Chapter 20

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Jimin pov

Appa was called since he was her guardian at the moment and when he came he shifted her to the hospital.

Eomma was worried sick about her, I thought everyone would blame me for what happened to her but no one even talked to me after I explained what happened to her.

I was so guilty for taking Jiwoo's side even after what she did 2 years ago and destroyed the friendship that I was building with y/n and now she is in the hospital.

I never thought Jiwoo would do it again, I really believed it when she said she had changed and I thought she genuinely apologized to all of us.

Y/n still hasn't woken up yet because of the effect of the medicine they have given her for her head injury.

Min appa immediately came to y/n when he was told about her injury and he ran all the tests on her and confirmed that her head injury wasn't anything serious and it will be healed in a few days.

The sight of y/n bleeding was still replaying in my mind, her blood is all over the shirt I am wearing now, looking at it makes me feel even more worse about all this.

Eomma was inside her room while me and appa were sitting outside her room, appa sent the others home and said that he would give them a call when she wakes up, the others at the University too wanted to come visit her but appa said them to come tomorrow since a lot of visitors at once in the hospital would be disturbing for others.

Eomma came out of the room and looked at me, "she woke up and is asking for you," she said, I thought she would never want to see me anymore.

I gulped as I stood up and made my way into the room, "apologies to her at least now," my mom whispered to me when I entered her room and she left, closing the door behind her.

She was laying there with a bandage wrapped around her forehead and staring at the ceiling.

"Will you please believe what I say now?" She asked, looking at me with pleading eyes, I assumed she would not even look at me but why is she pleading me now?

I slowly nodded, standing beside her, "Jiwoo, she isn't doing all this like last time because she has a crush on you, but she has been tricking you and making us hate you so that you would and the Park family would be separated from us, she wanted to avenge her father's death because she believes her father's company went bankrupt because of Park appa and her father decided to end his life," she slowly said, she was talking with the last bit of energy she had. I wasn't even shocked hearing all this, I don't know what else Jiwoo was capable of doing.

"I believe you y/n, and I am very very sorry for everything that I have done this past month, it was all my fault that all this happened and you are here injured," I teared up.

She lifted her hand, I didn't know for what but I bent down and she put her hand on my head and ran her fingers through my hair, "she used your weakness, she knew you would take her side because of your sister and used it for her advantage, I don't blame you for any of this, I was upset at first but after knowing her motive I don't blame you Jimin," she gave me a weak smile, I never thought y/n would be this mature.

"You forgive me?" I asked her, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

She nodded with a weak smile on her face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much y/n," I hugged her, a tear rolled down my face. I feared my relationship with y/n was over because of what I did, but she forgave me.

After 3 days

y/n was to be discharged today, I made up with all my friends in these 3 days.

"Who is coming to pick me up?" she asked eomma who was packing her stuff.

"I will take you home dear," she said, "to your home?" y/n asked hesitantly. "Yeah, why?" I asked, having a guess where this was going.

"I already made it clear that i am not coming there," she said sitting straight on the hospital bed. "D-didn't you s-say you already forgave m-me," I asked her.

"Yes, I forgave you, but I didn't forget what you said Jimin, I am not coming there after what you said to me," she said looking straight into my eyes. I never knew her words would affect me this much or I never knew my words would affect her.

"y/n, you wont come for me or appa too? We love you dear and we want you there, don't mind what he said, what he said is totally wrong but come for us y/n," eomma said.

y/n said nothing for a few seconds before nodding her head, my mother smiled big and hugged her, I left the room, I was hating myself for everything I said to her over this month.

I walked down the streets for a few minutes with a guard with me and then got a cab and went to the Kim mansion.

I didn't know if Tae was at home or at the library since it was the weekend, thankfully he was home when I went there.

We talked for a few minutes before he noticed that I was upset and asked me what was wrong.

"She will come around soon, but try apologizing to her once again, she was badly hurt that day," he advised.

"I will give her sometime before that, she must be overwhelmed by everything," I said to which he understandably nodded his head.

"You both care so much for each other but just don't realise it," he smiled, "maybe... I didn't know that she would affect me this much, I feel like even though we were always fighting we had this bond and when she started living with me I felt like it was getting stronger, but I ruined it all this month," a single tear rolled down my eyes as his smile dropped.

"I never thought you would agree to what I said, but look Jimin, the bond that we all have with each other was present ever since we can remember and we all know you and y/n secretly cared for each other, don't worry, you can repair your relationship with her, it can't break over something this simple," he hugged me.

I felt better after talking to my best friend but I still had this fear deep down that what if this is the end? What if this is the end of the relationship I had with y/n?

And I ended up sleeping that night in his room with that fear.

Comments please??

Happy reading!💖

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