly, "this isn't wrong! What's wrong is a poor girl like her is a step above me while it should have been me who is 100 times above her in everything,"  she kicked a glass piece which was laying around which broke into pieces.

Y/n was a spoiled kid by not only her father but all our families, even my hyungs and noonas pamper her so this thought of being above the poor people because she has more money than then was in her mind for a long time.

She never spoke low of them but she can't accept it if they get something that she wants. This had happened once before in middle school when she had a crush on a guy but he liked another girl who wasn't in our status.

Y/n was mad for days about this, but Lee appa talked her out of it.

"Y/n, what's wrong is, you are talking like this, just because she doesn't have as much money as us doesn't mean that she can't get more marks than you, that's so wrong of you to think like this, she is also a girl like you-" "no! She isn't a girl like me! I can get whatever I want within the blink of my eye, but she can't do that, she has to wait for what she wants, but not me! Don't compare me to some piece of shit," she once again cut off Taehyung and spoke.

"Y/N! YOU CAN'T TALK SO LOW OF PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE THEY AREN'T IN OUR STATUS!" Taehyung shouted, which was definitely a wrong move.

Y/n's eyes welled up with tears, a tear rolled down her eyes, she harshly wiped it off and looked at Tae, "you are raising your voice on me for someone so worthless aren't you? Fine! Go hang out with her from now, I hate you oppa," she spoke and ran away from us.

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